ConvertGlobalAnnos.hs revision b87efd3db0d2dc41615ea28669faf80fc1b48d56
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : convert global annotations to a list of annotations
Copyright : (c) Carsten Fischer and Uni Bremen 2003-2006
License : GPLv2 or higher
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Convert global annotations to a list of annotations
module Common.ConvertGlobalAnnos
( mergeGlobalAnnos
, convertGlobalAnnos
, convertLiteralAnnos
) where
import Common.Id
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.AS_Annotation
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import Common.AnalyseAnnos
import Common.Result
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.List (partition, groupBy, sortBy)
instance Pretty GlobalAnnos where
pretty = printGlobalAnnos
printGlobalAnnos :: GlobalAnnos -> Doc
printGlobalAnnos = printAnnotationList . convertGlobalAnnos
convertGlobalAnnos::GlobalAnnos -> [Annotation]
convertGlobalAnnos ga = convertPrec (prec_annos ga)
++ convertAssoc (assoc_annos ga)
++ convertDispl (display_annos ga)
++ convertLiteralAnnos (literal_annos ga)
mergeGlobalAnnos :: GlobalAnnos -> GlobalAnnos -> Result GlobalAnnos
mergeGlobalAnnos ga1 = addGlobalAnnos ga1 . convertGlobalAnnos
convertPrec :: PrecedenceGraph -> [Annotation]
convertPrec pg =
let cs = Rel.sccOfClosure pg
in map (\ l -> let (f, r) = splitAt (div (length l) 2) l in
Prec_anno BothDirections f r nullRange)
(filter ((> 1) . length) $ map Set.toList cs)
++ map (\ l@((_, s) : _) ->
Prec_anno Lower (map fst l) (Set.toList s) nullRange)
(groupBy (\ a b -> snd a == snd b)
$ sortBy (\ a b -> compare (snd a) $ snd b)
$ Map.toList $ Rel.toMap $ Rel.transReduce $ Rel.irreflex
$ Rel.collaps cs pg)
convertAssoc :: AssocMap -> [Annotation]
convertAssoc am =
let (i1s, i2s) = partition ((== ALeft) . snd) $ Map.toList am
-- [(Id,assEith)]
in [Assoc_anno ALeft (map fst i1s) nullRange | not $ null i1s]
++ [Assoc_anno ARight (map fst i2s) nullRange | not $ null i2s ]
convertDispl :: DisplayMap -> [Annotation]
convertDispl dm =
let m1 = Map.toList dm -- m1::[(Id,Map.Map Display_format [Token])]
toStrTup (x, y) = (x, concatMap tokStr y)
m2 = map (\ (x, m) -> (x, map toStrTup $ Map.toList m)) m1
-- m2::[(ID,[(Display_format,String)])]
in map (\ (i, x) -> Display_anno i x nullRange) m2
convertLiteralAnnos :: LiteralAnnos -> [Annotation]
convertLiteralAnnos la = let
str = case string_lit la of
Just (x, y) -> [String_anno x y nullRange]
_ -> []
lis = map (\ (br, (n, con)) -> List_anno br n con nullRange)
$ Map.toList $ list_lit la
number = case number_lit la of
Just x -> [Number_anno x nullRange]
_ -> []
flo = case float_lit la of
Just (a, b) -> [Float_anno a b nullRange]
_ -> []
in str ++ lis ++ number ++ flo