GlobalAnnotations.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : data structures for global annotations
Copyright : (c) Klaus Luettich, Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Data structures for global annotations
module Common.GlobalAnnotations where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Id
import Common.IRI (IRI)
-- | all global annotations and a field for pretty printing stuff
data GlobalAnnos = GA
{ prec_annos :: PrecedenceGraph -- ^ precedences
, assoc_annos :: AssocMap -- ^ associativity
, display_annos :: DisplayMap -- ^ display annotations
, literal_annos :: LiteralAnnos -- ^ literal annotations
, literal_map :: LiteralMap -- ^ redundant literal map
, prefix_map :: PrefixMap -- ^ abbreviated IRI prefixes
} deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | empty (or initial) global annotations
emptyGlobalAnnos :: GlobalAnnos
emptyGlobalAnnos = GA
{ prec_annos = Rel.empty
, assoc_annos = Map.empty
, display_annos = Map.empty
, literal_annos = emptyLiteralAnnos
, literal_map = Map.empty
, prefix_map = Map.empty }
-- | literal annotations for string, lists, number and floating
data LiteralAnnos = LA
{ string_lit :: Maybe (Id, Id)
, list_lit :: Map.Map Id (Id, Id)
, number_lit :: Maybe Id
, float_lit :: Maybe (Id, Id)
} deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | empty literal annotations
emptyLiteralAnnos :: LiteralAnnos
emptyLiteralAnnos = LA
{ string_lit = Nothing
, list_lit = Map.empty
, number_lit = Nothing
, float_lit = Nothing }
-- | ids to be displayed according to a format
type DisplayMap = Map.Map Id (Map.Map Display_format [Token])
-- | a redundant map for 'LiteralAnnos'
type LiteralMap = Map.Map Id LiteralType
-- | a map for expansion of abbreviated/simple IRI to full IRI
type PrefixMap = Map.Map String IRI
-- | description of the type of a literal for a given 'Id' in 'LiteralMap'
data LiteralType =
StringCons Id -- ^ refer to the 'Id' of the null string
| StringNull
| ListCons Id Id -- ^ brackets (as 'Id') and 'Id' of matching empty list
| ListNull Id -- ^ brackets (as 'Id') for the empty list
| Number
| Fraction
| Floating
| NoLiteral -- ^ and error value for a 'getLiteralType'
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | the 'LiteralType' of an 'Id' (possibly 'NoLiteral')
getLiteralType :: GlobalAnnos -> Id -> LiteralType
getLiteralType ga i =
Map.findWithDefault NoLiteral i $ literal_map ga
-- | a map of associative ids
type AssocMap = Map.Map Id AssocEither
-- | check if 'Id' has a given associativity
isAssoc :: AssocEither -> AssocMap -> Id -> Bool
isAssoc ae amap i =
case Map.lookup i amap of
Nothing -> False
Just ae' -> ae' == ae
-- | a binary relation over ids as precedence graph
type PrecedenceGraph = Rel.Rel Id
-- | return precedence relation of two ids
precRel :: PrecedenceGraph -- ^ Graph describing the precedences
-> Id -- ^ x oID (y iid z) -- outer id
-> Id -- ^ x oid (y iID z) -- inner id
-> PrecRel
{- a 'Lower' corresponds to %prec {out_id} < {in_id}
BothDirections means <> was given (or derived by transitive closure) -}
precRel pg out_id in_id =
case (Rel.member in_id out_id pg, Rel.member out_id in_id pg) of
(False, True) -> Lower
(True, False) -> Higher
(True, True) -> BothDirections
(False, False) -> NoDirection
-- | lookup of an display [string] in the GlobalAnnos record
lookupDisplay :: GlobalAnnos -> Display_format -> Id -> Maybe [Token]
lookupDisplay ga df i = case Map.lookup i (display_annos ga) of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just df_map -> case Map.lookup df df_map of
Nothing -> Nothing
r@(Just disp_toks) -> if null disp_toks then Nothing else r