LaTeX_utils.hs revision c6f22c410c60fd91320efeecb62203df5f44dc7a
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Klaus L�ttich, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Useful functions for latex printing
module Common.LaTeX_utils
( sp_braces_latex2
, parens_latex
, brackets_latex
, hang_latex
, nest_latex
, sep_latex
, fsep_latex
, listSep_latex -- then, and
, axiom_width -- =e=, sorts in subsorts
, view_hspace -- structured specs
, (<~>)
, (<\+>)
, hc_sty_hetcasl_keyword -- spec, view, from, then (4)
, hc_sty_casl_keyword -- sort, op, pred, type (5)
, hc_sty_plain_keyword
, hc_sty_axiom -- all symbols
, hc_sty_id -- assoc, comm, when, else, as, qual-ops, ...
, hc_sty_structid -- small-caps for URL and PATH
, hc_sty_comment -- only for Annotations, HasCASL comments
, simple_id_latex -- hc_sty_structid . tokStr
, simple_id_indexed_latex -- with index
, latex_macro
, equals_latex
, comma_latex
, colon_latex
, semi_latex
, space_latex
, casl_keyword_latex -- kinds only
, casl_axiom_latex -- for printDisplayToken_latex, replaces "~"
, casl_normal_latex
, semiT_latex
, commaT_latex
, crossT_latex
, setTab_latex
, tabList_latex -- IMPORTED
, tabbed_nest_latex
, set_tabbed_nest_latex -- with setTab_latex
, tab_hang_latex -- OP_DEFN, Translation, Reduction, view
, setTabWithSpaces_latex -- OP_ITEM, Local, View,
, parens_tab_latex -- parens_latex.set_tabbed_nest_latex
import Common.Id
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.Lib.Pretty
import Common.PrintLaTeX
import Common.LaTeX_funs hiding (startAnno,endAnno)
-- | LaTeX variants
:: PrintLaTeX a => GlobalAnnos -> [a] -> Doc
commaT_latex = listSep_latex comma_latex
semiT_latex = listSep_latex semi_latex
crossT_latex = listSep_latex (space_latex <> hc_sty_axiom "\\times")
listSep_latex :: PrintLaTeX a => Doc -> GlobalAnnos -> [a] -> Doc
listSep_latex p ga = fsep_latex . punctuate p . map (printLatex0 ga)
tabList_latex :: [Doc] -> [Doc]
tabList_latex [] = []
tabList_latex [x] = [startTab_latex <> x <> endTab_latex]
tabList_latex l = let h' = startTab_latex <> head l
l' = last l <>endTab_latex
rema = if null $ tail l
then []
else init $ tail l
in h':rema++[l']
sp_braces_latex2 :: Doc -> Doc
sp_braces_latex2 d =
fcat [casl_normal_latex "\\{"<>d,
casl_normal_latex "\\}"]
-- | a horizontal space as wide as the keyword view followed by a space
view_hspace :: Doc
view_hspace = hspace_latex $ pt_length
(keyword_width "view" + normal_width "~")
-- | print a simple id in SmallCaps
simple_id_latex :: SIMPLE_ID -> Doc
simple_id_latex = hc_sty_structid . tokStr
simple_id_indexed_latex :: SIMPLE_ID -> Doc
simple_id_indexed_latex = hc_sty_structid_indexed . tokStr
parens_tab_latex :: Doc -> Doc
parens_tab_latex = parens_latex . set_tabbed_nest_latex
-- |
-- constant document to start indentation by a LaTeX tab stop
startTab_latex :: Doc
startTab_latex = latex_macro startTab
-- |
-- constant document to end indentation by a LaTeX tab stop
endTab_latex :: Doc
endTab_latex = latex_macro endTab
-- |
-- constant document to set a LaTeX tab stop at this position
setTab_latex :: Doc
setTab_latex = latex_macro setTab
setTabWithSpaces_latex :: Int -> Doc
setTabWithSpaces_latex = latex_macro . setTabWithSpaces
-- |
-- function for nice indentation
tabbed_nest_latex :: Doc -> Doc
tabbed_nest_latex d = startTab_latex <> d <> endTab_latex
-- |
-- function for nice indentation together with starting
set_tabbed_nest_latex :: Doc -> Doc
set_tabbed_nest_latex d = setTab_latex <> tabbed_nest_latex d
tab_nest_latex :: Int -> Doc -> Doc
tab_nest_latex i d = tabbed_nest_latex (nest_latex i d)
tab_hang_latex :: Doc -> Int -> Doc -> Doc
tab_hang_latex d1 i d2 = sep_latex [d1, tab_nest_latex i d2]