0N/ACopyright : (c) Martin Erwig, Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 1999-2006
0N/AMaintainer : maeder@tzi.de
0N/AStability : provisional
0N/APortability : portable
0N/A-- | the graph type constructor
0N/Anewtype Gr a b = Gr { toMap ::
Map.Map Node (Adj b, a, Adj b) }
0N/Atype Context' a b = (Adj b, a, Adj b)
0N/Ainstance (Show a,Show b) => Show (Gr a b) where
0N/A show (Gr g) = showGraph g
0N/Ainstance Graph Gr where
0N/A mkGraph vs es = (insEdges es . insNodes vs) empty
334N/A -- more efficient versions of derived class members
334N/A matchAny (Gr g) = if
Map.null g then error "Match Exception, Empty Graph"
0N/A{- self edges are only stored as successors and thus are not
0N/Aconsidered as ingoing edges! -}
0N/Ainstance DynGraph Gr where
0N/A error ("Node Exception, Node: "++show v)
0N/A where s' = filter ((/=v).snd) s
0N/A p' = filter ((/=v).snd) p
0N/A g2 = updAdj g1 p' (addSucc v)
0N/A g3 = updAdj g2 s' (addPred v)
0N/AshowGraph :: (Show a, Show b) => GraphRep a b -> String
0N/AshowGraph gr = unlines $ map (\ (v,(_,l',s)) ->
0N/A show v ++ ":" ++ show l' ++ " ->" ++ show s)
0N/AmatchGr :: Node -> Gr a b -> Decomp Gr a b
0N/A Nothing -> (Nothing, Gr g)
0N/A Just (p,l,s) -> (Just (p',v,l,s), Gr g2)
0N/A where s' = filter ((/=v).snd) s
0N/A p' = filter ((/=v).snd) p
0N/A g1 = updAdj g' s' (clearPred v)
0N/A g2 = updAdj g1 p' (clearSucc v)
0N/AaddSucc :: Node -> b -> Context' a b -> Context' a b
0N/AaddSucc v l (p,l',s) = (p,l',(l,v):s)
334N/AaddPred :: Node -> b -> Context' a b -> Context' a b
334N/AaddPred v l (p,l',s) = ((l,v):p,l',s)
334N/AclearSucc :: Node -> b -> Context' a b -> Context' a b
334N/AclearSucc v _ (p,l,s) = (p,l,filter ((/=v).snd) s)
334N/AclearPred :: Node -> b -> Context' a b -> Context' a b
334N/AclearPred v _ (p,l,s) = (filter ((/=v).snd) p,l,s)
334N/AupdAdj :: GraphRep a b -> Adj b -> (b -> Context' a b -> Context' a b)
334N/A | otherwise = error ("Edge Exception, Node: "++show v)