GlobalAnnotationsFunctions.hs revision 9db318e6d01634c66e10dd0c6eb66c96305cb4f9
Author: Klaus L�ttich
Year: 2002
{- |
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (import Common.PrettyPrint)
Some functions for building and accessing the datastructures
of GlobalAnnotations. This module should avoid further cyclic
( emptyGlobalAnnos, addGlobalAnnos
, precRel, isLAssoc, isRAssoc, isAssoc, isLiteral, getLiteralType
, store_prec_annos, store_assoc_annos
, nullStr, nullList, getListBrackets, listBrackets
import Common.Id
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Print_AS_Annotation
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import Common.Lib.Map hiding (filter, map)
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
addGlobalAnnos :: GlobalAnnos -> [Annotation] -> GlobalAnnos
addGlobalAnnos ga annos =
let ga'= ga { prec_annos = store_prec_annos (prec_annos ga) annos
, assoc_annos = store_assoc_annos (assoc_annos ga) annos
, display_annos = store_display_annos (display_annos ga) annos
, literal_annos = store_literal_annos (literal_annos ga) annos
in ga' {literal_map = up_literal_map
(literal_map ga') (literal_annos ga') }
store_prec_annos :: PrecedenceGraph -> [Annotation] -> PrecedenceGraph
store_prec_annos pgr = transClosure .
foldr ( \ an p0 -> case an of
Prec_anno less lIds hIds _ ->
foldr ( \ li p1 ->
foldr ( \ hi p2 ->
if li == hi then error
("prec_anno with equal ids: " ++
show li ++ " < " ++ show hi)
else if transMember hi li p2 then
error ("prec_anno conflict: " ++
show li ++ " < " ++ show hi ++
"\n" ++ show p2)
let p3 = Rel.insert li hi p2 in
if less then p3 else
Rel.insert hi li p3)
p1 hIds)
p0 lIds
_ -> p0 ) pgr
precRel :: PrecedenceGraph -- ^ Graph describing the precedences
-> Id -- ^ x oID (y iid z) -- outer id
-> Id -- ^ x oid (y iID z) -- inner id
-> PrecRel
-- a 'Lower' corresponds to %prec {out_id} < {in_id}
precRel pg out_id in_id =
case (Rel.member in_id out_id pg, Rel.member out_id in_id pg) of
(False,True) -> Lower
(True,False) -> Higher
(True,True) -> ExplGroup BothDirections
(False,False) -> ExplGroup NoDirection
store_assoc_annos :: AssocMap -> [Annotation] -> AssocMap
store_assoc_annos am ans = am `union` fromList assos
where assos = concat $ map conn $ filter assocA ans
conn (Lassoc_anno is _) = map (conn' ALeft) is
conn (Rassoc_anno is _) = map (conn' ARight) is
conn _ = error "filtering isn't implented correct"
conn' sel i = (i,sel)
assocA an = case an of
Lassoc_anno _ _ -> True
Rassoc_anno _ _ -> True
_ -> False
isLAssoc :: AssocMap -> Id -> Bool
isLAssoc = isAssoc ALeft
isRAssoc :: AssocMap -> Id -> Bool
isRAssoc = isAssoc ARight
isAssoc :: AssocEither -> AssocMap -> Id -> Bool
isAssoc ae amap i =
case lookup i amap of
Nothing -> False
Just ae' | ae' == ae -> True
| otherwise -> False
store_display_annos :: DisplayMap -> [Annotation] -> DisplayMap
store_display_annos dm ans = dm `union` fromList disps
where disps = map conn $ filter displayA ans
conn (Display_anno i sxs _) = (i,sxs)
conn _ = error "filtering isn't implemented correct"
displayA an = case an of
Display_anno _ _ _ -> True
_ -> False
up_literal_map :: LiteralMap -> LiteralAnnos -> LiteralMap
up_literal_map lmap la =
let oids = toList lmap
(sids,rem_str) = case string_lit la of
Nothing -> ([],False)
Just (i1,i2) -> ([(i1,StringCons),(i2,StringNull)],
(lids,rem_lst) = case list_lit la of
Nothing -> ([],False)
Just (i1,i2,i3) -> ([(i1,ListBrackets),
(nid,rem_num) = case number_lit la of
Nothing -> ([],False)
Just i -> ([(i,Number)],True)
(fids,rem_flo) = case float_lit la of
Nothing -> ([],False)
Just (i1,i2) -> ([(i1,Fraction),(i2,Floating)],
remids = (if rem_str then
map fst $ filter (\(_,x) -> x == StringCons
|| x == StringNull) oids
else []) ++
(if rem_lst then
map fst $ filter (\(_,x) -> x == ListCons
|| x == ListNull
|| x == ListBrackets) oids
else []) ++
(if rem_num then
map fst $ filter (\(_,x) -> x == Number) oids
else []) ++
(if rem_flo then
map fst $ filter (\(_,x) -> x == Floating
|| x == Fraction) oids
else [])
in (foldr delete lmap remids) `union`
fromList (lids ++ fids ++ nid ++ sids)
isLiteral :: LiteralMap -> Id -> Bool
isLiteral lmap i = case lookup i lmap of
Just _ -> True
Nothing -> False
getLiteralType :: LiteralMap -> Id -> LiteralType
getLiteralType lmap i =
case lookup i lmap of
Just t -> t
Nothing -> error $ show i ++ " is not a literal id"
store_literal_annos :: LiteralAnnos -> [Annotation] -> LiteralAnnos
store_literal_annos la ans =
let string_lit' = setStringLit (string_lit la) ans
list_lit' = setListLit (list_lit la) ans
test_diff s l = let (s_null,s_conc) = fromJust s
(l_null,l_conc) = (\(_,n,c)-> (n,c)) (fromJust l)
isNothing x = case x of
Nothing -> True
_ -> False
in or [ isNothing s
, isNothing l
, s_null /= l_null
, s_conc /= l_conc ]
diff = test_diff string_lit' list_lit'
in if diff then
la { string_lit = string_lit'
, list_lit = list_lit'
, number_lit = setNumberLit (number_lit la) ans
, float_lit = setFloatLit (float_lit la) ans
error "%string- and %list-annotions use same identifiers"
setStringLit :: Maybe (Id,Id) -> [Annotation] -> Maybe (Id,Id)
setStringLit mids ans =
case sans of
[] -> mids
[a] -> Just $ getIds a
(a:as) -> if all (sameIds a) as then
Just $ getIds a
annotationConflict "string" sans
where sans = filter (\a -> case a of
String_anno _ _ _ -> True
_ -> False) ans
getIds (String_anno id1 id2 _) = (id1,id2)
getIds _ = error "filtering doesn't worked: GAF.setStringLit"
setFloatLit :: Maybe (Id,Id) -> [Annotation] -> Maybe (Id,Id)
setFloatLit mids ans =
case sans of
[] -> mids
[a] -> Just $ getIds a
(a:as) -> if all (sameIds a) as then
Just $ getIds a
annotationConflict "floating" sans
where sans = filter (\a -> case a of
Float_anno _ _ _ -> True
_ -> False) ans
getIds (Float_anno id1 id2 _) = (id1,id2)
getIds _ = error "filtering doesn't worked: GAF.setFloatLit"
setNumberLit :: Maybe Id -> [Annotation] -> Maybe Id
setNumberLit mids ans =
case sans of
[] -> mids
[a] -> Just $ getId a
(a:as) -> if all (sameIds a) as then
Just $ getId a
annotationConflict "number" sans
where sans = filter (\a -> case a of
Number_anno _ _ -> True
_ -> False) ans
getId (Number_anno id1 _) = id1
getId _ = error "filtering doesn't worked: GAF.setNumberLit"
setListLit :: Maybe (Id,Id,Id) -> [Annotation] -> Maybe (Id,Id,Id)
setListLit mids ans =
case sans of
[] -> mids
[a] -> Just $ getIds a
(a:as) -> if all (sameIds a) as then
Just $ getIds a
annotationConflict "list" sans
where sans = filter (\a -> case a of
List_anno _ _ _ _ -> True
_ -> False) ans
getIds (List_anno id1 id2 id3 _) = (id1,id2,id3)
getIds _ = error "filtering doesn't worked: GAF.setListLit"
sameIds :: Annotation -> Annotation -> Bool
sameIds (List_anno lid1 lid2 lid3 _) (List_anno rid1 rid2 rid3 _) =
lid1==rid1 && lid2==rid2 && lid3==rid3
sameIds (String_anno lid1 lid2 _) (String_anno rid1 rid2 _) =
lid1==rid1 && lid2==rid2
sameIds (Float_anno lid1 lid2 _) (Float_anno rid1 rid2 _) =
lid1==rid1 && lid2==rid2
sameIds (Number_anno lid1 _) (Number_anno rid1 _) =
sameIds a1 a2 =
error $ "*** wrong annotation combination for GAF.sameIds:\n"
++ spp a1 ++ "\n" ++ spp a2
where spp a = show $ printText0 emptyGlobalAnnos a
nullStr, nullList :: GlobalAnnos -> Id
nullStr ga = case string_lit $ literal_annos ga of
Just (n,_) -> n
Nothing -> error "nullStr Id not found"
nullList ga = case list_lit $ literal_annos ga of
Just (_,n,_) -> n
Nothing -> error "nullList Id not found"
getListBrackets :: Id -> ([Token], [Token])
getListBrackets (Id b _ _) =
let (b1, rest) = break isPlace b
b2 = if null rest then []
else filter (not . isPlace) rest
in (b1, b2)
listBrackets :: GlobalAnnos -> ([Token], [Token])
listBrackets g =
case list_lit $ literal_annos g of
Nothing -> ([], [])
Just (bs, _, _) -> getListBrackets bs
-- | an error function for Annotations
annotationConflict :: String -> [Annotation] -> a
annotationConflict tp ans =
error $ ("*** conflicting %"++ tp ++ " annotations:\n"
++ unlines (map (show . printText0 emptyGlobalAnnos) ans))