GlobalAnnotations.hs revision d21f1db14625cb0a536fc06b46fcc115d48a25bb
{- HetCATS/GlobalAnnotations.hs
Author: Klaus L�ttich
Year: 2002
Some datastructures for fast access of GlobalAnnotations
did: 12.7.02
removed PrettyPrint from Id to avoid cyclic imports
module Common.GlobalAnnotations where
import Common.Id
import Common.Lib.Graph
import Common.Lib.Map
data GlobalAnnos = GA { prec_annos :: PrecedenceGraph
, assoc_annos :: AssocMap
, display_annos :: DisplayMap
, literal_annos :: LiteralAnnos
, literal_map :: LiteralMap
} deriving (Show)
type PrecedenceGraph = (Map Id Node,Graph Id Int)
data PrecRel = Higher | Lower | ExplGroup Direct
deriving (Show)
data Direct = BothDirections | NoDirection
deriving (Show)
type AssocMap = Map Id AssocEither
data AssocEither = ALeft | ARight deriving (Show,Eq)
type DisplayMap = Map Id [(String,String)]
type LiteralMap = Map Id LiteralType
data LiteralType = StringCons | StringNull
| ListBrackets | ListCons | ListNull
| Number
| Fraction | Floating
deriving (Show,Eq)
data LiteralAnnos = LA { string_lit :: Maybe (Id,Id)
, list_lit :: Maybe (Id,Id,Id)
, number_lit :: Maybe Id
, float_lit :: Maybe (Id,Id)
} deriving (Show)