ConvertMixfixToken.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : generic conversion of mixfix tokens
Copyright : Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2004
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
generic conversion of mixfix tokens
module Common.ConvertMixfixToken
( convertMixfixToken
, AsAppl
) where
import Common.Id
import Common.Lexer
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.Result
-- * convert a literal to a term
type AsAppl a = Id -> [a] -> Range -> a
inc :: Int -> Range -> Range
inc n (Range p) =
Range (map (`incSourceColumn` n) p)
stripIdRange :: Id -> Id
stripIdRange (Id ts cs _) =
Id (map (\ t -> t { tokPos = nullRange }) ts) (map stripIdRange cs) nullRange
makeStringTerm :: Id -> Id -> AsAppl a -> Token -> a
makeStringTerm c f asAppl tok =
makeStrTerm (inc 1 sp) str
sp = tokPos tok
str = init (tail (tokStr tok))
makeStrTerm p l =
if null l then asAppl c [] p
else let (hd, tl) = splitString caslChar l
in asAppl f [asAppl (Id [Token ("'" ++ hd ++ "'") p]
[] nullRange) [] p,
makeStrTerm (inc (length hd) p) tl] p
makeNumberTerm :: Id -> AsAppl a -> Token -> a
makeNumberTerm f asAppl t@(Token n p) =
case n of
[] -> error "makeNumberTerm"
[_] -> asAppl (Id [t] [] nullRange) [] p
hd : tl -> asAppl f [asAppl (Id [Token [hd] p] [] nullRange) [] p,
makeNumberTerm f asAppl (Token tl
$ inc 1 p)] p
makeFraction :: Id -> Id -> AsAppl a -> Token -> a
makeFraction f d asAppl t@(Token s p) =
let (n, r) = span (/= '.') s
dotOffset = length n
in if null r then makeNumberTerm f asAppl t
else asAppl d [makeNumberTerm f asAppl (Token n p),
makeNumberTerm f asAppl $ Token (tail r)
$ inc (dotOffset + 1) p]
$ inc dotOffset p
makeSignedNumber :: Id -> AsAppl a -> Token -> a
makeSignedNumber f asAppl t@(Token n p) =
case n of
[] -> error "makeSignedNumber"
hd : tl ->
if hd == '-' || hd == '+' then
asAppl (Id [Token [hd] p, placeTok ] [] nullRange)
[makeNumberTerm f asAppl $ Token tl
$ inc 1 p] p
else makeNumberTerm f asAppl t
makeFloatTerm :: Id -> Id -> Id -> AsAppl a -> Token -> a
makeFloatTerm f d e asAppl t@(Token s p) =
let (m, r) = span (/= 'E') s
offset = length m
in if null r then makeFraction f d asAppl t
else asAppl e [makeFraction f d asAppl (Token m p),
makeSignedNumber f asAppl $ Token (tail r)
$ inc (offset + 1) p]
$ inc offset p
-- | convert a literal token to an application term
convertMixfixToken :: LiteralAnnos -> AsAppl a
-> (Token -> a) -> Token -> ([Diagnosis], a)
convertMixfixToken ga asAppl toTerm t = let
te = toTerm t
err s = ([Diag Error ("missing %" ++ s ++ " annotation") (tokPos t)], te)
in if isString t then case string_lit ga of
Nothing -> err "string"
Just (c, f) ->
([], makeStringTerm (stripIdRange c) (stripIdRange f) asAppl t)
else if isNumber t then case number_lit ga of
Nothing -> err "number"
Just f0 -> let f = stripIdRange f0 in
if isFloating t then case float_lit ga of
Nothing -> err "floating"
Just (d, e) ->
([], makeFloatTerm f (stripIdRange d) (stripIdRange e) asAppl t)
else ([], makeNumberTerm f asAppl t)
else ([], te)