Anno_Parser.hs revision 2eb84fc82d3ffa9116bc471fda3742bd9e5a24bb
{- HetCATS/Anno_Parser.hs
Authors: Klaus L�ttich, Christian Maeder
Year: 2002/2003
This file implements parsers for annotations and annoted items.
used Lexer, Keywords and Token rather than CaslLanguage
module Common.Anno_Parser where
import Common.Lib.Parsec hiding (label)
import Common.Lib.Parsec.Error
import Common.Lib.Parsec.Pos
import Common.Lib.Parsec.Perm
import Common.Lexer
import Common.Token
-- import CaslLanguage
import Common.Id
import Common.AS_Annotation
comment :: GenParser Char st Annotation
comment = commentLine <|> commentGroup
charOrEof :: Char -> GenParser Char st ()
charOrEof c = (char c >> return ()) <|> eof
newlineOrEof :: GenParser Char st ()
newlineOrEof = charOrEof '\n'
commentLine :: GenParser Char st Annotation
commentLine = do try (string "%%")
line <- manyTill anyChar newlineOrEof
return (Comment_line line [])
commentGroup :: GenParser Char st Annotation
commentGroup = do try (string "%{")
text_lines <- manyTill anyChar (try (string "}%"))
sp <- getPosition
return (Comment_group (lines text_lines) [conv sp])
where conv sp = incSourceColumn sp (-2)
annote :: GenParser Char st Annotation
annote = label <|>
do start_source_pos <- getPosition
i <- try anno_ident
anno <- ((annote_group i) <|> (annote_line i))
end_pos <- getPosition
case (parse_anno (add_pos end_pos anno) start_source_pos) of
Left err -> do setPosition (errorPos err)
fail (tail (showErrorMessages "or"
"unknown parse error"
"expecting" "unexpected"
"end of input"
(errorMessages err)))
Right pa -> return pa
where add_pos sp a =
up_pos_l (\l -> l++[conv sp a]) a
conv sp a = case a of
Annote_group _ _ _ -> incSourceColumn sp (-2)
Annote_line _ _ _ -> sp
_ -> error "nothing to be done for other Annos"
label :: GenParser Char st Annotation
label = do try(string "%(")
label_lines <- manyTill anyChar (string ")%")
sp <- getPosition
return (Label (lines label_lines) [conv sp])
where conv sp = incSourceColumn sp (-2)
anno_ident :: GenParser Char st String
anno_ident = string "%" >> casl_words
annote_group :: String -> GenParser Char st Annotation
annote_group s = do char '(' -- )
annote_lines <- manyTill anyChar (string ")%")
return (Annote_group s (lines annote_lines) [])
annote_line :: String -> GenParser Char st Annotation
annote_line s = do anno <- do char ' '
line <- manyTill anyChar newlineOrEof
return (Annote_line s line [])
-- AnnoteWord (%implies ...)
<|> do newlineOrEof
return (Annote_line s "" [])
annotationL :: GenParser Char st Annotation
annotationL = do start_source_pos <- getPosition
anno <- (comment <|> annote)
return (add_pos anno (convToPos start_source_pos))
where add_pos an p = up_pos_l (\l -> p:l) an
annotation :: GenParser Char st Annotation
annotation = lexeme annotationL
-- cause all parsers above are not lexeme
annotations :: GenParser Char st [Annotation]
annotations = many annotation
-- parser for the contents of annotations
parse_anno :: Annotation -> SourcePos -> Either ParseError Annotation
parse_anno anno sp = case anno of
Annote_line kw as pos ->
case kw of
"def" -> semantic_anno Definitional kw as sp pos
"implies" -> semantic_anno Implies kw as sp pos
"cons" -> semantic_anno Conservative kw as sp pos
"mono" -> semantic_anno Monomorph kw as sp pos
_ ->
case parse_anno (Annote_group kw [as] pos) sp of
x@(Left _) -> x
Right (Annote_group _ _ _) -> Right anno
x@(Right _) -> x
Annote_group kw as _pos ->
case kw of
"prec" -> parse_internal prec_anno nsp inp
"display" -> parse_internal display_anno nsp inp
"left_assoc" -> parse_internal
(lassoc assoc_anno)
nsp inp
"right_assoc" -> parse_internal
(rassoc assoc_anno)
nsp inp
"number" -> parse_internal number_anno nsp inp
"string" -> parse_internal string_anno nsp inp
"list" -> parse_internal list_anno nsp inp
"floating" -> parse_internal floating_anno nsp inp
_ -> Right anno
{- a strict implementation:
_ -> Left(newErrorMessage
(UnExpect ("kind of annotation or this kind is not allowed as group: " ++ kw))
sp) -}
where nsp = updatePosString sp (kw ++ "(")
inp = unlines as
lassoc p = do res <- p
return (Lassoc_anno res [])
rassoc p = do res <- p
return (Rassoc_anno res [])
assoc_anno = commaSep1 casl_id
_ -> Right anno
parse_internal :: GenParser Char () a -> SourcePos -> [Char]
-> Either ParseError a
parse_internal p sp inp = parse (do setPosition sp
res <- p
return res
(sourceName sp)
prec_anno, number_anno, string_anno, list_anno, floating_anno
:: GenParser Char st Annotation
prec_anno = do left_ids <- braces $ commaSep1 casl_id
sign <- lexeme (try (string "<>") <|> (string "<"))
right_ids <- braces $ commaSep1 casl_id
return ( Prec_anno (sign == "<")
number_anno = literal_anno f 1 "number"
where f [x] = Number_anno x
f _ = error "wrong_number of ids"
string_anno = literal_anno f 2 "string"
where f [x1,x2] = String_anno x1 x2
f _ = error "wrong_number of ids"
floating_anno = literal_anno f 2 "floating"
where f [x1,x2] = Float_anno x1 x2
f _ = error "wrong_number of ids"
list_anno = literal_anno f 3 "list"
where f [x1,x2,x3] = List_anno x1 x2 x3
f _ = error "wrong_number of ids"
literal_anno :: ([Id] -> [Pos] -> Annotation)
-> Int -> String -> GenParser Char st Annotation
literal_anno con cnt conStr =
do ids <- commaSep1 casl_id
if length ids == cnt then return $ con ids $ []
else unexpected $ "Annotation \"" ++ conStr ++
"\" malformed: wrong number of ids, " ++
show cnt ++ " id(s) expected!"
display_anno :: GenParser Char st Annotation
display_anno = do ident <- casl_id
tls <- permute ( mklst <$?> (disp_symb "HTML")
<|?> (disp_symb "LATEX")
<|?> (disp_symb "RTF") )
{- many (disp_symb "HTML"
<|> disp_symb "LATEX"
<|> disp_symb "RTF") -}
return (Display_anno ident tls [])
where mklst a b c = [a,b,c]
disp_symb sym = ((ready_symb,""), -- default for optional ParsecPerm
do symb <- lexeme (try (string
str <- manyTill anyChar $ charOrEof '%'
return (symb, reverse $
dropWhile (`elem` blankChars)
$ reverse str)
) where ready_symb = "%"++sym
semantic_anno :: ([Pos] -> Annotation)
-> String -> String -> SourcePos -> [Pos]
-> Either ParseError Annotation
semantic_anno anno kw as sp pos =
if all (`elem` blankChars) as then
Right (anno pos)
Left (newErrorMessage (Expect("only whitespaces after %" ++ kw)) sp)
blankChars :: String
blankChars = "\n\r\t\v\f \160"