DocUtils.hs revision ad270004874ce1d0697fb30d7309f180553bb315
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : 'Pretty' class for pretty printing, some instances and other utility functions
Copyright : (c) jianchun wang and Uni Bremen 2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
'Pretty' class for pretty printing, some instances and other utility functions
module Common.DocUtils where
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Doc
import Common.Id
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
-- * the class stuff
class Show a => Pretty a where
pretty :: a -> Doc
pretties :: [a] -> Doc
pretties = brackets . ppWithCommas
instance Pretty Char where
pretty c = text [c]
pretties = text . take 25
instance Pretty () where
pretty () = empty
instance Pretty Id where
pretty = idDoc
instance Pretty Annotation where
pretty = annoDoc
instance Pretty Token where
pretty = sidDoc
-- | convert a token to a document (different from 'text' for LaTex)
sidDoc :: Token -> Doc
sidDoc = idDoc . simpleIdToId
-- | print several annotations vertically (each in a new line)
printAnnotationList :: [Annotation] -> Doc
printAnnotationList = vcat . map annoDoc
-- | print annotations flush right
printTrailer :: [Annotation] -> Doc
printTrailer = flushRight . hsep . map annoDoc
-- | add trailing annotation to a document
splitAndPrintRAnnos :: Doc -> [Annotation] -> Doc
splitAndPrintRAnnos i ras =
let (r, s) = splitRAnnos ras
in (if null s then id else ($+$ printAnnotationList s))
$ if null r then i else fsep [i, printTrailer r]
-- | conditionally add a 'semi' after the doc but before trailing annotations
printSemiAnno :: (a -> Doc) -> Bool -> Annoted a -> Doc
printSemiAnno pp addSemi (Annoted i _ las ras) =
let r = splitAndPrintRAnnos
((if addSemi then (<> semi) else id) $ pp i) ras
in if null las then r else
(if startsWithSemanticAnno las then id else (text "" $+$))
$ printAnnotationList las $+$ r
-- | test for semantic annos before structured specs
startsWithSemanticAnno :: [Annotation] -> Bool
startsWithSemanticAnno l = case l of
Semantic_anno _ _ : _ -> True
_ -> False
-- | print annoted items with trailing semicolons except for the last item
semiAnnos :: (a -> Doc) -> [Annoted a] -> Doc
semiAnnos pp l = if null l then empty else
vcat $ map (printSemiAnno pp True) (init l)
++ [printAnnoted pp $ last l]
-- | print sentence with label and non-axioms with implied annotation
printAnnoted :: (a -> Doc) -> Annoted a -> Doc
printAnnoted pp = printSemiAnno pp False
instance (Pretty a) => Pretty (Annoted a) where
pretty = printAnnoted pretty
-- | convert a named sentence into an annoted one
fromLabelledSen :: Named s -> Annoted s
fromLabelledSen s = let label = senName s in
appendAnno (emptyAnno $ sentence s) $
(if null label then [] else [Label [label] nullRange])
++ if isAxiom s then [] else [Semantic_anno SA_implied nullRange]
instance Pretty s => Pretty (Named s) where
pretty = pretty . fromLabelledSen
-- | function to split the annotation to the right of an item
-- * fst contains printed label and implied annotion
-- if any at the begining of the list of annotations
-- * snd contains the remaining annos
splitRAnnos :: [Annotation] -> ([Annotation], [Annotation])
splitRAnnos r = case r of
[] -> ([],[])
[l] -> if isLabel l || isImplied l then (r, [])
else ([], r)
l : s@(i : t) ->
if isLabel l then
if isImplied i then ([l, i], t)
else ([l], s)
else if isImplied l then ([l], s)
else ([], r)
-- | add global annotations for proper mixfix printing
useGlobalAnnos :: GlobalAnnos -> Doc -> Doc
useGlobalAnnos ga = changeGlobalAnnos (const ga)
-- | like punctuate but prepends the symbol to all tail elements
prepPunctuate :: Doc -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
prepPunctuate s l = case l of
x : r@(_ : _) -> x : map (s <>) r
_ -> l
instance (Pretty a, Pretty b) => Pretty (Either a b) where
pretty = printEither pretty pretty
printEither :: (a -> Doc) -> (b -> Doc) -> Either a b -> Doc
printEither fA fB ei = case ei of
Left x -> fA x
Right x -> fB x
instance Pretty a => Pretty (Maybe a) where
pretty = printMaybe pretty
printMaybe :: (a -> Doc) -> Maybe a -> Doc
printMaybe fA mb = case mb of
Just x -> fA x
Nothing -> empty
ppWithCommas :: Pretty a => [a] -> Doc
ppWithCommas = sepByCommas . map pretty
instance (Pretty a, Pretty b) => Pretty (a, b) where
pretty = printPair pretty pretty
printPair :: (a -> Doc) -> (b -> Doc) -> (a, b) -> Doc
printPair fA fB (a, b) = parens $ sepByCommas [fA a, fB b]
instance (Pretty a, Pretty b, Pretty c) => Pretty (a, b, c) where
pretty = printTriple pretty pretty pretty
printTriple :: (a -> Doc) -> (b -> Doc) -> (c -> Doc) -> (a, b, c) -> Doc
printTriple fA fB fC (a,b,c) = parens $ sepByCommas [fA a, fB b, fC c]
instance Pretty Int where
pretty = sidDoc . mkSimpleId . show
instance Pretty a => Pretty [a] where
pretty = pretties
instance Pretty a => Pretty (Set.Set a) where
pretty = specBraces . ppWithCommas . Set.toList
printMap :: (Pretty a, Pretty b) => (Doc -> Doc) -> ([Doc] -> Doc)
-> (Doc -> Doc -> Doc) -> Map.Map a b -> Doc
printMap = ppMap pretty pretty
ppMap :: (a -> Doc) -> (b -> Doc) -> (Doc -> Doc) -> ([Doc] -> Doc)
-> (Doc -> Doc -> Doc) -> Map.Map a b -> Doc
ppMap fa fb brace inter pairDoc = brace . inter
. map ( \ (a, b) -> pairDoc (fa a) (fb b))
. Map.toList
pairElems :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
pairElems a b = a <+> mapsto <+> b
instance (Pretty a, Pretty b) => Pretty (Map.Map a b) where
pretty = printMap specBraces sepByCommas pairElems
-- | start with a bullet, i.e. formulas
addBullet :: Doc -> Doc
addBullet = (bullet <+>)
showDoc :: Pretty a => a -> ShowS
showDoc = shows . pretty
-- | like showDoc but considers global annotations
showGlobalDoc :: Pretty a => GlobalAnnos -> a -> ShowS
showGlobalDoc ga = shows . useGlobalAnnos ga . pretty