LaTeX_AS_Annotation.hs revision 03dcda84f16ec6efa751e2cd77fb88648ffaf9d5
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Klaus L�ttich, Christian Maeder, Uni Bremen 2002-2004
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
This module contains all instances of PrintLaTeX for AS_Annotation.hs
module Common.LaTeX_AS_Annotation where
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Print_AS_Annotation
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.Id (Id(..),splitMixToken,Token,nullRange)
import Common.PrintLaTeX
import Common.Lib.Pretty
import Common.PPUtils (printToks)
import Common.Lexer(whiteChars)
import Common.LaTeX_funs
infixl 6 <\\+>
instance PrintLaTeX Annotation where
printLatex0 _ (Unparsed_anno aw at _) =
case at of
Line_anno str ->
case aw of
Comment_start ->
( hc_sty_small_keyword "\\%\\%"
<> casl_comment_latex
(escape_comment_latex str))
Annote_word w -> printLatexLine w $
if all (`elem` whiteChars) str
then empty
else casl_annotation_latex
(escape_comment_latex str)
Group_anno strs ->
case aw of
Comment_start ->
case strs of
[] -> hc_sty_comment
(hc_sty_small_keyword "\\%\\{" <\\+>
hc_sty_small_keyword "\\}\\%")
[x] -> hc_sty_comment (hc_sty_small_keyword "\\%\\{" <>
conv x <> hc_sty_small_keyword "\\}\\%")
xs -> hc_sty_comment
(hc_sty_small_keyword "\\%\\{" <>
latex_macro setTab <>
latex_macro startTab <>
vcat (map conv xs) <>
hc_sty_small_keyword "\\}\\%" <>
latex_macro endTab)
where conv = casl_comment_latex . escape_comment_latex
Annote_word w -> printLatexGroup w $ vcat
$ map (casl_annotation_latex
. escape_latex) strs
printLatex0 ga (Display_anno aa ab _) =
let aa' = printSmallId_orig_latex aa
ab' = fsep_latex $ map printPair $ filter nullSnd ab
in printLatexGroup "display" $ aa' <\\+> ab'
where printPair (s1,s2) = la ("%" ++ lookupDisplayFormat s1)
<\\+> maybe (la s2) pr_tops tops
tops = lookupDisplay ga DF_LATEX aa
la = casl_annotation_latex . escape_latex
pr_tops = fcat . printToks aa printAnnotationToken_latex
nullSnd (_,s2) = not $ null s2
printSmallId_orig_latex (Id toks ids _) =
let ids' = case ids of
[] -> empty
_ -> ((\x -> casl_comment_latex "[" <> x
<> casl_comment_latex "]")
. fcat
. punctuate smallComma_latex
. map (printSmallId_latex ga)) ids
(ts,ps) = splitMixToken toks
pr_tops' =
hcat . map (printToken_latex casl_annotation_latex)
in pr_tops' ts <> ids' <> pr_tops' ps
printLatex0 ga (String_anno aa ab _) =
let aa' = printSmallId_latex ga aa
ab' = printSmallId_latex ga ab
in printLatexLine "string" $ aa' <> smallComma_latex <\\+> ab'
printLatex0 ga (List_anno aa ab ac _) =
let aa' = printSmallId_latex ga aa
ab' = printSmallId_latex ga ab
ac' = printSmallId_latex ga ac
in printLatexLine "list" $ aa' <> smallComma_latex <\\+> ab'
<> smallComma_latex <\\+> ac'
printLatex0 ga (Number_anno aa _) =
let aa' = printSmallId_latex ga aa
in printLatexLine "number" aa'
printLatex0 ga (Float_anno aa ab _) =
let aa' = printSmallId_latex ga aa
ab' = printSmallId_latex ga ab
in printLatexLine "floating" $ aa' <> smallComma_latex <\\+> ab'
printLatex0 ga (Prec_anno pflag ab ac _) =
let aa' = hc_sty_axiom $ showPrecRel pflag
p_list = (\l -> casl_comment_latex "\\{" <> l
<> casl_comment_latex "\\}")
.(punctuate (smallComma_latex<>smallSpace_latex))
.(map (printSmallId_latex ga))
in printLatexGroup "prec" $ p_list ab <\\+> aa' <\\+> p_list ac
printLatex0 ga (Assoc_anno as aa _) =
printLatexGroup (case as of
ALeft -> "left\\_assoc"
ARight -> "right\\_assoc") $ fcat $
punctuate (smallComma_latex<>smallSpace_latex) $
map (printSmallId_latex ga) aa
printLatex0 _ (Label aa _) =
let aa' = vcat $ map (casl_annotation_latex . escape_latex) aa
in latex_macro "\\`" <>
hc_sty_annotation (hc_sty_small_keyword ("\\%(") <>
aa' <> hc_sty_small_keyword ")\\%" )
printLatex0 _ (Semantic_anno sa _) =
printLatexLine (lookupSemanticAnno sa) empty
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- utilities
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
printAnnotationToken_latex :: Token -> Doc
printAnnotationToken_latex = printDisplayToken_latex casl_annotation_latex
smallSpace_latex :: Doc
smallSpace_latex = casl_comment_latex " "
smallComma_latex :: Doc
smallComma_latex = casl_comment_latex ","
(<\\+>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
d1 <\\+> d2 = if isEmpty d1
then (if isEmpty d2
then empty
else d2)
else (if isEmpty d2
then d1
d1 <> smallSpace_latex <> d2)
printSmallId_latex :: GlobalAnnos -> Id -> Doc
printSmallId_latex ga i@(Id tops ids _) =
let ids' = case ids of
[] -> empty
_ -> ((\x -> casl_comment_latex "[" <> x
<> casl_comment_latex "]")
. fcat
. punctuate smallComma_latex
. map (printSmallId_latex ga)) ids
(ts,ps) = splitMixToken tops
pr_tops = fcat . map (printToken_latex casl_annotation_latex)
in maybe (pr_tops ts <> ids' <> pr_tops ps)
(fcat . printToks i printAnnotationToken_latex)
(lookupDisplay ga DF_LATEX i)
printLatexGroup :: String -> Doc -> Doc
printLatexGroup kw grp =
hc_sty_annotation (hc_sty_small_keyword ("\\%"++kw++"(")
<> latex_macro setTab <> latex_macro startTab
<> grp<> hc_sty_small_keyword ")\\%"
<> latex_macro endTab)
printLatexLine :: String -> Doc -> Doc
printLatexLine kw line =
hc_sty_annotation (if isEmpty line then kw_d else kw_d <\\+> line)
where kw_d = hc_sty_small_keyword ("\\%"++kw)
printAnnotationList_Latex0 :: GlobalAnnos -> [Annotation] -> Doc
printAnnotationList_Latex0 ga l = (vcat $ map (printLatex0 ga) l)
instance (PrintLaTeX a) => PrintLaTeX (Annoted a) where
printLatex0 ga (Annoted i _ las ras) =
let i' = printLatex0 ga i
las' = printAnnotationList_Latex0 ga las
(la,ras') = splitAndPrintRAnnos printLatex0
(latex_macro "\\`" <>) empty
ga ras
la' = hspace_latex "3mm"<>la
leftASF = if null las then id else ($+$) las'
rightASF = if null ras then id else (\x -> x $$ ras')
in leftASF ( rightASF (if isEmpty la then i' else fcat [i',la']))
instance PrintLaTeX s => PrintLaTeX (Named s) where
printLatex0 ga (NamedSen{senName = label, sentence = s}) =
printLatex0 ga s <\+> printLatex0 ga (Label [label] nullRange)
-- |
-- makes a \hspace*{String} as Doc with appropiate size
hspace_latex :: String -> Doc
hspace_latex str = sp_text (calc_line_length str) ("\\hspace*{"++str++"}")