AutoProofUtils.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Utils for automatic proving procedure of multiple nodes
Copyright : (c) Simon Ulbricht, Uni Bremen 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
This module provides sturctures and methods for the automatic proofs module.
module Common.AutoProofUtils where
import Common.GtkGoal
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph (LNode)
import Data.List
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.GTheory
-- | stores each node to be considered along with some further infomation
data FNode = FNode { name :: String
, node :: LNode DGNodeLab
, sublogic :: G_sublogics
, goals :: [String]
{- after proving, a new GTheory with the new Proofstatus
is computed -}
, results :: G_theory }
{- | mostly for the purpose of proper display, the resulting G_theory of each
FNode can be converted into a list of Goals. -}
toGtkGoals :: FNode -> [Goal]
toGtkGoals fn = map toGtkGoal . filter ((`elem` goals fn) . fst) . getThGoals
$ results fn
{- | as a Prefix for display purpose, the ratio of proven and total goals
is shown -}
goalsToPrefix :: [Goal] -> String
goalsToPrefix gs = let p = length $ filter (\ g -> gStatus g == GProved) gs
in "[" ++ show p ++ "/" ++ show (length gs) ++ "] "
{- | Displays every goal of a Node with a prefix showing the status and the
goal name. -}
showStatus :: FNode -> String
showStatus fn = intercalate "\n" . map (\ g -> statusToPrefix
(gStatus g) ++ show (gName g)) $ toGtkGoals fn
-- | Get a markup string containing name and color
instance Show FNode where
show fn = let gs = toGtkGoals fn
gmin = gStatus $ minimum gs
"<span color=\"" ++ statusToColor gmin ++ "\">"
++ goalsToPrefix gs ++ name fn ++ "</span>"
instance Eq FNode where
(==) f1 f2 = compare f1 f2 == EQ
{- | for comparison, the goal status of each node is considered. only with
equal goal status, nodes are sorted by name. -}
instance Ord FNode where
compare = let gmin f = (minimum $ toGtkGoals f, name f)
in comparing gmin
{- | gets all Nodes from the DGraph as input and creates a list of FNodes only
containing Nodes to be considered.
The results status field is initialised with the nodes local theory -}
initFNodes :: [LNode DGNodeLab] -> [FNode]
initFNodes = foldr (\ n@(_, l) t -> case globalTheory l of
Nothing -> t
Just gt ->
let gt' = dgn_theory l
gs = map fst $ getThGoals gt'
in if null gs then t else
FNode (getDGNodeName l) n (sublogicOfTh gt) gs gt' : t
) []
-- | returns True if a node has not been proved jet
unchecked :: FNode -> Bool
unchecked fn = all (isNothing . snd) . getThGoals $ results fn
-- | returns True if at least one goal has been timed out
timedout :: FNode -> Bool
timedout fn = any (\ a -> gStatus a == GTimeout) $ toGtkGoals fn
-- | returns True only if every goal has been proved
allProved :: FNode -> Bool
allProved fn = all (\ a -> gStatus a == GProved) $ toGtkGoals fn