Amalgamate.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : data types for amalgamability options and analysis
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder, Uni Bremen 2004
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Data types for amalgamability options and analysis
module Common.Amalgamate where
import Data.Char
import Data.List
{- | 'CASLAmalgOpt' describes the options for CASL amalgamability analysis
algorithms -}
data CASLAmalgOpt = Sharing -- ^ perform the sharing checks
| ColimitThinness -- ^ perform colimit thinness check (implies Sharing)
| Cell -- ^ perform cell condition check (implies Sharing)
| NoAnalysis -- ^ dummy option to indicate empty option string
{- | Amalgamability analysis might be undecidable, so we need
a special type for the result of ensures_amalgamability -}
data Amalgamates = Amalgamates
| NoAmalgamation String -- ^ failure description
| DontKnow String {- ^ the reason for unknown status
The default value for 'DontKnow' amalgamability result -}
defaultDontKnow :: Amalgamates
defaultDontKnow = DontKnow "Unable to assert that amalgamability is ensured"
instance Show CASLAmalgOpt where
show o = case o of
Sharing -> "sharing"
ColimitThinness -> "colimit-thinness"
Cell -> "cell"
NoAnalysis -> "none"
instance Read CASLAmalgOpt where
readsPrec _ = readShow caslAmalgOpts
-- | test all possible values, ignore leading space
readShowAux :: [(String, a)] -> ReadS a
readShowAux l s =
let s' = dropWhile isSpace s
f _ [] = Nothing
f g' (x : xs) = case g' x of
Just res -> Just (x, res)
_ -> f g' xs
g (p, _) = stripPrefix p s'
in case f g l of
Nothing -> []
Just ((_, t), s'') -> [(t, s'')]
-- | input all possible values and read one as it is shown
readShow :: Show a => [a] -> ReadS a
readShow = readShowAux . map ( \ o -> (show o, o))
-- | possible CASL amalgamability options
caslAmalgOpts :: [CASLAmalgOpt]
caslAmalgOpts = [NoAnalysis, Sharing, Cell, ColimitThinness]