BinaryInstances.hs revision c911a0ec80ca4a178399c68f1e28be4e2bf42fce
{-# OPTIONS -cpp #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : some instances for the Binary class
Copyright : (c) DFKI GmbH 2009
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(overlapping Typeable instances)
module Common.BinaryInstances
( Binary(..)
, putWord8
, getWord8
, fromBinaryError
) where
import Common.ATerm.ConvInstances () -- to get Typeable instances
import Common.Lib.SizedList as SizedList
import Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import Common.InjMap as InjMap
import Data.Time (TimeOfDay(..))
import Data.Fixed (Pico)
import Data.Ratio (Ratio)
import System.Time
import Data.Binary
import Data.Word
class Binary a where
put :: a -> Maybe ()
put _ = Nothing
get :: Maybe a
get = Nothing
instance Binary a
putWord8 :: Word8 -> Maybe ()
putWord8 _ = Nothing
getWord8 :: Maybe Word8
getWord8 = Nothing
fromBinaryError :: String -> Word8 -> a
fromBinaryError s w = error $ "binary get failed for type '" ++ s
++ "' with variant:" ++ show w
instance Binary a => Binary (SizedList a) where
put l = put $ SizedList.toList l
get = do
l <- get
return $ SizedList.fromList l
instance (Ord a, Binary a) => Binary (Rel a) where
put r = put $ Rel.toMap r
get = do
m <- get
return $ Rel.fromDistinctMap m
instance (Ord a, Binary a, Ord b, Binary b) => Binary (InjMap a b) where
put x = do
put $ getAToB x
put $ getBToA x
get = do
a <- get
b <- get
return $ InjMap.unsafeConstructInjMap a b
instance Binary ClockTime where
put xv = case xv of
TOD a b -> do
put a
put b
get = do
a <- get
b <- get
return $ TOD a b
instance Binary TimeOfDay where
put xv = case xv of
TimeOfDay a b c -> do
put a
put b
put (toRational c :: Rational)
get = do
a <- get
b <- get
c <- get
return $ TimeOfDay a b $ (fromRational :: Ratio Integer -> Pico) c