Id.hs revision c7e03d0708369f944b6f235057b39142a21599f2
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : positions, simple and mixfix identifiers
Copyright : (c) Klaus L�ttich and Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2002-2003
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
This module supplies positions, simple and mixfix identifiers.
A simple identifier is a lexical token given by a string and a start position.
- A 'place' is a special token within mixfix identifiers.
- A mixfix identifier may have a compound list.
This compound list follows the last non-place token!
- Identifiers fixed for all logics
module Common.Id where
import Data.Char
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
-- do use in data types that derive d directly
data Pos = SourcePos
{ sourceName :: String
, sourceLine :: !Int
, sourceColumn :: !Int
} deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show Pos where
showsPrec _ = showPos
-- | position lists with trivial equality
newtype Range = Range { rangeToList :: [Pos] }
-- let InlineAxioms recognize positions
instance Show Range where
show _ = "nullRange"
-- ignore all ranges in comparisons
instance Eq Range where
_ == _ = True
-- Ord must be consistent with Eq
instance Ord Range where
compare _ _ = EQ
nullRange :: Range
nullRange = Range []
isNullRange :: Range -> Bool
isNullRange = null . rangeToList
appRange :: Range -> Range -> Range
appRange (Range l1) (Range l2) = Range $ l1 ++ l2
concatMapRange :: (a -> Range) -> [a] -> Range
concatMapRange f = Range . concatMap (rangeToList . f)
-- | construct a new position
newPos :: String -> Int -> Int -> Pos
newPos = SourcePos
-- | increment the column counter
incSourceColumn :: Pos -> Int -> Pos
incSourceColumn (SourcePos s l c) i = SourcePos s l (c + i)
-- | show a position
showPos :: Pos -> ShowS
showPos p = let name = sourceName p
line = sourceLine p
column = sourceColumn p
in noShow (null name) (showString name . showChar ':') .
noShow (line == 0 && column == 0)
(shows line . showChar '.' . shows column)
-- * Tokens as 'String's with positions that are ignored for 'Eq' and 'Ord'
-- | tokens as supplied by the scanner
data Token = Token { tokStr :: String
, tokPos :: Range
} deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show Token where
show = tokStr
-- | simple ids are just tokens
type SIMPLE_ID = Token
-- | construct a token without position from a string
mkSimpleId :: String -> Token
mkSimpleId s = Token s nullRange
isSimpleToken :: Token -> Bool
isSimpleToken t = case tokStr t of
c : r -> isAlpha c || isDigit c && null r || c == '\''
"" -> False
-- | collect positions
catPosAux :: [Token] -> [Pos]
catPosAux = concatMap (rangeToList . tokPos)
-- | collect positions as range
catPos :: [Token] -> Range
catPos = Range . catPosAux
-- | shortcut to get positions of surrounding and interspersed tokens
toPos :: Token -> [Token] -> Token -> Range
toPos o l c = catPos $ o : l ++ [c]
-- * placeholder stuff
-- | the special 'place'
place :: String
place = "__"
-- | is a 'place' token
isPlace :: Token -> Bool
isPlace (Token t _) = t == place
placeTok :: Token
placeTok = mkSimpleId place
-- * equality symbols
-- | also a definition indicator
equalS :: String
equalS = "="
-- | mind spacing i.e. in @e =e= e@
exEqual :: String
exEqual = "=e="
-- | token for type annotations
typeTok :: Token
typeTok = mkSimpleId ":"
-- * mixfix identifiers with compound lists and its range
-- | mixfix and compound identifiers
data Id = Id
{ getTokens :: [Token]
, getComps :: [Id]
, rangeOfId :: Range }
-- pos of square brackets and commas of a compound list
instance Show Id where
showsPrec _ = showId
-- | construct an 'Id' from a token list
mkId :: [Token] -> Id
mkId toks = Id toks [] nullRange
mkInfix :: String -> Id
mkInfix s = mkId [placeTok, mkSimpleId s, placeTok]
-- | a prefix for generated names
genNamePrefix :: String
genNamePrefix = "gn_"
-- | create a generated simple identifier
genToken :: String -> Token
genToken str = mkSimpleId $ genNamePrefix ++ str
-- | create a generated identifier
genName :: String -> Id
genName str = mkId [genToken str]
-- | tests whether a Token is already a generated one
isGeneratedToken :: Token -> Bool
isGeneratedToken (Token t _ ) =
case t of
'g':'n':'_': _ -> True
_ -> False
-- | append a number to the first token of a (possible compound) Id,
-- | or generate a new identifier for 'invisible' ones
appendNumber :: Id -> Int -> Id
appendNumber (Id tokList idList range) nr = let
genTok tList tList1 n = case tList of
[] -> [mkSimpleId$ genNamePrefix ++ "_" ++ (show n)]
--for invisible identifiers, because '_n' is not a legal identifier
tok:tokens ->
if isPlace tok then genTok tokens (tList1++[tok]) n
else if (isGeneratedToken tok) then
tList1 ++ [tok{tokStr = tokStr tok ++(show n) }] ++tokens
--to avoid gn_gn_
tList1 ++ [tok{tokStr = genNamePrefix++(tokStr tok)++(show n) }]
++ tokens
in Id (genTok tokList [] nr) idList range
-- | the name of injections
injToken :: Token
injToken = genToken "inj"
injName :: Id
injName = mkId [injToken]
mkUniqueName :: Token -> [Id] -> Id
mkUniqueName t is =
Id [foldl (\ (Token s1 r1) (Token s2 r2) ->
Token (s1 ++ "_" ++ s2) $ appRange r1 r2) t
$ concatMap getTokens is]
(let css = filter (not . null) $ map getComps is
in case css of
[] -> []
h : r -> if all (== h) r then h else concat css)
(foldl appRange nullRange $ map rangeOfId is)
-- | the name of projections
projToken :: Token
projToken = genToken "proj"
projName :: Id
projName = mkId [projToken]
mkUniqueProjName :: Id -> Id -> Id
mkUniqueProjName from to = mkUniqueName projToken [from, to]
mkUniqueInjName :: Id -> Id -> Id
mkUniqueInjName from to = mkUniqueName injToken [from, to]
isInjName :: Id -> Bool
isInjName = isPrefixOf (show injName) . show
-- ignore positions
instance Eq Id where
Id tops1 ids1 _ == Id tops2 ids2 _ = (tops1, ids1) == (tops2, ids2)
-- ignore positions
instance Ord Id where
Id tops1 ids1 _ <= Id tops2 ids2 _ = (tops1, ids1) <= (tops2, ids2)
-- | the postfix type identifier
typeId :: Id
typeId = mkId [placeTok, typeTok]
-- | the invisible application rule with two places
applId :: Id
applId = mkId [placeTok, placeTok]
-- | the infix equality identifier
eqId :: Id
eqId = mkInfix equalS
exEq :: Id
exEq = mkInfix exEqual
-- ** show stuff
-- | shortcut to suppress output for input condition
noShow :: Bool -> ShowS -> ShowS
noShow b s = if b then id else s
-- | intersperse seperators
showSepList :: ShowS -> (a -> ShowS) -> [a] -> ShowS
showSepList _ _ [] = id
showSepList _ f [x] = f x
showSepList s f (x:r) = f x . s . showSepList s f r
-- | shows a compound list
showIds :: [Id] -> ShowS
showIds is = noShow (null is) $ showString "["
. showSepList (showString ",") showId is
. showString "]"
-- | shows an 'Id', puts final places behind a compound list
showId :: Id -> ShowS
showId (Id ts is _) =
let (toks, places) = splitMixToken ts
showToks = showSepList id $ showString . tokStr
in showToks toks . showIds is . showToks places
-- ** splitting identifiers
-- | splits off the front and final places
splitMixToken :: [Token] -> ([Token],[Token])
splitMixToken [] = ([], [])
splitMixToken (h:l) =
let (toks, pls) = splitMixToken l
in if isPlace h && null toks
then (toks, h:pls)
else (h:toks, pls)
-- | return open and closing list bracket and a compound list
-- from a bracket 'Id' (parsed by 'Common.Anno_Parser.caslListBrackets')
getListBrackets :: Id -> ([Token], [Token], [Id])
getListBrackets (Id b cs _) =
let (b1, rest) = break isPlace b
b2 = if null rest then []
else filter (not . isPlace) rest
in (b1, b2, cs)
-- ** reconstructing token lists
{- | reconstruct a list with surrounding strings and interspersed
commas with proper position information that should be preserved
by the input function -}
expandPos :: (Token -> a) -> (String, String) -> [a] -> Range -> [a]
-- expandPos f ("{", "}") [a,b] [(1,1), (1,3), 1,5)] =
-- [ t"{" , a , t"," , b , t"}" ] where t = f . Token (and proper positions)
expandPos f (o, c) ts (Range ps) =
if null ts then if null ps then map (f . mkSimpleId) [o, c]
else map f (zipWith Token [o, c] [Range [head ps] , Range [last ps]])
else let n = length ts + 1
diff = n - length ps
commas j = if j == 2 then [c] else "," : commas (j - 1)
ocs = o : commas n
seps = map f (if diff == 0 then
zipWith ( \ s p -> Token s (Range [p]))
ocs ps else map mkSimpleId ocs)
in head seps : concat (zipWith (\ t s -> [t,s]) ts (tail seps))
-- | reconstruct the token list of an 'Id'
-- including square brackets and commas of (nested) compound lists.
getPlainTokenList :: Id -> [Token]
getPlainTokenList = getTokenList place
-- | reconstruct the token list of an 'Id'.
-- Replace top-level places with the input String
getTokenList :: String -> Id -> [Token]
getTokenList placeStr (Id ts cs ps) =
let convert = map (\ t -> if isPlace t then t {tokStr = placeStr} else t)
-- reconstruct tokens of a compound list
-- although positions will be replaced (by scan)
getCompoundTokenList comps = concat .
expandPos (:[]) ("[", "]") (map getPlainTokenList comps)
in if null cs then convert ts else
let (toks, pls) = splitMixToken ts in
convert toks ++ getCompoundTokenList cs ps ++ convert pls
-- ** conversion from 'SIMPLE_ID'
-- | a 'SIMPLE_ID' as 'Id'
simpleIdToId :: SIMPLE_ID -> Id
simpleIdToId sid = mkId [sid]
-- | a string as 'Id'
stringToId :: String -> Id
stringToId = simpleIdToId . mkSimpleId
-- | efficiently test for a singleton list
isSingle :: [a] -> Bool
isSingle l = case l of
[_] -> True
_ -> False
-- | test for a 'SIMPLE_ID'
isSimpleId :: Id -> Bool
isSimpleId (Id ts cs _) = null cs && case ts of
[t] -> isSimpleToken t
_ -> False
-- ** fixity stuff
-- | number of 'place' in 'Id'
placeCount :: Id -> Int
placeCount (Id tops _ _) = length $ filter isPlace tops
-- | has a 'place'
isMixfix :: Id -> Bool
isMixfix (Id tops _ _) = any isPlace tops
-- | 'Id' starts with a 'place'
begPlace :: Id -> Bool
begPlace (Id toks _ _) = not (null toks) && isPlace (head toks)
-- | 'Id' ends with a 'place'
endPlace :: Id -> Bool
endPlace (Id toks _ _) = not (null toks) && isPlace (last toks)
-- | starts with a 'place'
isPostfix :: Id -> Bool
isPostfix (Id tops _ _) = not (null tops) && isPlace (head tops)
&& not (isPlace (last tops))
-- | starts and ends with a 'place'
isInfix :: Id -> Bool
isInfix (Id tops _ _) = not (null tops) && isPlace (head tops)
&& isPlace (last tops)
-- * position stuff
-- | compute a meaningful single position from an 'Id' for diagnostics
posOfId :: Id -> Range
posOfId (Id ts _ (Range ps)) =
Range $ let l = filter (not . isPlace) ts
in (if null l then
-- for invisible "__ __" (only places)
catPosAux ts
else catPosAux l) ++ ps
-- | get a reasonable position for a list
posOf :: PosItem a => [a] -> Range
posOf = Range . concatMap getPosList
-- | get a reasonable position for a list with an additional position list
firstPos :: PosItem a => [a] -> Range -> Range
firstPos l (Range ps) = Range (rangeToList (posOf l) ++ ps)
---- helper class -------------------------------------------------------
{- | This class is derivable with DrIFT.
Its main purpose is to have a function that operates on
constructors with a 'Pos' or list of 'Pos' field. During parsing, mixfix
analysis and ATermConversion this function might be very useful.
class PosItem a where
getRange :: a -> Range
getRange _ = nullRange -- default implementation
getPosList :: PosItem a => a -> [Pos]
getPosList = rangeToList . getRange
-- handcoded instance
instance PosItem Token where
getRange (Token _ p) = p
-- handcoded instance
instance PosItem Id where
getRange = posOfId
-- handcoded instance
instance PosItem ()
-- default is ok