IO.hs revision 96ae1a1d2197d0e0d5b80da2474b64c456feb1b0
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : wrapper module for changed IO handling since ghc-6.12.1
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder DFKI GmbH 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
reading and writing files changed between ghc-6.10.4 and ghc-6.12.1 from
latin1 to utf8.
This module allows to continue reading and writing latin1 (HetCASL) files.
However, this module does not support to write utf8 files with ghc-6.10.4 or
earlier versions.
The encoding only effects the contents. The encoding of file names is always
module Common.IO
( Enc (..)
, readEncFile
, writeEncFile
, setStdEnc
) where
import System.IO
data Enc = Latin1 | Utf8 deriving Show
readEncFile :: Enc -> String -> IO String
writeEncFile :: Enc -> String -> String -> IO ()
-- | set encoding of stdin and stdout
setStdEnc :: Enc -> IO ()
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 612
readEncFile _ = readFile
writeEncFile _ = writeFile
setStdEnc _ = return ()
readEncFile c f = case c of
Utf8 -> readFile f
Latin1 -> do
hdl <- openFile f ReadMode
hSetEncoding hdl latin1
hGetContents hdl
writeEncFile c f txt = case c of
Utf8 -> writeFile f txt
Latin1 -> withFile f WriteMode $ \ hdl -> do
hSetEncoding hdl latin1
hPutStr hdl txt
setStdEnc c = case c of
Utf8 -> return ()
Latin1 -> do
hSetEncoding stdin latin1
hSetEncoding stdout latin1