IRI.hs revision 80875f917d741946a39d0ec0b5721e46ba609823
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{- |
Module : ./Common/IRI.hs
Copyright : (c) DFKI GmbH 2012
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Eugen Kuksa <>
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
This module defines functions for handling IRIs. It was adopted
from the Network.URI module by Graham Klyne, but is extended to IRI
support [2] and CURIE [3].
Four methods are provided for parsing different
kinds of IRI string (as noted in [1], [2]):
An additional method is provided for parsing an abbreviated IRI according to
[3]: 'parseIRICurie'
Additionally, classification of full, abbreviated and simple IRI is provided.
The abbreviated syntaxes [3] provide three different kinds of IRI.
(1) <>
(2) <>
(3) <>
module Common.IRI
( IRI (..)
, IRIAuth (IRIAuth)
, nullIRI
, iriToStringUnsecure
, iriToStringShortUnsecure
, hasFullIRI
, isSimple
, addSuffixToIRI
-- * Parsing
, iriParser
, angles
, iriCurie
, compoundIriCurie
, parseCurie
, parseIRICurie
, parseIRIReference
, parseIRI
, ncname
, expandCurie
, relativeTo
, relativeFrom
-- * Conversion
, simpleIdToIRI
, deleteQuery
, setAngles
-- * methods from OWL2.AS
, isNullIRI
, iRIRange
, showIRI
, showIRICompact
, showIRIFull
, dummyIRI
, mkIRI
, idToIRI
, setPrefix
) where
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Data.Char
import Data.Data
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Map as Map (Map, lookup)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Monad (when)
import OWL2.ColonKeywords
import OWL2.Keywords
import Common.Id as Id
import Common.Lexer
import Common.Parsec
import Common.Percent
import Common.Token (mixId, comps)
-- * The IRI datatype
{- | Represents a general universal resource identifier using
its component parts.
For example, for the (full) IRI
> foo://
or the abbreviated IRI
> prefix:iriPath?iriQuery#iriFragment
or the simple IRI
> iriPath
data IRI = IRI
{ iriScheme :: String -- ^ @foo:@
, iriAuthority :: Maybe IRIAuth -- ^ @\/\/anonymous\
, iriPath :: Id -- ^ local part @\/ghc@
, iriQuery :: String -- ^ @?query@
, iriFragment :: String -- ^ @#frag@
, prefixName :: String -- ^ @prefix@
, isAbbrev :: Bool -- ^ is the IRI a CURIE or not?
, isBlankNode :: Bool -- ^ is the IRI a blank node?
, hasAngles :: Bool -- ^ IRI in angle brackets
, iriPos :: Range -- ^ position
} deriving (Typeable, Data)
-- | Type for authority value within a IRI
data IRIAuth = IRIAuth
{ iriUserInfo :: String -- ^ @anonymous\@@
, iriRegName :: String -- ^
, iriPort :: String -- ^ @:42@
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable, Data)
-- | Blank IRI
nullIRI :: IRI
nullIRI = IRI
{ iriScheme = ""
, iriAuthority = Nothing
, iriPath = mkId []
, iriQuery = ""
, iriFragment = ""
, prefixName = ""
, isAbbrev = False
, isBlankNode = False
, hasAngles = False
, iriPos = nullRange
-- | check that we have a full (possibly expanded) IRI (i.e. for comparisons)
hasFullIRI :: IRI -> Bool
hasFullIRI i = not . null $ iriScheme i ++ (show $ iriPath i)
{- | check that we have a simple IRI that is a (possibly expanded) abbreviated IRI
without prefix -}
isSimple :: IRI -> Bool
isSimple i = null (prefixName i) && isAbbrev i
{- IRI as instance of Show. Note that for security reasons, the default
behaviour should suppress any iuserinfo field (see RFC3986, section 7.5).
But we don't do this since we use iriToStringUnsecure all over the place
anyway. -}
instance Show IRI where
showsPrec _ = iriToString id
-- equal iff expansion is equal or abbreviation is equal
instance Eq IRI where
(==) i j = compare i j == EQ
-- compares full/expanded IRI (if expanded) or abbreviated part if not expanded
instance Ord IRI where
compare i k = case (hasFullIRI i, hasFullIRI k) of
(False, False) -> comparing
(\ j -> (prefixName j, iriPath j, iriQuery j, iriFragment j))
i k
_ -> comparing (\ j ->
(iriScheme j, iriAuthority j, iriPath j,
iriQuery j, iriFragment j)) i k
-- |converts IRI to String of expanded form. if available. Also showing Auth
iriToStringUnsecure :: IRI -> String
iriToStringUnsecure i = iriToString id i ""
{- |converts IRI to String of abbreviated form. if available.
Also showing Auth info. -}
iriToStringShortUnsecure :: IRI -> String
iriToStringShortUnsecure i = iriToStringShort id i ""
instance GetRange IRI where
getRange = iriPos
-- | Converts a Simple_ID to an IRI
simpleIdToIRI :: SIMPLE_ID -> IRI
simpleIdToIRI sid = nullIRI { iriPath = simpleIdToId sid
, iriPos = tokPos sid
, isAbbrev = True
-- * new functions for OWL.AS
-- | check that we have a nullIRI
isNullIRI :: IRI -> Bool
isNullIRI i = i == nullIRI
-- | set the Range attribute of IRIs
setIRIRange :: Range -> IRI -> IRI
setIRIRange r i = i { iriPos = r }
-- | checks if a string (bound to be localPart of an IRI) contains \":\/\/\"
cssIRI :: String -> String
cssIRI i
| isInfixOf "://" i = "Full"
| otherwise = "Abbreviated"
iRIRange :: IRI -> [Pos]
iRIRange i = let Range rs = iriPos i in case rs of
[p] -> let
p0 = if hasFullIRI i then Id.incSourceColumn p (-1) else p
in tokenRange $ Token (showIRI i) $ Range [p0]
_ -> rs
showIRI :: IRI -> String
showIRI i
| hasFullIRI i = showIRIFull i
| otherwise = showIRICompact i
-- | show IRI as abbreviated, when possible
showIRICompact :: IRI -> String
showIRICompact i
| hasFullIRI i && not (isAbbrev i) = showIRIFull i
| not $ null $ iriQuery i = tail $ iriQuery i
| otherwise = showIRIAbbrev i
showIRIAbbrev :: IRI -> String
showIRIAbbrev i = iriToStringAbbrev i ""
-- don't duplicate code
-- | show IRI in angle brackets as full IRI
showIRIFull :: IRI -> String
showIRIFull i = iriToStringFull id i ""
-- this should behave like show, and there we use id
-- | a default ontology name
dummyIRI :: IRI
dummyIRI = nullIRI {
iriScheme = "http"
, iriAuthority = Just IRIAuth
{ iriUserInfo = ""
, iriRegName = ""
, iriPort = "" }
, iriPath = stringToId "/ontology/unamed"
mkIRI :: String -> IRI
mkIRI = simpleIdToIRI. mkSimpleId
idToIRI :: Id -> IRI
idToIRI i = nullIRI { iriScheme = ""
, iriAuthority = Nothing
, iriPath = i
, isAbbrev = True
setPrefix :: String -> IRI -> IRI
setPrefix s i = i{prefixName = s}
-- * Parse an IRI
{- | Turn a string containing an RFC3987 IRI into an 'IRI'.
Returns 'Nothing' if the string is not a valid IRI;
(an absolute IRI with optional fragment identifier). -}
parseIRI :: String -> Maybe IRI
parseIRI = parseIRIAny iriParser
{- | Parse a IRI reference to an 'IRI' value.
Returns 'Nothing' if the string is not a valid IRI reference.
(an absolute or relative IRI with optional fragment identifier). -}
parseIRIReference :: String -> Maybe IRI
parseIRIReference = parseIRIAny iriReference
-- | Turn a string containing a CURIE into an 'IRI'
parseCurie :: String -> Maybe IRI
parseCurie = parseIRIAny curie
{- | Turn a string containing an IRI or a CURIE into an 'IRI'.
Returns 'Nothing' if the string is not a valid IRI;
(an absolute IRI enclosed in '<' and '>' with optional fragment identifier
or a CURIE). -}
parseIRICurie :: String -> Maybe IRI
parseIRICurie = parseIRIAny iriCurie
-- Helper function for turning a string into a IRI
parseIRIAny :: IRIParser () IRI -> String -> Maybe IRI
parseIRIAny parser iristr = case parse (parser << eof) "" iristr of
Left _ -> Nothing
Right u -> Just u { iriPos = nullRange }
-- * IRI parser body based on Parsec elements and combinators
-- Parser parser type. Currently:
type IRIParser st a = GenParser Char st a
-- RFC3986, section 2.1
-- | Parse and return a 'pct-encoded' sequence
escaped :: IRIParser st String
escaped = char '%' <:> hexDigit <:> single hexDigit
-- RFC3986, section 2.2
subDelims :: IRIParser st String
subDelims = single $ oneOf subDelim
-- RFC3986, section 2.3
{- |Returns 'True' if the character is an \"unreserved\" character in
a IRI. These characters do not need to be escaped in a IRI. The
only characters allowed in a IRI are either \"reserved\",
\"unreserved\", or an escape sequence (@%@ followed by two hex digits). -}
isIUnreserved :: Char -> Bool
isIUnreserved c = isUnreserved c || isUcsChar c
iunreservedChar :: IRIParser st String
iunreservedChar = single $ satisfy isIUnreserved
iriWithPos :: IRIParser st IRI -> IRIParser st IRI
iriWithPos parser = do
p <- getPos
i <- parser
q <- getPos
return $ i {iriPos = appRange (Range [p, q]) $ iriPos i}
-- | Parses an IRI reference enclosed in '<', '>' or a CURIE
iriCurie :: IRIParser st IRI
iriCurie = angles iriParser <|> curie
compoundIriCurie :: IRIParser st IRI
compoundIriCurie = angles iriParser <|> compoundCurie
angles :: IRIParser st IRI -> IRIParser st IRI
angles p = char '<' >> fmap (\ i -> i { hasAngles = True }) p << char '>'
-- | Parses a CURIE possibly followed by components of a compound Id
compoundCurie :: IRIParser st IRI
compoundCurie = do
i <- curie
(c, p) <- option ([], nullRange) (comps ([], []))
return i { iriPath = addComponents (iriPath i) (c,p),
isBlankNode = prefixName i == "_" }
-- | Parses a CURIE <>
curie :: IRIParser st IRI
curie = iriWithPos $ do
pn <- try (do
n <- ncname
c <- string ":"
return $ n ++ c
i <- reference
return i { prefixName = pn }
<|> referenceAux False
reference :: IRIParser st IRI
reference = referenceAux True
dolChar :: IRIParser st String
dolChar = ucharAux True "@:"
referenceAux :: Bool -> IRIParser st IRI
referenceAux allowEmpty = iriWithPos $ do
up <- option "" (single $ char '/')
<++> option "" ((dolChar <|> count 1 digit) <++>
flat (many $ ucharAux True "@:/.-"))
uq <- option "" uiquery
uf <- (if allowEmpty || not (null up) || not (null uq)
then option "" else id) uifragment
let iri = nullIRI
{ iriPath = stringToId up
, iriQuery = uq
, iriFragment = uf
, isAbbrev = True
return iri
{- | Prefix part of CURIE in @prefix_part:reference@
<> -}
ncname :: GenParser Char st String
ncname = nameStartChar <:> many nameChar
nameStartChar :: GenParser Char st Char
nameStartChar = satisfy nameStartCharP
nameChar :: GenParser Char st Char
nameChar = satisfy nameCharP
{- NOTE: Usually ':' is allowed. Here, only ncname uses nameStartChar, however.
Thus we disallow ':' -}
nameStartCharP :: Char -> Bool
nameStartCharP c =
(c == '_') || -- W3C: (c `elem` ":_") ||
pnCharsBaseP c
nameCharP :: Char -> Bool
nameCharP c = nameStartCharP c || c `elem` "-." || pnCharsPAux c
Section 4.1 -}
pnCharsBaseP :: Char -> Bool
pnCharsBaseP c =
let n = ord c in
isAlphaChar c ||
(0x00C0 <= n && n <= 0x00D6) ||
(0x00D8 <= n && n <= 0x00F6) ||
(0x00F8 <= n && n <= 0x02FF) ||
(0x0370 <= n && n <= 0x037D) ||
(0x037F <= n && n <= 0x1FFF) ||
(0x200C <= n && n <= 0x200D) ||
(0x2070 <= n && n <= 0x218F) ||
(0x2C00 <= n && n <= 0x2FEF) ||
(0x3001 <= n && n <= 0xD7FF) ||
(0xF900 <= n && n <= 0xFDCF) ||
(0xFDF0 <= n && n <= 0xFFFD) ||
(0x10000 <= n && n <= 0xEFFFF)
pnCharsPAux :: Char -> Bool
pnCharsPAux c =
let n = ord c in
isDigit c ||
(n == 0x00B7) ||
(0x0300 <= n && n <= 0x036F) ||
(0x203F <= n && n <= 0x2040)
-- RFC3987, section 2.2
-- IRI = scheme ":" ihier-part [ "?" iquery ] [ "#" ifragment ]
{- ihier-part = "//" iauthority ipath-abempty
/ ipath-absolute
/ ipath-rootless
/ ipath-empty -}
iriParser :: IRIParser st IRI
iriParser = iriWithPos $ do
us <- try uscheme
(ua, up) <- ihierPart
uq <- option "" uiquery
uf <- option "" uifragment
return nullIRI
{ iriScheme = us
, iriAuthority = ua
, iriPath = up
, iriQuery = uq
, iriFragment = uf
ihierPart :: IRIParser st (Maybe IRIAuth, Id)
ihierPart = ihierOrIrelativePart
<|> fmap (\ s -> (Nothing, s)) ihierPartNoAuth
ihierOrIrelativePart :: IRIParser st (Maybe IRIAuth, Id)
ihierOrIrelativePart =
try (string "//") >> pair uiauthority ipathAbEmpty
ihierPartNoAuth :: IRIParser st Id
ihierPartNoAuth = ipathAbs <|> ipathRootLessId <|> (return $ stringToId "")
-- RFC3986, section 3.1
uscheme :: IRIParser st String
uscheme = satisfy isAlphaChar <:> many (satisfy isSchemeChar) <++> string ":"
-- RFC3987, section 2.2
uiauthority :: IRIParser st (Maybe IRIAuth)
uiauthority = do
uu <- option "" (try iuserinfo)
uh <- ihost
up <- option "" port
return $ Just IRIAuth
{ iriUserInfo = uu
, iriRegName = uh
, iriPort = up
-- RFC3987, section 2.2
iuserinfo :: IRIParser st String
iuserinfo = flat (many $ uchar ";:&=+$,") <++> string "@"
-- RFC3987, section 2.2
ihost :: IRIParser st String
ihost = ipLiteral <|> try ipv4address <|> iregName
ipLiteral :: IRIParser st String
ipLiteral = char '[' <:> (ipv6address <|> ipvFuture) <++> string "]"
<?> "IP address literal"
ipvFuture :: IRIParser st String
ipvFuture = char 'v' <:> hexDigit <:> char '.'
<:> many1 (satisfy isIpvFutureChar)
isIpvFutureChar :: Char -> Bool
isIpvFutureChar c = isUnreserved c || elem c (':' : subDelim)
ipv6address :: IRIParser st String
ipv6address = do
hs <- countMinMax 0 7 h4c
fmap (concat hs ++) $ case length hs of
7 -> h4 <|> string ":"
6 -> ipv4address <|> char ':' <:> (h4 <|> return "")
0 -> string "::" <++> ipv6rest 7
n -> char ':' <:> ipv6rest (7 - n)
<?> "IPv6 address"
ipv6rest :: Int -> IRIParser st String
ipv6rest m = do
fs <- countMinMax 0 (m - 1) h4c
fmap (concat fs ++) $ if null fs then
ipv4address <|> h4 <|> return ""
else if length fs == m - 1 then h4 else
ipv4address <|> h4
h4c :: IRIParser st String
h4c = try $ h4 <++> string ":"
h4 :: IRIParser st String
h4 = countMinMax 1 4 hexDigit
ipv4address :: IRIParser st String
ipv4address = try (decOctet <++> string "."
<++> decOctet) <++> string "."
<++> decOctet <++> string "."
<++> decOctet
decOctet :: IRIParser st String
decOctet = do
a1 <- countMinMax 1 3 digit
if (read a1 :: Int) > 255 then
fail "Decimal octet value too large"
return a1
iregName :: IRIParser st String
iregName =
flat (countMinMax 0 255 $ iunreservedChar <|> escaped <|> subDelims)
<?> "Registered name"
-- RFC3986, section 3.2.3
port :: IRIParser st String
port = char ':' <:> many digit
-- RFC3987, section 2.2
{- ipath = ipath-abempty ; begins with "/" or is empty
/ ipath-absolute ; begins with "/" but not "//"
/ ipath-noscheme ; begins with a non-colon isegment
/ ipath-rootless ; begins with a isegment
/ ipath-empty ; zero characters -}
{- ipath-abempty = *( "/" iisegment )
ipath-absolute = "/" [ iisegment-nz *( "/" iisegment ) ]
ipath-noscheme = iisegment-nz-nc *( "/" iisegment )
ipath-rootless = iisegment-nz *( "/" iisegment )
ipath-empty = 0<iipchar> -}
{- iisegment = *iipchar
iisegment-nz = 1*iipchar
iisegment-nz-nc = 1*( iunreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims
/ "@" )
; non-zero-length isegment without any colon ":" -}
{- iipchar = iunreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":"
/ "@" -}
idParser :: IRIParser st Id
idParser = mixId ([],[]) ([],[])
ipathAbEmpty :: IRIParser st Id
ipathAbEmpty = do
s <- flat $ many slashIsegment
return $ stringToId s
ipathAbEmpty1 :: Bool -> IRIParser st Id
ipathAbEmpty1 slash = do
when slash $ do char '/'; return ()
si <- isegmentorId "/"
case si of
Left s -> do char '/'
i <- ipathAbEmpty1 False
return $ prependString s i
<|> do return $ stringToId ""
Right i -> return i
isegmentorId :: String -> IRIParser st (Either String Id)
isegmentorId lead =
do s <- isegment
return (Left ('/':s))
-- <|> do id <- idParser
-- return (Right (prependString "/" id))
ipathAbs :: IRIParser st Id
ipathAbs = do
s <- char '/' <:> option "" ipathRootLess
return $ stringToId s
ipathRootLessId :: IRIParser st Id
ipathRootLessId = do
s <- ipathRootLess
return $ stringToId s
ipathRootLess :: IRIParser st String
ipathRootLess = flat $ isegmentNz <:> many slashIsegment
ipathNoScheme :: IRIParser st Id
ipathNoScheme = do
s <- flat $ isegmentNzc <:> many slashIsegment
return $ stringToId s
slashIsegment :: IRIParser st String
slashIsegment = char '/' <:> isegment
isegment :: IRIParser st String
isegment = flat $ many ipchar
isegmentNz :: IRIParser st String
isegmentNz = flat $ many1 ipchar
isegmentNzc :: IRIParser st String
isegmentNzc = flat . many1 $ uchar "@"
ipchar :: IRIParser st String
ipchar = uchar ":@"
uchar :: String -> IRIParser st String
uchar = ucharAux False
-- helper function for ipchar and friends
ucharAux :: Bool -> String -> IRIParser st String
ucharAux dolCurie extras =
<|> escaped
<|> single (oneOf $ extras ++ if dolCurie then dolDelim else subDelim)
-- RFC3987, section 2.2
uiquery :: IRIParser st String
uiquery = char '?' <:> flat (many iqueryPart)
iqueryPart :: IRIParser st String
iqueryPart = many1 iprivate <|> uchar ":@/?"
-- RFC3987, section 2.2
uifragment :: IRIParser st String
uifragment = char '#' <:> flat (many $ uchar ":@/?")
-- Reference, Relative and Absolute IRI forms
-- RFC3987, section 2.2
iriReference :: IRIParser st IRI
iriReference = iriParser <|> irelativeRef
-- RFC3987, section 2.2
-- irelative-ref = irelative-part [ "?" iquery ] [ "#" ifragment ]
{- irelative-part = "//" iauthority ipath-abempty
/ ipath-absolute -}
irelativeRef :: IRIParser st IRI
irelativeRef = iriWithPos $ do
notMatching uscheme
(ua, up) <- irelativePart
uq <- option "" uiquery
uf <- option "" uifragment
return nullIRI
{ iriAuthority = ua
, iriPath = up
, iriQuery = uq
, iriFragment = uf
irelativePart :: IRIParser st (Maybe IRIAuth, Id)
irelativePart = ihierOrIrelativePart
<|> fmap (\ s -> (Nothing, s)) (ipathAbs <|> ipathNoScheme <|> return (stringToId ""))
-- RFC3987, section 2.2 omitted absoluteIRI
-- Imports from RFC 2234
{- NOTE: can't use isAlphaNum etc. because these deal with ISO 8859
(and possibly Unicode!) chars.
[[[Above was a comment originally in GHC Network/IRI.hs:
when IRIs are introduced then most codepoints above 128(?) should
be treated as unreserved, and higher codepoints for letters should
certainly be allowed.
]]] -}
isAlphaChar :: Char -> Bool
isAlphaChar c = isAlpha c && isAscii c
isAlphaNumChar :: Char -> Bool
isAlphaNumChar c = isAlphaNum c && isAscii c
isSchemeChar :: Char -> Bool
isSchemeChar c = isAlphaNumChar c || c `elem` "+-."
isUcsChar :: Char -> Bool
isUcsChar c =
let n = ord c
in (0xA0 <= n && n <= 0xD7FF) ||
(0xF900 <= n && n <= 0xFDCF) ||
(0xFDF0 <= n && n <= 0xFFEF) ||
(0x10000 <= n && n <= 0x1FFFD) ||
(0x20000 <= n && n <= 0x2FFFD) ||
(0x30000 <= n && n <= 0x3FFFD) ||
(0x40000 <= n && n <= 0x4FFFD) ||
(0x50000 <= n && n <= 0x5FFFD) ||
(0x60000 <= n && n <= 0x6FFFD) ||
(0x70000 <= n && n <= 0x7FFFD) ||
(0x80000 <= n && n <= 0x8FFFD) ||
(0x90000 <= n && n <= 0x9FFFD) ||
(0xA0000 <= n && n <= 0xAFFFD) ||
(0xB0000 <= n && n <= 0xBFFFD) ||
(0xC0000 <= n && n <= 0xCFFFD) ||
(0xD0000 <= n && n <= 0xDFFFD) ||
(0xE1000 <= n && n <= 0xEFFFD) ||
-- The following line is a custom extension. It is *not* part of the IRI
-- standard, but necessary for the TPTP library (all THF examples) to
-- work:
c == '^'
isIprivate :: Char -> Bool
isIprivate c =
let n = ord c
in (0xE000 <= n && n <= 0xF8FF) ||
(0xF000 <= n && n <= 0xFFFD) ||
(0x100000 <= n && n <= 0x10FFFD)
iprivate :: IRIParser st Char
iprivate = satisfy isIprivate
-- Additional parser combinators for common patterns
countMinMax :: Int -> Int -> GenParser t s a -> GenParser t s [a]
countMinMax m n p | m > 0 = p <:> countMinMax (m - 1) (n - 1) p
countMinMax _ n _ | n <= 0 = return []
countMinMax _ n p = option [] $ p <:> countMinMax 0 (n - 1) p
notMatching :: Show a => GenParser tok st a -> GenParser tok st ()
notMatching p = do
a <- try p
unexpected (show a)
<|> return ()
-- * Reconstruct a IRI string
{- | Turn an 'IRI' into a string.
Uses a supplied function to map the iuserinfo part of the IRI.
The Show instance for IRI uses a mapping that hides any password
that may be present in the IRI. Use this function with argument @id@
to preserve the password in the formatted output. -}
iriToString :: (String -> String) -> IRI -> ShowS
iriToString iuserinfomap i
| hasFullIRI i = iriToStringFull iuserinfomap i
| otherwise = iriToStringAbbrev i
iriToStringShort :: (String -> String) -> IRI -> ShowS
iriToStringShort iuserinfomap i
| hasFullIRI i && not (isAbbrev i) = iriToStringFull iuserinfomap i
| not $ null $ iriQuery i = tail . (iriQuery i ++)
| otherwise = iriToStringAbbrev i
iriToStringFull :: (String -> String) -> IRI -> ShowS
iriToStringFull iuserinfomap (IRI { iriScheme = scheme
, iriAuthority = authority
, iriPath = path
, iriQuery = query
, iriFragment = fragment
, hasAngles = b
}) s =
(if b then "<" else "") ++ scheme
++ iriAuthToString iuserinfomap authority ""
++ show path ++ query ++ fragment ++ (if b then ">" else "") ++ s
iriToStringAbbrev :: IRI -> ShowS
iriToStringAbbrev (IRI { prefixName = pname
, iriPath = aPath
, iriQuery = aQuery
, iriFragment = aFragment
}) =
(pname ++) . (show aPath ++) . (aQuery ++) . (aFragment ++)
iriToStringAbbrevMerge :: IRI -> ShowS
iriToStringAbbrevMerge (IRI { iriPath = aPath
, iriQuery = aQuery
, iriFragment = aFragment
}) =
(show aPath ++) . (aQuery ++) . (aFragment ++)
iriAuthToString :: (String -> String) -> Maybe IRIAuth -> ShowS
iriAuthToString _ Nothing = id -- shows ""
iriAuthToString iuserinfomap
(Just IRIAuth { iriUserInfo = uinfo
, iriRegName = regname
, iriPort = iport
} ) =
("//" ++) . (if null uinfo then id else (iuserinfomap uinfo ++))
. (regname ++)
. (iport ++)
-- * Resolving a relative IRI relative to a base IRI
isDefined :: String -> Bool
isDefined = not . null
{- | Returns a new 'IRI' which represents the value of the
first 'IRI' interpreted as relative to the second 'IRI'.
For example:
> "foo" `relativeTo` "" = ""
relativeTo :: IRI -> IRI -> Maybe IRI
relativeTo ref base
| isDefined ( iriScheme ref ) =
just_isegments ref
| isJust ( iriAuthority ref ) =
just_isegments ref { iriScheme = iriScheme base }
| isDefined $ getFstString $ iriPath ref =
just_isegments ref
{ iriScheme = iriScheme base
, iriAuthority = iriAuthority base
, iriPath = if head (getFstString $ iriPath ref) == '/'
then iriPath ref
else stringToId $ mergePaths base ref
| isDefined ( iriQuery ref ) =
just_isegments ref
{ iriScheme = iriScheme base
, iriAuthority = iriAuthority base
, iriPath = iriPath base
| otherwise =
just_isegments ref
{ iriScheme = iriScheme base
, iriAuthority = iriAuthority base
, iriPath = iriPath base
, iriQuery = iriQuery base
getFstString anId = case getTokens anId of
(Token s _):_ -> s
_ -> error $ "can't get first string from an empty id"
just_isegments u =
Just $ u { iriPath = removeDotSegments (iriPath u) }
mergePaths b r
| isJust (iriAuthority b) && null pbs = '/' : prs
| otherwise = dropLast pbs ++ prs
pb = iriPath b
pr = iriPath r
pbs = getFstString pb
prs = getFstString pr
dropLast = fst . splitLast -- reverse . dropWhile (/='/') . reverse
-- Remove dot isegments, but protect leading '/' character
removeDotSegments :: Id -> Id
removeDotSegments i = case getTokens i of
[] -> error $ "Common/IRI.hs: Cannot remove dots from empty id:" ++ show i
(Token s r):_ -> let
t' = Token (removeDotSegmentsString s) r
in simpleIdToId t'
removeDotSegmentsString :: String -> String
removeDotSegmentsString ('/' : ps) = '/' : elimDots ps []
removeDotSegmentsString ps = elimDots ps []
-- Second arg accumulates isegments processed so far in reverse order
elimDots :: String -> [String] -> String
elimDots "" rs = concat (reverse rs)
elimDots "." rs = elimDots "" rs
elimDots ( '.' : '/' : ps) rs = elimDots ps rs
elimDots ".." rs = elimDots [] (drop 1 rs)
elimDots ( '.' : '.' : '/' : ps) rs = elimDots ps (drop 1 rs)
elimDots ps rs = elimDots ps1 (r : rs)
(r, ps1) = nextSegment ps
{- Returns the next isegment and the rest of the path from a path string.
Each isegment ends with the next '/' or the end of string. -}
nextSegment :: String -> (String, String)
nextSegment ps =
case break (== '/') ps of
(r, '/' : ps1) -> (r ++ "/", ps1)
(r, _) -> (r, [])
-- Split last (name) isegment from path, returning (path,name)
splitLast :: String -> (String, String)
splitLast path = (reverse revpath, reverse revname)
(revname, revpath) = break (== '/') $ reverse path
-- * Finding a IRI relative to a base IRI
{- | Returns a new 'IRI' which represents the relative location of
the first 'IRI' with respect to the second 'IRI'. Thus, the
values supplied are expected to be absolute IRIs, and the result
returned may be a relative IRI.
> ""
> `relativeFrom` ""
> == "../sub1/name2#frag"
There is no single correct implementation of this function,
but any acceptable implementation must satisfy the following:
> (uabs `relativeFrom` ubase) `relativeTo` ubase == uabs
For any valid absolute IRI.
(cf. <>
<>) -}
relativeFrom :: IRI -> IRI -> IRI
relativeFrom uabs base
| diff iriScheme uabs base = uabs
| diff iriAuthority uabs base = uabs { iriScheme = "" }
| diff iriPath uabs base = uabs
{ iriScheme = ""
, iriAuthority = Nothing
, iriPath = let
i1 = iriPath uabs
i2 = iriPath base
in case (getTokens i1, getTokens i2) of
((Token s1 _):_ , (Token s2 _):_) ->
stringToId $ relPathFrom
(removeBodyDotSegments s1)
(removeBodyDotSegments s2)
_ -> error $ "empty id:" ++ show i1 ++ " " ++ show i2
| diff iriQuery uabs base = uabs
{ iriScheme = ""
, iriAuthority = Nothing
, iriPath = mkId []
| otherwise = uabs -- Always carry fragment from uabs
{ iriScheme = ""
, iriAuthority = Nothing
, iriPath = mkId []
, iriQuery = ""
diff :: Eq b => (a -> b) -> a -> a -> Bool
diff sel u1 u2 = sel u1 /= sel u2
-- Remove dot isegments except the final isegment
removeBodyDotSegments p = removeDotSegmentsString p1 ++ p2
(p1, p2) = splitLast p
relPathFrom :: String -> String -> String
relPathFrom [] _ = "/"
relPathFrom pabs [] = pabs
relPathFrom pabs base = -- Construct a relative path isegments
if sa1 == sb1 -- if the paths share a leading isegment
then if sa1 == "/" -- other than a leading '/'
then if sa2 == sb2
then relPathFrom1 ra2 rb2
else pabs
else relPathFrom1 ra1 rb1
else pabs
(sa1, ra1) = nextSegment pabs
(sb1, rb1) = nextSegment base
(sa2, ra2) = nextSegment ra1
(sb2, rb2) = nextSegment rb1
{- relPathFrom1 strips off trailing names from the supplied paths,
and calls difPathFrom to find the relative path from base to
target -}
relPathFrom1 :: String -> String -> String
relPathFrom1 pabs base = relName
(sa, na) = splitLast pabs
(sb, nb) = splitLast base
rp = relSegsFrom sa sb
relName = if null rp then
if na == nb then ""
else if protect na then "./" ++ na
else na
rp ++ na
-- Precede name with some path if it is null or contains a ':'
protect n = null n || ':' `elem` n
{- relSegsFrom discards any common leading isegments from both paths,
then invokes difSegsFrom to calculate a relative path from the end
of the base path to the end of the target path.
The final name is handled separately, so this deals only with
"directory" segtments. -}
relSegsFrom :: String -> String -> String
relSegsFrom [] [] = "" -- paths are identical
relSegsFrom sabs base =
if sa1 == sb1
then relSegsFrom ra1 rb1
else difSegsFrom sabs base
(sa1, ra1) = nextSegment sabs
(sb1, rb1) = nextSegment base
{- difSegsFrom calculates a path difference from base to target,
not including the final name at the end of the path
(i.e. results always ends with '/')
This function operates under the invariant that the supplied
value of sabs is the desired path relative to the beginning of
base. Thus, when base is empty, the desired path has been found. -}
difSegsFrom :: String -> String -> String
difSegsFrom sabs "" = sabs
difSegsFrom sabs base = difSegsFrom ("../" ++ sabs) (snd $ nextSegment base)
-- * Other normalization functions
{- |Expands a CURIE to an IRI. @Nothing@ iff there is no IRI @i@ assigned
to the prefix of @c@ or the concatenation of @i@ and @iriPath c@
is not a valid IRI. -}
expandCurie :: Map String IRI -> IRI -> Maybe IRI
expandCurie prefixMap c =
if hasFullIRI c then Just c else
case Map.lookup (filter (/= ':') $ prefixName c) prefixMap of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just i -> case mergeCurie c i of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just j -> Just $ if null $ iriScheme i then j { iriPos = iriPos c }
else j
{ prefixName = prefixName c
, iriPath = iriPath c
, iriQuery = iriQuery c
, iriFragment = iriFragment c
, iriPos = iriPos c }
setAngles :: Bool -> IRI -> IRI
setAngles b i = i { hasAngles = b }
{- |'mergeCurie' merges the CURIE @c@ into IRI @i@, appending their string
representations -}
mergeCurie :: IRI -> IRI -> Maybe IRI
mergeCurie c i =
let s = iriToStringFull id (setAngles False i) ""
++ iriToStringAbbrevMerge c ""
in parseIRICurie $ if null $ iriScheme i then s else '<' : s ++ ">"
deleteQuery :: IRI -> IRI
deleteQuery i = i { iriQuery = "" }
addSuffixToIRI :: String -> IRI -> IRI
addSuffixToIRI s i = if not $ null $ iriQuery i
then i{iriQuery = iriQuery i ++ s}
i{iriPath = appendId (iriPath i) (stringToId s)}