Doc.hs revision 4561227a776bdf0ab679b19fb92f1eaaed8786f7
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
document data type for displaying (heterogenous) CASL specifications
at least as plain text and latex (and maybe in html as well)
inspired by John Hughes's and Simon Peyton Jones's Pretty Printer Combinators
in "Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ", Thomas Hallgren's
Daan Leijen's PPrint: A prettier printer 2001, Olaf Chiti's
Pretty printing with lazy Dequeues 2003
module Common.Doc
( -- * The document type
Doc -- Abstract
-- * Primitive Documents
, empty
, space
, semi
, comma
, colon
, equals
, lparen
, rparen
, lbrack
, rbrack
, lbrace
, rbrace
-- * Converting values into documents
, text
-- * Wrapping documents in delimiters
, parens
, brackets
, braces
, quotes
, doubleQuotes
-- * Combining documents
, (<>)
, (<+>)
, hcat
, hsep
, ($+$)
, vcat
, sep
, cat
, fsep
, fcat
, punctuate
, flushRight
, indentBy
-- * keywords
, keyword
, topKey
, indexed
, structId
-- * symbols
, dot
, bullet
, defn
, less
, lambda
, mapsto
, funArrow
, pfun
, cfun
, pcfun
, exequal
, forallDoc
, exists
, unique
, cross
, bar
, notDoc
, inDoc
, andDoc
, orDoc
, implies
, equiv
-- * docifying annotations and ids
, annoDoc
, idDoc
, idApplDoc
-- * transforming to existing formats
, codeOut
, toText
, toHPJDoc
, toLatex
) where
import Common.Id
import Common.Keywords
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import qualified Common.Lib.Pretty as Pretty
import Common.LaTeX_funs
import Common.ConvertLiteral
import Common.Prec
import Data.Char
import Data.List (intersperse)
infixl 6 <>
infixl 6 <+>
infixl 5 $+$
data TextKind =
IdKind | IdSymb | Symbol | Comment | Keyword | TopKey | Indexed | StructId
| Native
data Format = Small | FlushRight
data ComposeKind
= Vert -- ($+$) (no support for $$!)
| Horiz -- (<>)
| HorizOrVert -- either Horiz or Vert
| Fill
data Doc
= Empty -- creates an empty line if composed vertically
| AnnoDoc Annotation -- we know how to print annotations
| IdDoc Id -- for plain ids outside applications
| IdApplDoc Id [Doc] -- for mixfix applications and literal terms
| Text TextKind String -- non-empty and no white spaces inside
| Cat ComposeKind [Doc]
| Attr Format Doc -- for annotations
| IndentBy Doc Doc Doc
IdentBy refDoc startDoc hangDoc
is: startDoc <> (length refDoc - length startDoc) <> hangDoc
if refDoc >= startDoc
(i.e indent hangBlock by refDoc and put it beside startDoc)
is: startDoc <> hangDoc if it fits on a single line!
is: startDoc $+$
nest refDoc hangDoc
if refDoc < startDoc
isEmpty :: Doc -> Bool
isEmpty d = case d of
Empty -> True
_ -> False
empty :: Doc -- ^ An empty document
empty = Empty
text :: String -> Doc
text = Text IdKind
semi :: Doc -- ^ A ';' character
semi = text ";"
comma :: Doc -- ^ A ',' character
comma = text ","
colon :: Doc -- ^ A ':' character
colon = text colonS
-- the only legal white space within Text
space :: Doc -- ^ A horizontal space (omitted at end of line)
space = text " "
equals :: Doc -- ^ A '=' character
equals = text equalS
-- use symbol for signs that need to be put in mathmode for latex
symbol :: String -> Doc
symbol = Text Symbol
-- for text within comments
commentText :: String -> Doc
commentText = Text Comment
-- don't escape this strings since they are interpreted by latex
native :: String -> Doc
native = Text Native
lparen, rparen, lbrack, rbrack, lbrace, rbrace, quote, doubleQuote :: Doc
lparen = symbol "("
rparen = symbol ")"
lbrack = symbol "["
rbrack = symbol "]"
lbrace = symbol "{" -- to allow for latex translations
rbrace = symbol "}"
quote = symbol "\'"
doubleQuote = symbol "\""
parens :: Doc -> Doc -- ^ Wrap document in @(...)@
parens d = fcat [lparen, d, rparen]
brackets :: Doc -> Doc -- ^ Wrap document in @[...]@
brackets d = fcat [lbrack, d, rbrack]
braces :: Doc -> Doc -- ^ Wrap document in @{...}@
braces d = cat [lbrace <> d, rbrace]
quotes :: Doc -> Doc -- ^ Wrap document in @\'...\'@
quotes d = hcat [quote, d, quote]
doubleQuotes :: Doc -> Doc -- ^ Wrap document in @\"...\"@
doubleQuotes d = hcat [doubleQuote, d, doubleQuote]
(<>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc -- ^Beside
a <> b = Cat Horiz [a, b]
hcat :: [Doc] -> Doc -- ^List version of '<>'
hcat = Cat Horiz
(<+>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc -- ^Beside, separated by space
a <+> b = if isEmpty a then b else
if isEmpty b then a else Cat Horiz [a, space, b]
punctuate :: Doc -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
punctuate d l = case l of
x : r@(_ : _) -> (x <> d) : punctuate d r
_ -> l
hsep :: [Doc] -> Doc -- ^List version of '<+>'
hsep = hcat . punctuate space
($+$) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc; -- ^Above, without dovetailing.
a $+$ b = Cat Vert [a, b]
vcat :: [Doc] -> Doc -- ^List version of '$+$'
vcat = Cat Vert
cat :: [Doc] -> Doc -- ^ Either hcat or vcat
cat = Cat HorizOrVert
sep :: [Doc] -> Doc -- ^ Either hsep or vcat
sep = cat . punctuate space
fcat :: [Doc] -> Doc -- ^ \"Paragraph fill\" version of cat
fcat = Cat Fill
fsep :: [Doc] -> Doc -- ^ \"Paragraph fill\" version of sep
fsep = fcat . punctuate space
keyword, topKey, indexed, structId :: String -> Doc
keyword = Text Keyword
indexed = Text Indexed
structId = Text StructId
topKey = Text TopKey
-- | docs possibly rendered differently for Text or LaTeX
dot, bullet, defn, less, lambda, mapsto, funArrow, pfun, cfun, pcfun,
exequal, forallDoc, exists, unique, cross, bar, notDoc, inDoc, andDoc,
orDoc, implies, equiv :: Doc
dot = text dotS
bullet = symbol dotS
defn = symbol defnS
less = symbol lessS
lambda = symbol lambdaS
mapsto = symbol mapsTo
funArrow = symbol funS
pfun = symbol pFun
cfun = symbol contFun
pcfun = symbol pContFun
exequal = symbol exEqual
forallDoc = symbol forallS
exists = symbol existsS
unique = symbol existsUnique
cross = symbol prodS
bar = symbol barS
notDoc = symbol notS
inDoc = symbol inS
andDoc = symbol lAnd
orDoc = symbol lOr
implies = symbol implS
equiv = symbol equivS
-- | we know how to print annotations
annoDoc :: Annotation -> Doc
annoDoc = AnnoDoc
-- | for plain ids outside applications
idDoc :: Id -> Doc
idDoc = IdDoc
-- | for mixfix applications and literal terms (may print \"\" for empty)
idApplDoc :: Id -> [Doc] -> Doc
idApplDoc = IdApplDoc
-- | put document as far to the right as fits (for annotations)
flushRight :: Doc -> Doc
flushRight = Attr FlushRight
small :: Doc -> Doc
small = Attr Small
{- | print second argument and then indent the last one by the width
of the first one -}
indentBy :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc -> Doc
indentBy = IndentBy
-- * folding stuff
data DocRecord a = DocRecord
{ foldEmpty :: Doc -> a
, foldAnnoDoc :: Doc -> Annotation -> a
, foldIdDoc :: Doc -> Id -> a
, foldIdApplDoc :: Doc -> Id -> [a] -> a
, foldText :: Doc -> TextKind -> String -> a
, foldCat :: Doc -> ComposeKind -> [a] -> a
, foldAttr :: Doc -> Format -> a -> a
, foldIndentBy :: Doc -> a -> a -> a -> a
foldDoc :: DocRecord a -> Doc -> a
foldDoc r d = case d of
Empty -> foldEmpty r d
AnnoDoc a -> foldAnnoDoc r d a
IdDoc i -> foldIdDoc r d i
IdApplDoc i l -> foldIdApplDoc r d i $ map (foldDoc r) l
Text k s -> foldText r d k s
Cat k l -> foldCat r d k $ map (foldDoc r) l
Attr a e -> foldAttr r d a $ foldDoc r e
IndentBy e f g ->
foldIndentBy r d (foldDoc r e) (foldDoc r f) $ foldDoc r g
idRecord :: DocRecord Doc
idRecord = DocRecord
{ foldEmpty = \ _ -> Empty
, foldAnnoDoc = \ _ -> AnnoDoc
, foldIdDoc = \ _ -> IdDoc
, foldIdApplDoc = \ _ -> IdApplDoc
, foldText = \ _ -> Text
, foldCat = \ _ -> Cat
, foldAttr = \ _ -> Attr
, foldIndentBy = \ _ -> IndentBy
anyRecord :: DocRecord a
anyRecord = DocRecord
{ foldEmpty = error "anyRecord.Empty"
, foldAnnoDoc = error "anyRecord.AnnoDoc"
, foldIdDoc = error "anyRecord.IdDoc"
, foldIdApplDoc = error "anyRecord.IdApplDoc"
, foldText = error "anyRecord.Text"
, foldCat = error "anyRecord.Cat"
, foldAttr = error "anyRecord.Attr"
, foldIndentBy = error "anyRecord.IndentBy"
-- * conversions
-- | simple conversion to a standard text document
toText :: Doc -> Pretty.Doc
toText = toHPJDoc emptyGlobalAnnos
-- | simple conversion to a standard text document
toHPJDoc :: GlobalAnnos -> Doc -> Pretty.Doc
toHPJDoc ga = foldDoc anyRecord
{ foldEmpty = \ _ -> Pretty.empty
, foldText = \ _ _ -> Pretty.text
, foldCat = \ _ c -> case c of
Vert -> Pretty.vcat
Horiz -> Pretty.hcat
HorizOrVert ->
Fill -> Pretty.fcat
, foldAttr = \ _ k d -> case k of
FlushRight -> let l = length $ show d in
if l < 80 then Pretty.nest (80 - l) d else d
_ -> d
, foldIndentBy = \ _ d1 d2 d3 ->
d2 Pretty.$$ Pretty.nest (length $ show d1) d3
} . codeOut ga Nothing Map.empty
-- | conversion to latex
toLatex :: GlobalAnnos -> Doc -> Pretty.Doc
toLatex ga = let dm = (Map.! DF_LATEX) .
Map.filter (Map.member DF_LATEX) $ display_annos ga
in foldDoc anyRecord
{ foldEmpty = \ _ -> Pretty.empty
, foldText = \ _ k s -> textToLatex False k s
, foldCat = \ _ c l -> case c of
Horiz -> Pretty.hcat l
_ -> latex_macro setTab Pretty.<>
latex_macro startTab Pretty.<> (case c of
Vert -> Pretty.vcat
Horiz -> error "toLatex.Horiz"
HorizOrVert ->
Fill -> Pretty.fcat) l Pretty.<> latex_macro endTab
, foldAttr = \ o k d -> case k of
FlushRight -> flushright d
Small -> case o of
Attr Small (Text j s) -> textToLatex True j s
_ -> error "toLatex.Small"
, foldIndentBy = \ _ d1 d2 d3 ->
d2 Pretty.$$ Pretty.nest (length $ show d1) d3
} . makeSmall False . codeOut ga (Just DF_LATEX) dm
textToLatex :: Bool -> TextKind -> String -> Pretty.Doc
textToLatex b k s = let e = escape_comment_latex s in
if elem s $ map (: []) ",;[]() "
then makeSmallLatex b $ casl_normal_latex s
else case k of
IdKind -> makeSmallLatex b $ hc_sty_id e
IdSymb -> makeSmallLatex b $ hc_sty_axiom e
Symbol -> makeSmallLatex b $ symbolToLatex s
Comment -> (if b then makeSmallLatex b . casl_comment_latex
else casl_normal_latex) e
-- multiple spaces should be replaced by \hspace
Keyword -> (if b then makeSmallLatex b . hc_sty_small_keyword
else hc_sty_plain_keyword) e
TopKey -> hc_sty_casl_keyword e
Indexed -> hc_sty_structid_indexed e
StructId -> hc_sty_structid e
Native -> makeSmallLatex b $ hc_sty_axiom s
makeSmallLatex :: Bool -> Pretty.Doc -> Pretty.Doc
makeSmallLatex b d =
if b then Pretty.hcat [latex_macro startAnno, d, latex_macro endAnno]
else d
symbolToLatex :: String -> Pretty.Doc
symbolToLatex s = Map.findWithDefault (hc_sty_axiom
$ escape_latex s) s latexSymbols
latexSymbols :: Map.Map String Pretty.Doc
latexSymbols = Map.fromList
[ (dotS, bullet_latex)
, (diamondS, hc_sty_axiom "\\Diamond")
, (percentS, hc_sty_small_keyword "\\%")
, (percents, hc_sty_small_keyword "\\%\\%")
, ("{", casl_normal_latex "\\{")
, ("}", casl_normal_latex "\\}")
, ("__", hc_sty_axiom "\\_\\_")
, (lambdaS, hc_sty_axiom "\\lambda")
, (mapsTo, mapsto_latex)
, (funS, rightArrow)
, (contFun, cfun_latex)
, (pContFun, pcfun_latex)
, (exEqual, exequal_latex)
, (forallS, forall_latex)
, (existsS, exists_latex)
, (existsUnique, unique_latex)
, (prodS, hc_sty_axiom "\\times")
, (notS, hc_sty_axiom "\\neg")
, (inS, hc_sty_axiom "\\in")
, (lAnd, hc_sty_axiom "\\wedge")
, (lOr, hc_sty_axiom "\\vee")
, (implS, hc_sty_axiom "\\Rightarrow")
, (equivS, hc_sty_axiom "\\Leftrightarrow") ]
makeSmall :: Bool -> Doc -> Doc
makeSmall b = foldDoc idRecord
{ foldAttr = \ _ k d -> makeSmall (case k of
Small -> True
_ -> b) d
, foldCat = \ (Cat c l) _ _ -> Cat c $ map (makeSmall b) l
, foldIndentBy = \ (IndentBy d1 d2 d3) _ _ _ ->
IndentBy (makeSmall b d1) (makeSmall b d2) $ makeSmall b d3
, foldText = \ d _ _ -> if b then Attr Small d else d
-- * coding out stuff
{- | transform document according to a specific display map and other
global annotations like precedences, associativities, and literal
annotations. -}
codeOut :: GlobalAnnos -> Maybe Display_format -> Map.Map Id [Token] -> Doc
-> Doc
codeOut ga d m = foldDoc idRecord
{ foldAnnoDoc = \ _ -> small . codeOutAnno d m
, foldIdDoc = \ _ -> codeOutId m
, foldIdApplDoc = \ o i -> fst . codeOutAppl ga d m o i
codeToken :: String -> Doc
codeToken s = case s of
[] -> empty
h : _ -> (if isAlphaNum h || elem h "._'" then text else Text IdSymb) s
codeOrigId :: Map.Map Id [Token] -> Id -> [Doc]
codeOrigId m (Id ts cs _) = let
(toks, places) = splitMixToken ts
conv = map (codeToken . tokStr) in
if null cs then conv ts
else conv toks ++
(lbrack : intersperse comma (map (codeOutId m) cs))
++ (rbrack : conv places)
codeIdToks :: [Token] -> [Doc]
codeIdToks = map (\ t -> let s = tokStr t in
if isPlace t then symbol s else native s)
codeOutId :: Map.Map Id [Token] -> Id -> Doc
codeOutId m i = hcat $ case Map.lookup i m of
Nothing -> codeOrigId m i
Just ts -> codeIdToks ts
annoLine :: String -> Doc
annoLine w = percent <> keyword w
annoLparen :: String -> Doc
annoLparen w = percent <> keyword w <> lparen
wrapAnnoLines :: Maybe Display_format -> Doc -> [String] -> Doc -> Doc
wrapAnnoLines d a l b = case map (commentText .
maybe id (const $ dropWhile isSpace) d) l of
[] -> a <> b
[x] -> hcat [a, x, b]
ds@(x : r) -> case d of
Nothing -> vcat $ fcat [a, x] : init r ++ [fcat [last r, b]]
Just _ -> a <+> vcat ds <> b
percent :: Doc
percent = symbol percentS
annoRparen :: Doc
annoRparen = rparen <> percent
cCommaT :: Map.Map Id [Token] -> [Id] -> [Doc]
cCommaT m = punctuate comma . map (codeOutId m)
hCommaT :: Map.Map Id [Token] -> [Id] -> Doc
hCommaT m = hsep . cCommaT m
fCommaT :: Map.Map Id [Token] -> [Id] -> Doc
fCommaT m = fsep . cCommaT m
codeOutAnno :: Maybe Display_format -> Map.Map Id [Token] -> Annotation -> Doc
codeOutAnno d m a = case a of
Unparsed_anno aw at _ -> case at of
Line_anno s -> (case aw of
Annote_word w -> annoLine w
Comment_start -> symbol percents) <> commentText s
Group_anno l -> case aw of
Annote_word w -> wrapAnnoLines d (annoLparen w) l annoRparen
Comment_start -> wrapAnnoLines d (percent <> lbrace) l
(rbrace <> percent)
Display_anno i ds _ -> annoLparen displayS <> fsep
( hcat (codeOrigId m i) :
map ( \ (df, s) -> percent <> text (lookupDisplayFormat df)
<+> maybe (commentText s) (const $ codeOutId m i)
(Map.lookup i m)) ds) <> annoRparen
List_anno i1 i2 i3 _ -> annoLine listS <+> hCommaT m [i1, i2, i3]
Number_anno i _ -> annoLine numberS <+> codeOutId m i
Float_anno i1 i2 _ -> annoLine floatingS <+> hCommaT m [i1, i2]
String_anno i1 i2 _ -> annoLine stringS <+> hCommaT m [i1, i2]
Prec_anno p l1 l2 _ -> annoLparen precS <>
fsep [ braces $ fCommaT m l1
, case p of
Lower -> symbol lessS
Higher -> symbol greaterS
BothDirections -> symbol lessS <> symbol greaterS
NoDirection -> symbol greaterS <> symbol lessS
, braces $ fCommaT m l2
] <> annoRparen
Assoc_anno s l _ -> annoLparen (case s of
ALeft -> left_assocS
ARight -> right_assocS)
<> fCommaT m l <> annoRparen
Label l _ -> wrapAnnoLines d (annoLparen "") l annoRparen
Semantic_anno sa _ -> annoLine $ lookupSemanticAnno sa
splitDoc :: Doc -> Maybe (Id, [Doc])
splitDoc d = case d of
IdApplDoc i l -> Just (i, l)
_ -> Nothing
data Weight = Weight Int Id Id Id -- top, left, right
mkTrivWeight :: Id -> Int -> Weight
mkTrivWeight i n = Weight n i i i
-- print literal terms and mixfix applications
codeOutAppl :: GlobalAnnos -> Maybe Display_format -> Map.Map Id [Token]
-> Doc -> Id -> [Doc] -> (Doc, Maybe Weight)
codeOutAppl ga d m origDoc _ args = case origDoc of
IdApplDoc i aas ->
let mk t = (codeToken $ tokStr t, Nothing)
doSplit = maybe (error "doSplit") id . splitDoc
mkList op largs cl = fsep $ codeOutId m op : punctuate comma
(map (codeOut ga d m) largs)
++ [codeOutId m cl]
in if isGenNumber splitDoc ga i aas then
mk $ toNumber doSplit i aas
else if isGenFrac splitDoc ga i aas then
mk $ toFrac doSplit aas
else if isGenFloat splitDoc ga i aas then
mk $ toFloat doSplit ga aas
else if isGenString splitDoc ga i aas then
mk $ toString doSplit ga i aas
else if isGenList splitDoc ga i aas then
(toMixfixList mkList doSplit ga i aas, Nothing)
else if null args || length args /= placeCount i then
(codeOutId m i <> if null args then empty else
parens (fsep $ punctuate comma args), Nothing)
else (codeOutId m i <> if null args then empty else
parens (fsep $ punctuate comma args), Nothing)
_ -> error "Common.Doc.codeOutAppl"