Graph.hs revision 730e66678ee6e8a83a50b516653f4f7acc116129
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Tree-based implementation of 'Graph' and 'DynGraph' using Data.Map
Copyright : (c) Martin Erwig, Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 1999-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Tree-based implementation of 'Graph' and 'DynGraph' using Data.IntMap
instead of Data.Graph.Inductive.Internal.FiniteMap
module Common.Lib.Graph
( Gr
, convertToMap
, unsafeConstructGr
, getPaths
, getPathsTo
, rmIsolated
) where
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import qualified Data.IntMap as Map
import Data.List (partition)
-- | the graph type constructor
newtype Gr a b = Gr { convertToMap :: Map.IntMap (Adj b, a, Adj b) }
unsafeConstructGr :: Map.IntMap (Adj b, a, Adj b) -> Gr a b
unsafeConstructGr = Gr
type GraphRep a b = Map.IntMap (Context' a b)
type Context' a b = (Adj b, a, Adj b)
instance (Show a,Show b) => Show (Gr a b) where
show (Gr g) = showGraph g
instance Graph Gr where
empty = Gr Map.empty
isEmpty (Gr g) = Map.null g
match = matchGr
mkGraph vs es = (insEdges es . insNodes vs) empty
labNodes = map (\ (v, (_, l, _)) -> (v, l)) . Map.toList . convertToMap
-- more efficient versions of derived class members
matchAny g = case Map.keys $ convertToMap g of
[] -> error "Match Exception, Empty Graph"
h : _ -> let (Just c, g') = matchGr h g in (c, g')
noNodes (Gr g) = Map.size g
nodeRange (Gr g) = case Map.keys g of
[] -> (0, -1)
ks@(h : _) -> (h, last ks)
labEdges =
concatMap (\ (v, (_ ,_ , s)) -> map (\ (l, w) -> (v, w, l)) s)
. Map.toList . convertToMap
instance DynGraph Gr where
(p, v, l, s) & Gr g = let
g1 = Map.insert v (p, l, s) g
g2 = updAdj g1 p $ addSucc v
g3 = updAdj g2 s $ addPred v
in if Map.member v g then error $ "Node Exception, Node: " ++ show v
else Gr g3
showGraph :: (Show a, Show b) => GraphRep a b -> String
showGraph gr = unlines $ map (\ (v, (_, l', s)) ->
show v ++ ":" ++ show l' ++ " ->" ++ show s)
$ Map.toList gr
{- here cyclic edges are omitted as predecessors, thus they only count
as outgoing and not as ingoing! Therefore it is enough that only
successors are filtered during deletions. -}
matchGr :: Node -> Gr a b -> Decomp Gr a b
matchGr v (Gr g) = case Map.lookup v g of
Nothing -> (Nothing, Gr g)
Just (p, l, s) -> let
s' = filter ((/= v) . snd) s
p' = filter ((/= v) . snd) p
g' = Map.delete v g
g1 = updAdj g' s' $ clearPred v
g2 = updAdj g1 p' $ clearSucc v
in (Just (p', v, l, s), Gr g2)
addSucc :: Node -> b -> Context' a b -> Context' a b
addSucc v l (p, l', s) = (p, l', (l, v) : s)
addPred :: Node -> b -> Context' a b -> Context' a b
addPred v l (p, l', s) = ((l, v) : p, l', s)
clearSucc :: Node -> b -> Context' a b -> Context' a b
clearSucc v _ (p, l, s) = (p, l, filter ((/= v) . snd) s)
clearPred :: Node -> b -> Context' a b -> Context' a b
clearPred v _ (p, l, s) = (filter ((/= v) . snd) p, l, s)
updAdj :: GraphRep a b -> Adj b -> (b -> Context' a b -> Context' a b)
-> GraphRep a b
updAdj g [] _ = g
updAdj g ((l,v):vs) f | Map.member v g = updAdj (Map.adjust (f l) v g) vs f
| otherwise = error ("Edge Exception, Node: "++show v)
{- | compute the possible cycle free paths from a start node.
The result paths are given in reverse order! -}
getPaths :: [LEdge b] -> Node -> Gr a b -> [[LEdge b]]
getPaths path src gr = case matchGr src gr of
(Just (_, _, _, s), ng) -> let
in concatMap (\ (lbl, tgt) -> let np = (src, tgt, lbl) : path in
np : getPaths np tgt ng) $ filter ((/= src) . snd) s
_ -> error "getPaths"
-- | compute the possible cycle free paths from a start node to a target node.
getPathsTo :: [LEdge b] -> Node -> Node -> Gr a b -> [[LEdge b]]
getPathsTo path src tgt gr = case matchGr tgt gr of
(Just (p, _, _, _), ng) -> let
(srcEdges, nxtEdges) = partition ((== src) . snd) p
in map (\ (lbl, nxt) -> (nxt, tgt, lbl) : path) srcEdges
++ concatMap (\ (lbl, nxt) -> getPathsTo ((nxt, tgt, lbl) : path)
src nxt ng) nxtEdges
_ -> error "getPathsTo"
-- | remove isolated nodes without edges
rmIsolated :: Gr a b -> Gr a b
rmIsolated (Gr m) = Gr $ Map.filter (\ (p, _, s) -> not (null p && null s)) m