Conversion.hs revision ad270004874ce1d0697fb30d7309f180553bb315
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Klaus L�ttich, C. Maeder, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(imports AbstractSyntax)
the class ShATermConvertible and a few instances
module Common.ATerm.Conversion where
import Common.ATerm.AbstractSyntax
import Data.Dynamic
import Data.List (mapAccumL)
import Data.Ratio
import Control.Monad
class Typeable t => ShATermConvertible t where
-- functions for conversion to an ATermTable
toShATermAux :: ATermTable -> t -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATermList' :: ATermTable -> [t] -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
fromShATermAux :: Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, t)
fromShATermList' :: Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, [t])
-- default functions ignore the Annotation part
toShATermList' att ts = do
(att2, inds) <- foldM (\ (att0, l) t -> do
(att1, i) <- toShATerm' att0 t
return (att1, i : l)) (att, []) ts
return $ addATerm (ShAList (reverse inds) []) att2
fromShATermList' ix att0 =
case getShATerm ix att0 of
ShAList ats _ ->
mapAccumL (flip fromShATerm') att0 ats
u -> fromShATermError "[]" u
toShATerm' :: ShATermConvertible t => ATermTable -> t -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATerm' att t = do
k <- mkKey t
m <- getKey k att
case m of
Nothing -> do
(att1, i) <- toShATermAux att t
setKey k i att1
Just i -> return (att, i)
fromShATerm' :: ShATermConvertible t => Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, t)
fromShATerm' i att = case getATerm' i att of
Just d -> (att, d)
_ -> case fromShATermAux i att of
(attN, t) -> (setATerm' i t attN, t)
fromShATermError :: String -> ShATerm -> a
fromShATermError t u = error $ "Cannot convert ShATerm to "
++ t ++ ": " ++ err u
where err te = case te of
ShAAppl s l _ -> "!ShAAppl "++ s
++ " (" ++ show (length l) ++ ")"
ShAList l _ -> "!ShAList"
++ " (" ++ show (length l) ++ ")"
ShAInt i _ -> "!ShAInt " ++ show i
-- some instances -----------------------------------------------
instance ShATermConvertible Bool where
toShATermAux att b = return $ case b of
True -> addATerm (ShAAppl "T" [] []) att
False -> addATerm (ShAAppl "F" [] []) att
fromShATermAux ix att0 = case getShATerm ix att0 of
ShAAppl "T" [] _ -> (att0, True)
ShAAppl "F" [] _ -> (att0, False)
u -> fromShATermError "Prelude.Bool" u
instance ShATermConvertible Integer where
toShATermAux att x = return $ addATerm (ShAInt x []) att
fromShATermAux ix att0 =
case getShATerm ix att0 of
ShAInt x _ -> (att0, x)
u -> fromShATermError "Prelude.Integer" u
instance ShATermConvertible Int where
toShATermAux att x = toShATermAux att (toInteger x)
fromShATermAux ix att0 = case getShATerm ix att0 of
ShAInt x _ -> (att0, integer2Int x)
u -> fromShATermError "Prelude.Int" u
instance (ShATermConvertible a, Integral a)
=> ShATermConvertible (Ratio a) where
toShATermAux att0 i = let (i1, i2) = (numerator i, denominator i) in do
(att1,i1') <- toShATerm' att0 i1
(att2,i2') <- toShATerm' att1 i2
return $ addATerm (ShAAppl "Ratio" [i1',i2'] []) att2
fromShATermAux ix att0 =
case getShATerm ix att0 of
ShAAppl "Ratio" [a,b] _ ->
case fromShATerm' a att0 of { (att1, a') ->
case fromShATerm' b att1 of { (att2, b') ->
(att2, a' % b') }}
u -> fromShATermError "Prelude.Integral" u
instance ShATermConvertible Char where
toShATermAux att c = return $ addATerm (ShAAppl (show [c]) [] []) att
fromShATermAux ix att0 = case getShATerm ix att0 of
ShAAppl s [] _ -> (att0, str2Char s)
u -> fromShATermError "Prelude.Char" u
toShATermList' att s = return $ addATerm (ShAAppl (show s) [] []) att
fromShATermList' ix att0 =
case getShATerm ix att0 of
ShAAppl s [] _ -> (att0, read s)
u -> fromShATermError "Prelude.String" u
instance ShATermConvertible () where
toShATermAux att _ = return $ addATerm (ShAAppl "U" [] []) att
fromShATermAux ix att0 = case getShATerm ix att0 of
ShAAppl "U" [] _ -> (att0, ())
u -> fromShATermError "()" u