{- |
Module : ./Common/Data.hs
Description : generate output from Data instances
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder, DFKI GmbH 2014
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
preprocess some known data types
module Common.Data where
import Common.Id
import Common.IRI
import Common.Result
import Data.Data
import Data.List
data MyData = Builtin String String -- label and content
| ListOrTuple Bool [MyData] -- True means list
| Cons String (Maybe [String]) [MyData] -- with optional field names
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
{- | conversion with special treatment for numbers, booleans, strings,
characters, ranges, ids, IRIs and other lists. -}
dataToMyData :: Data a => a -> MyData
dataToMyData a = let
l = gmapQ dataToMyData a
c = toConstr a
fs = constrFields c
s = showConstr c
bool = const $ Builtin "bool" s :: Bool -> MyData
res = case l of
[] -> case s of
"[]" -> ListOrTuple True []
"()" -> ListOrTuple False []
_ -> Cons s Nothing []
[hd, ListOrTuple True rt] | s == "(:)" -> ListOrTuple True $ hd : rt
_ | isPrefixOf "(," s -> ListOrTuple False l
_ -> Cons s
(if length fs == length l && all (not . null) fs
then Just fs else Nothing) l
in case dataTypeRep $ dataTypeOf a of
r | elem r [IntRep, FloatRep] -> Builtin "number" s
CharRep -> Builtin "char" s
_ -> maybe
(maybe res
(Builtin "iri" . iriToStringUnsecure) $ cast a)
(Builtin "id" . (`showId` "")) $ cast a)
(Builtin "range" . show . prettyRange . rangeToList) $ cast a)
(Builtin "string") $ cast a) bool $ cast a
normalizeMyDataForSerialization :: MyData -> MyData
normalizeMyDataForSerialization = stripDeleted . stripSpecialConstructors
{- "_deleted" is not a valid Haskell constructor and can't clash with real
data. It is used for marking a deleted data item. -}
deletedData :: MyData
deletedData = Cons "_deleted" Nothing []
isNotDeleted :: MyData -> Bool
isNotDeleted d = d /= deletedData
stripSpecialConstructors :: MyData -> MyData
stripSpecialConstructors md = case md of
Cons "Nothing" Nothing [] -> deletedData
Cons "Just" Nothing [value] -> value
Cons "Left" Nothing [value] -> value
Cons "Right" Nothing [value] -> value
Cons constructor fieldsM values ->
Cons constructor fieldsM $ map stripSpecialConstructors values
ListOrTuple isList values ->
ListOrTuple isList $ map stripSpecialConstructors values
_ -> md
stripDeletedList :: [MyData] -> [MyData]
stripDeletedList values = filter isNotDeleted $ map stripDeleted values
stripDeletedFieldsList :: [String] -> [MyData] -> ([String], [MyData])
stripDeletedFieldsList fields values =
unzip $
filter (\ (_, v) -> isNotDeleted v) $
map (\ (f, v) -> (f, stripDeleted v)) $
zip fields values
stripDeleted :: MyData -> MyData
stripDeleted md = case md of
ListOrTuple isList values ->
ListOrTuple isList $ stripDeletedList values
Cons constructor Nothing values ->
Cons constructor Nothing $ stripDeletedList values
Cons constructor (Just fields) values ->
let (fields', values') = stripDeletedFieldsList fields values
in Cons constructor (Just fields') values'
_ -> md