LaTeX_funs.hs revision c6f22c410c60fd91320efeecb62203df5f44dc7a
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Klaus L�ttich, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Functions to calculate the length of a given word as it would be
printed with LaTeX according to one of four categories of words
useful for CASL:
* keywords -- all the things that were printed in boldface
* structid -- all the names used in the structured context of CASL
* annotation -- all the comments and annotations of CASL in a smaller font
* axiom -- identifiers in math mode for CASL Basic specs
- itCorrection should be based on a map of character pairs to
corrections and not on one fixed value for every pair
module Common.LaTeX_funs (-- module Common.LaTeX_funs,
-- calc_word_width,
-- Word_type(..),
keyword_width, structid_width, axiom_width,
annotation_width, annotationbf_width, comment_width,
) where
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import Data.Char
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Numeric
import Common.LaTeX_maps
import Common.Lib.Pretty
infixl 6 <\+>, <~>
space_latex_width :: Int
space_latex_width = normal_width " "
{- functions for calculating an interger value according to a given
length in LaTeX units
Units per mm found in: Karsten G�nther, "Einf�hrung in LaTeX2e" (p.376)
calc_line_length :: String -> Int
calc_line_length s =
let (r_unit,r_number) =
(\(x,y) -> (reverse x,reverse y)) $ span isAlpha $ reverse s
unit = case r_unit of
"mm" -> 1
"cm" -> 10
"pt" -> 0.351
"in" -> 25.4
u -> error ( "unknown or unsupported LaTeX unit: " ++ u )
len :: Double
len = read $ map (\c -> case c of ',' -> '.';_ -> c) r_number
in truncate (len * unit * 1000)
pt_length :: Int -> String
pt_length i = showFFloat (Just 3) pt "pt"
where pt :: Float
pt = fromRational (toRational i /351)
{- functions to calculate a word-width in integer with a given word
type or purpose
data Word_type = Keyword | StructId | Normal
| Comment | Annotation | AnnotationBold
| Axiom
deriving (Show,Eq)
calc_word_width :: Word_type -> String -> Int
calc_word_width wt s =
case Map.lookup s wFM of
Just l -> l
Nothing -> sum_char_width_deb ( showString "In map \""
. showsPrec 0 wt
. showString "\" \'") wFM k_wFM s
- correction
where (wFM,k_wFM) = case wt of
Keyword -> (keyword_map,key_keyword_map)
StructId -> (structid_map,key_structid_map)
Comment -> (comment_map,key_comment_map)
Annotation -> (annotation_map,key_annotation_map)
AnnotationBold -> (annotationbf_map,
Axiom -> (axiom_map,key_axiom_map)
Normal -> (normal_map,key_normal_map)
correction = case wt of
Axiom -> itCorrection s
_ -> 0
itCorrection :: String -> Int
itCorrection [] = 0
itCorrection s
| length s < 2 = 0
| otherwise = itCorrection' 0 s
where itCorrection' :: Int -> String -> Int
itCorrection' _ [] = error "itCorrection' applied to empty List"
itCorrection' r ys@(y1:[y2])
| not (isAlphaNum y1) = r
| not (isAlphaNum y2) = r
| otherwise = r + lookupCorrection ys
itCorrection' r (y1:(ys@(y2:_)))
| not (isAlphaNum y1) = itCorrection' r ys
| otherwise =
(r + lookupCorrection (y1:y2:[]))
itCorrection' _ _ = error ("itCorrection' doesn't work with " ++ s)
lookupCorrection str = Map.findWithDefault def_cor str
-- lookupWithDefaultFM correction_map def_cor pc
-- TODO: Build a nice correction map
def_cor = 610
sum_char_width_deb :: (String -> String) -- only used for an hackie debug thing
-> Map.Map String Int
-> Map.Map Char [String] -> String -> Int
sum_char_width_deb _pref_fun cFM key_cFM s = sum_char_width' s 0
where sum_char_width' [] r = r
sum_char_width' [c] r
| c == ' ' = r + lookupWithDefault_cFM "~"
| otherwise = r + lookupWithDefault_cFM (c:[])
sum_char_width' full@(c1:rest@(c2:cs)) r
| isLigature (c1:c2:[]) = case Map.lookup (c1:c2:[]) cFM of
Just l -> sum_char_width' cs (r+l)
Nothing -> sum_char_width' rest nl
| (c1:c2:[]) == "\\ " =
sum_char_width' cs (r + lookupWithDefault_cFM "~")
| c1 == ' ' =
sum_char_width' rest (r + lookupWithDefault_cFM "~")
| otherwise = case prefixIsKey full key_cFM of
Just key -> sum_char_width'
(drop (length key) full)
$ r + (cFM Map.! key)
Nothing -> sum_char_width' rest nl
where nl = r + lookupWithDefault_cFM (c1:[])
lookupWithDefault_cFM s' = case Map.lookup s' cFM of
Nothing -> {- trace
. showString s'
. showString "\' of \""
. showString s)
"\" not found!") -}
Just w -> w
prefixIsKey :: String -> Map.Map Char [String] -> Maybe String
prefixIsKey [] _ = Nothing
prefixIsKey ls@(c:_) key_cFM = case filter (flip isPrefixOf ls)
$ Map.findWithDefault [] c key_cFM of
[] -> Nothing
s : _ -> Just s
isLigature :: String -> Bool
isLigature s
| (length s) /= 2 = False
| otherwise = Map.findWithDefault False s ligatures
keyword_width, structid_width, axiom_width, annotationbf_width,
annotation_width, comment_width, normal_width
:: String -> Int
annotation_width = calc_word_width Annotation
annotationbf_width = calc_word_width AnnotationBold
keyword_width = calc_word_width Keyword
structid_width = calc_word_width StructId
axiom_width = calc_word_width Axiom
comment_width = calc_word_width Comment
normal_width = calc_word_width Normal
-- |
-- LaTeX version of '<+>' with enough space counted. It's choosen the
-- space between keywords which is nearly the average width of a
-- space.
(<\+>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
-- TODO: did not work correctly !!!
d1 <\+> d2 = if isEmpty d1
then (if isEmpty d2
then empty
else d2)
else (if isEmpty d2
then d1
d1 <> casl_normal_latex " " <> d2)
(<~>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
d1 <~> d2 = d1 <> casl_normal_latex "~" <> d2
-- |
-- latex_macro creates a document ('Doc') containing String
-- that has a zero width.
-- So it can be used for LaTeX-macros not needing any space, i.e.
-- @\textit{@ or @}@
latex_macro :: String -> Doc
latex_macro = sp_text 0
comma_latex, semi_latex, space_latex,equals_latex,colon_latex :: Doc
comma_latex = let s = "," in sp_text (normal_width s) s
semi_latex = let s = ";" in sp_text (normal_width s) s
colon_latex = let s = ":" in sp_text (normal_width s) s
space_latex = let s = " " in sp_text (normal_width s) s
equals_latex = hc_sty_axiom "="
braces_latex, parens_latex, brackets_latex, quotes_latex :: Doc -> Doc
braces_latex d = casl_normal_latex "\\{"<>d<>casl_normal_latex "\\}"
parens_latex d = casl_normal_latex "("<>d<>casl_normal_latex ")"
brackets_latex d = casl_normal_latex "["<>d<>casl_normal_latex "]"
quotes_latex d = q <> d <> q
where q = casl_normal_latex "{\\tt{}\\textquotedblright}"
-- nest and hang that do the obvious thing except that they use
-- multiple spaces for indentation and set tabs with spaces
nest_latex :: Int -> Doc -> Doc
nest_latex k = nest (k * space_latex_width)
hang_latex :: Doc -> Int -> Doc -> Doc
hang_latex d1 n d2 = sep_latex [d1, nest_latex n d2]
sep_latex :: [Doc] -> Doc
sep_latex = cat . (cond_punctuate (casl_normal_latex " "))
fsep_latex :: [Doc] -> Doc
fsep_latex = fcat . (cond_punctuate (casl_normal_latex " "))
initial_keyword_latex :: String -> String -> Doc
initial_keyword_latex fs kw =
let fs_w = keyword_width fs
kw_w = keyword_width kw
in if kw_w <= fs_w then
sp_text fs_w kw
sp_text kw_w kw
casl_keyword_latex, casl_annotation_latex, casl_annotationbf_latex,
casl_comment_latex, casl_structid_latex,
casl_normal_latex :: String -> Doc
casl_keyword_latex s = sp_text (keyword_width s) s
casl_annotation_latex s = let s' = conv s
in sp_text (annotation_width s) s'
where conv [] = []
conv (x:xs)
| x == '~' = "\\sim{}"++conv xs
| otherwise = x:conv xs
casl_annotationbf_latex s = sp_text (annotationbf_width s) s
casl_comment_latex s = sp_text (comment_width s) s
casl_structid_latex s = sp_text (structid_width s) s
casl_axiom_latex s = let s' = conv s
in sp_text (axiom_width s') s'
where conv [] = []
conv (x:xs)
| x == '~' = "\\sim{}"++conv xs
| otherwise = x:conv xs
casl_normal_latex s = sp_text (normal_width s) s
-- | form, spec, view, then
hc_sty_hetcasl_keyword :: String -> Doc
hc_sty_hetcasl_keyword str =
sp_text (keyword_width "view") $ "\\" ++ map toUpper str
-- | sort, op, pred, type and its plurals
hc_sty_casl_keyword :: String -> Doc
hc_sty_casl_keyword str =
sp_text (keyword_width "preds") $ "\\" ++ map toUpper str
hc_sty_plain_keyword :: String -> Doc
hc_sty_plain_keyword kw =
latex_macro "\\KW{" <> casl_keyword_latex kw <> latex_macro "}"
hc_sty_small_keyword :: String -> Doc
hc_sty_small_keyword kw =
latex_macro "\\KW{" <> casl_annotationbf_latex kw <> latex_macro "}"
hc_sty_comment, hc_sty_annotation :: Doc -> Doc
hc_sty_comment cm = latex_macro startAnno <> cm <> latex_macro endAnno
hc_sty_annotation = hc_sty_comment
hc_sty_axiom, hc_sty_structid, hc_sty_id,hc_sty_structid_indexed
:: String -> Doc
hc_sty_structid sid = latex_macro "\\SId{"<>sid_doc<>latex_macro "}"
where sid_doc = casl_structid_latex (escape_latex sid)
hc_sty_structid_indexed sid =
latex_macro "\\SIdIndex{"<>sid_doc<>latex_macro "}"
where sid_doc = casl_structid_latex (escape_latex sid)
hc_sty_id i = latex_macro "\\Id{"<>id_doc<>latex_macro "}"
where id_doc = casl_axiom_latex i
hc_sty_axiom ax = latex_macro "\\Ax{"<>ax_doc<>latex_macro "}"
where ax_doc = casl_axiom_latex ax
cond_punctuate :: Doc -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
cond_punctuate _p [] = []
cond_punctuate p (doc:docs) = go doc docs
where go d [] = [d]
go d (e:es) = cond_predicate : go e es
where cond_predicate = if isEmpty d then d else d<>p
-- |
-- makes a \hspace*{String} as Doc with appropiate size
hspace_latex :: String -> Doc
hspace_latex str = sp_text (calc_line_length str) ("\\hspace*{"++str++"}")
-- |
-- a constant String for the start of annotations
startAnno :: String
startAnno = "{\\small{}"
-- |
-- a constant string ending an annotation
endAnno :: String
endAnno = "%@%small@}"
-- moved from PPUtils (used for String instance of PrettyPrint and
-- various other functions that print Strings with special stuff
-- inside)
escape_latex :: String -> String
escape_latex "" = ""
escape_latex (x : xs)
| x == '\\' = "\\textbackslash{}" ++ escape_latex xs
| x == '"' = -- something to prevent german.sty from interpreting '"'
case xs of
[] -> default_quotes []
y:ys | isAlphaNum y -> '`' : '`' : y : escape_latex ys
| isSpace y -> default_quotes (y : escape_latex ys)
| otherwise -> default_quotes (escape_latex xs)
| x `elem` "_%$&{}#" = '\\' : x : escape_latex xs
| x == '~' = "\\Ax{\\sim}" ++ escape_latex xs
| x == '^' = '\\' : x : "{}" ++ escape_latex xs
| x == '|' = "\\textbar{}" ++ escape_latex xs
| otherwise = x : escape_latex xs
where default_quotes = ('\'':) . ('\'':)
escape_comment_latex :: String -> String
escape_comment_latex s
| or $ map (`elem` s) "<>" = ecl s'
| otherwise = s'
where s' = escape_latex s
ecl "" = ""
ecl (x:xs)
| x == '<'
|| x == '>' = "\\Ax{"++x:"}"++ecl xs
| otherwise = x: ecl xs