GraphAlgo.hs revision 247eefa106a467b872521724ff7bf4af5c27220d
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Algorithms on Graphs
Copyright : (c) Jonathan von Schroeder, DFKI Bremen 2012
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Jonathan von Schroeder <>
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic)
module Common.GraphAlgo where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
data Graph node edge = Graph {
neighbours :: node -> [(edge,node)],
weight :: edge -> Int
data Node = Node String deriving (Eq,Ord)
data Edge = Edge (String,String) deriving (Eq,Ord)
instance Show Node where
show (Node s) = s
instance Show Edge where
show (Edge (s1,s2)) = s1 ++ "," ++ s2
exampleGraph :: [(String,String)] -> Graph Node Edge
exampleGraph conns = Graph {
neighbours = \n -> map (\(s1,s2) -> (Edge (s1,s2),Node s2)) $
filter (\(s,_) -> (Node s == n)) conns,
weight = \ _ -> 1
mapMin :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> Map.Map k a -> Maybe (k,a)
mapMin less = Map.foldrWithKey (\k a b -> case b of
Just (_,a1) -> if less a1 a then b else Just (k,a)
Nothing -> Just (k,a)) Nothing
dijkstra :: (Show node,Show edge,Ord node) => node -> (node -> Bool)
-> Graph node edge -> Maybe ([(node,edge)],node)
dijkstra start isEnd (Graph neighbours_ weight_) =
let visited = snd $ adjust (Map.fromList [(start,(Nothing,0))], Map.empty)
in case mapMin (\(_,w1) (_,w2) -> w1 < w2) $
Map.filterWithKey (\n _ -> isEnd n) visited of
Just (end,_) -> maybe Nothing (\p -> Just (reverse p, end))
$ extractPath end visited
_ -> Nothing
adjust (known,visited) =
case mapMin (\(_,w1) (_,w2) -> w1 < w2) known of
Just (n,d@(_,n_weight)) ->
let (known_,visited_) = (Map.delete n known,
Map.insert n d visited)
in if isEnd n then (known_,visited_)
else adjust $
foldl (\(known',visited') (e,next_n) ->
case Map.lookup next_n visited' of
Just _ -> (known',Map.adjust (\_ -> (Just (n,e),n_weight+weight_ e))
next_n visited')
Nothing -> ((case Map.lookup next_n known of
Just (_,w) -> if n_weight + weight_ e < w then
Map.insert next_n (Just (n,e),n_weight+weight_ e) known'
else known'
Nothing -> Map.insert next_n
(Just (n,e),n_weight+weight_ e) known'),visited'))
(known_,visited_) (neighbours_ n)
Nothing -> (known,visited)
extractPath n visited = case Map.lookup n visited of
Just (Just (prev,e),_) -> case (extractPath prev (Map.delete n visited)) of
Just l -> Just $ (prev,e):l
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (Nothing,_) -> Just []
Nothing -> Nothing
yen :: (Ord node,Eq edge,Show node,Show edge) => Int -> node -> (node -> Bool)
-> Graph node edge -> [([(node,edge)],node)]
yen k' start end g = case dijkstra start end g of
Just (shortest_path,end') -> map (\p -> (p,end')) $ yen_ (k'-1) [shortest_path]
Nothing -> []
yen_ k a = if k <= 0 then a
else let b = catMaybes $ map (yen' k a) [1..((length $ a !! (k'-k-1))-1)]
in case minPath b of
Just m -> yen_ (k-1) $ a++[m]
Nothing -> a
yen' k a i =
let spurNode = fst $ (a !! (k'-k-1)) !! i
rootPath = take i (a !! (k'-k-1))
hide = map snd $ concat $
map (\p -> if take i p == rootPath then drop i p else []) a
g' = g { neighbours = \n -> filter (\(e,_) -> not $ elem e hide) $
(neighbours g) n }
in case dijkstra spurNode end g' of
Just (spurPath,_) -> Just $ rootPath ++ spurPath
Nothing -> Nothing
minPath (p:ps) = case minPath ps of
Just m -> Just $ if pathLen p < pathLen m then p else m
Nothing -> Just p
minPath [] = Nothing
pathLen p = sum $ map (\(_,e) -> ((weight g) e)) p
prettyPath :: (Show node,Show edge) => ([(node,edge)],node) -> String
prettyPath (p,last_node) =
let (nodes,edges) = unzip p
(nodes_s,edges_s) = (map show nodes,
map (\e -> " =("++show e++")=> ") edges)
in foldl (\s (n,e) -> s ++ n ++ e) "" (zip nodes_s edges_s) ++ show last_node
test_graph :: Graph Node Edge
test_graph = exampleGraph [("A","B"),("B","C"),("B","E"),("B","D"),("D","E")]
test :: String
test = maybe "" prettyPath $
dijkstra (Node "A") ((==)$Node "E") test_graph
test1 :: [[String]]
test1 = map (map prettyPath)
[yen i (Node "A") ((==)$Node "E") test_graph | i <- [1..3]]