ConvertLiteral.hs revision 81f49ee02aaa3bc870401f8883bf52742eb3ea7a
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : generic conversion of literals
Copyright : Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2004
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Generically converting literals
module Common.ConvertLiteral
( SplitM
, isGenLiteral
, isGenNumber
, isGenNum
, isGenString
, isGenList
, isGenFloat
, isGenFrac
, toNumber
, toFrac
, toFloat
, toString
, toMixfixList
, toChar
) where
import Common.Id
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
-- * test if term is a literal
type SplitM a = a -> Maybe (Id, [a])
isGenLiteral :: SplitM a -> GlobalAnnos -> Id -> [a] -> Bool
isGenLiteral splt ga i trm =
or [ isGenNumber splt ga i trm
, isGenString splt ga i trm
, isGenList splt ga i trm
, isGenFloat splt ga i trm
, isGenFrac splt ga i trm
-- | is a number or a single digit
isGenNum :: SplitM a -> GlobalAnnos -> Id -> [a] -> Bool
isGenNum splt ga i trs = case trs of
[] -> digitTest i
_ -> isGenNumber splt ga i trs
-- | is a number of more than one digit
isGenNumber :: SplitM a -> GlobalAnnos -> Id -> [a] -> Bool
isGenNumber splt ga i trs = case trs of
[_, _] -> getLiteralType ga i == Number
&& all (sameId splt digitTest i) trs
_ -> False
digitTest :: Id -> Bool
digitTest ii = case ii of
Id [t] [] _ -> case tokStr t of
[d] -> isDigit d
_ -> False
_ -> False
isGenSignedNumber :: SplitM a -> GlobalAnnos -> Id -> [a] -> Bool
isGenSignedNumber splt ga i trs =
case trs of
[hd] -> case splt hd of
Just (ni, nt) -> isSign i && isGenNum splt ga ni nt
Nothing -> False
_ -> False
isSign :: Id -> Bool
isSign i = case i of
Id [tok, p] [] _ | isPlace p ->
let ts = tokStr tok in ts == "-" || ts == "+"
_ -> False
isGenString :: SplitM a -> GlobalAnnos -> Id -> [a] -> Bool
isGenString splt ga i trs = case getLiteralType ga i of
StringNull -> null trs
StringCons _ -> all (sameId splt stringTest i) trs
_ -> False
stringTest ii = case getLiteralType ga ii of
StringNull -> True
_ -> case ii of
Id [t] [] _ -> isPrefixOf "'" $ tokStr t
_ -> False
isGenList :: SplitM a -> GlobalAnnos -> Id -> [a] -> Bool
isGenList splt ga i trms = case getLiteralType ga i of
ListNull _ -> null trms
ListCons _ n -> listTest n i trms
_ -> False
where listTest n1 i1 terms = case getLiteralType ga i1 of
ListNull _ -> n1 == i1 && null terms
ListCons _ n2 -> n1 == n2 && case terms of
[_, hd] -> case splt hd of
Just (i2, ts) -> listTest n1 i2 ts
Nothing -> False
_ -> False
_ -> False
isGenFloat :: SplitM a -> GlobalAnnos -> Id -> [a] -> Bool
isGenFloat splt ga i [l, r] =
case getLiteralType ga i of
Floating -> case (splt l, splt r) of
(Just (li, ltrm), Just (ri, rtrm)) ->
(isGenNum splt ga li ltrm || isGenFrac splt ga li ltrm) &&
(isGenSignedNumber splt ga ri rtrm || isGenNum splt ga ri rtrm)
_ -> False
_ -> False
isGenFloat _ _ _ _ = False
isGenFrac :: SplitM a -> GlobalAnnos -> Id -> [a] -> Bool
isGenFrac splt ga i [l, r] =
case getLiteralType ga i of
Fraction -> case (splt l, splt r) of
(Just (li, ltrm), Just (ri, rtrm)) ->
isGenNum splt ga li ltrm && isGenNum splt ga ri rtrm
_ -> False
_ -> False
isGenFrac _ _ _ _ = False
sameId :: SplitM a -> (Id -> Bool) -> Id -> a -> Bool
sameId splt test i t = case splt t of
Just (j, ts) -> if null ts then test j
else j == i && all (sameId splt test i) ts
_ -> False
-- * convert an application back to a literal
joinToken :: Token -> Token -> Token
joinToken (Token s1 _) (Token s2 _) =
Token (s1 ++ s2) nullRange -- forget the range
toSignedNumber :: (a -> (Id, [a])) -> Id -> [a] -> Token
toSignedNumber splt (Id [sign, p] [] _) [hd] | isPlace p = case splt hd of
(i, ts) -> joinToken sign $ toNumber splt i ts
toSignedNumber _ _ _ = error "toSignedNumber"
toNumber :: (a -> (Id, [a])) -> Id -> [a] -> Token
toNumber splt i ts = if null ts then case i of
Id [d] [] _ -> d
_ -> error "toNumber"
else foldr1 joinToken $ map (toNumber2 splt) ts
toNumber2 :: (a -> (Id, [a])) -> a -> Token
toNumber2 splt t = case splt t of (j, args) -> toNumber splt j args
toFrac :: (a -> (Id, [a])) -> [a] -> Token
toFrac splt [lt, rt] =
joinToken (toNumber2 splt lt) $
joinToken (Token "." nullRange) $
toNumber2 splt rt
toFrac _ _ = error "toFrac"
toFloat :: (a -> (Id, [a])) -> GlobalAnnos -> [a] -> Token
toFloat splt ga [lt, rt] =
case (splt lt, splt rt) of
((bas_i, bas_t), (ex_i, ex_t)) ->
let t1 = if isGenFrac (Just . splt) ga bas_i bas_t then
toFrac splt bas_t else
toNumber splt bas_i bas_t
t2 = if isGenSignedNumber (Just . splt) ga ex_i ex_t then
toSignedNumber splt ex_i ex_t else
toNumber splt ex_i ex_t
in joinToken t1 $ joinToken (Token "E" nullRange) t2
toFloat _ _ _ = error "toFloat2"
toChar :: Token -> String
toChar t = case tokStr t of
'\'' : rt -> init rt
_ -> error "toChar"
toString :: (a -> (Id, [a])) -> GlobalAnnos -> Id -> [a] -> Token
toString splt ga i ts =
Token ( "\"" ++ toString1 splt ga i ts ++ "\"") nullRange
-- | the string without double quotes
toString1 :: (a -> (Id, [a])) -> GlobalAnnos -> Id -> [a] -> String
toString1 splt ga i ts = if null ts then
case getLiteralType ga i of
StringNull -> ""
_ -> case i of
Id [c] [] _ -> toChar c
_ -> error "toString"
else concatMap (toString2 splt ga) ts
toString2 :: (a -> (Id, [a])) -> GlobalAnnos -> a -> String
toString2 splt ga t = case splt t of (i, ts) -> toString1 splt ga i ts
-- | get list elements
getListElems :: (a -> (Id, [a])) -> [a] -> [a]
getListElems splt ts = case ts of
[] -> []
[ft, rt] -> ft : getListElems splt (snd $ splt rt)
_ -> error "getListElems"
-- | construct list result from application
toMixfixList :: (Id -> [a] -> Id -> b) -> (a -> (Id, [a]))
-> GlobalAnnos -> Id -> [a] -> b
toMixfixList mkList splt ga i ts =
let args = getListElems splt ts
(openL, closeL, comps) = getListBrackets $
case getLiteralType ga i of
ListNull b -> b
ListCons b _ -> b
_ -> error "print_Literal_text"
in mkList (Id openL [] nullRange) args (Id closeL comps nullRange)