Conversion.hs revision 306763c67bb99228487345b32ab8c5c6cd41f23c
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Klaus L�ttich, Uni Bremen 2002-2004
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
- Signaturen anpassen, KL ..done
- ATermConvertible analog show showList umbauen, KL ..done
- ATermConvertible Instanzen, die zur Zeit auskommentiert sind, an
das neue Interface der Klasse anpassen. Sowohl toATerm/fromATerm,
als auch toShATerm/fromShATerm implementieren. F�r Char eine neue
einf�gen, die analog zu 'ATermConvertible String' arbeitet, aber
die neuen Funktionen toATermList/fromATermList
bzw. toShATermList/fromShATermList implementiert. ..done
module Common.ATerm.Conversion(
toATerm, -- :: t -> ATerm
fromATerm, -- :: ATerm -> t
toATermList, -- :: [t] -> ATerm
fromATermList, -- :: ATerm -> [t]
toShATerm, -- :: ATermTable -> t -> (ATermTable,Int)
fromShATerm, -- :: ATermTable -> t
toShATermList, -- :: ATermTable -> [t] -> (ATermTable,Int)
fromShATermList, -- :: ATermTable -> [t]
toATermString, -- :: ATermConvertible a => a -> String
fromATermString, -- :: ATermConvertible a => String -> a
toSharedATermString,-- :: ATermConvertible a => a -> String
fromATermError, -- :: String -> ATerm -> a
fromShATermError, -- :: String -> ShATerm -> a
) where
import Common.ATerm.AbstractSyntax
import Common.ATerm.ReadWrite
import List (mapAccumL)
import Data.Maybe
import GHC.Real
class ATermConvertible t where
-- ATerm
-- conversion functions known from Joost Visser
toATerm :: t -> ATerm
fromATerm :: ATerm -> t
-- conversion functions to omit overlapping instances
toATermList :: [t] -> ATerm
fromATermList :: ATerm -> [t]
-- default functions ignore the Annotation part
toATermList ts = AList (map toATerm ts) []
fromATermList aterm =
case aterm of
AList aterms _ -> map fromATerm aterms
_ -> fromATermError "[a]" aterm
-- ShATerm
-- functions for conversion to an ATermTable
toShATerm :: ATermTable -> t -> (ATermTable,Int)
toShATermList :: ATermTable -> [t] -> (ATermTable,Int)
fromShATerm :: ATermTable -> t
fromShATermList :: ATermTable -> [t]
-- default functions ignore the Annotation part
toShATermList at ts = case mapAccumL toShATerm at ts of
(at',inds) -> addATerm (ShAList inds []) at'
fromShATermList at =
case getATerm at of
aterm ->
case aterm of
ShAList ats _ ->
map (\i -> fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 i at)) ats
_ -> fromShATermError "[a]" aterm
toATermString :: ATermConvertible a => a -> String
toATermString t = (writeATerm . fst) (toShATerm emptyATermTable t)
toSharedATermString :: ATermConvertible a => a -> String
toSharedATermString t = (writeSharedATerm . fst) (toShATerm emptyATermTable t)
fromATermString :: ATermConvertible a => String -> a
fromATermString s = fromShATerm (readATerm s)
fromATermError :: String -> ATerm -> a
fromATermError t u = error ("Cannot convert ATerm to "++t++": "++(err u))
where err te = case te of
AAppl s _ _ -> "!AAppl "++s
AList _ _ -> "!AList"
_ -> "!AInt"
fromShATermError :: String -> ShATerm -> a
fromShATermError t u = error ("Cannot convert ShATerm to "++t++": "++(err u))
where err te = case te of
ShAAppl s l _ -> "!ShAAppl "++s
++ " ("++show (length l)++")"
ShAList l _ -> "!ShAList"
++ " ("++show (length l)++")"
ShAInt i _ -> "!ShAInt " ++ show i
-- some instances -----------------------------------------------
instance ATermConvertible Bool where
toATerm b = case b of
True -> AAppl "true" [] []
False -> AAppl "false" [] []
fromATerm at = case at of
AAppl "true" [] _ -> True
AAppl "false" [] _ -> False
_ -> fromATermError "Bool" at
toShATerm att b = case b of
True -> addATerm (ShAAppl "true" [] []) att
False -> addATerm (ShAAppl "false" [] []) att
fromShATerm att = case at of
ShAAppl "true" [] _ -> True
ShAAppl "false" [] _ -> False
_ -> fromShATermError "Bool" at
where at = getATerm att
-- for Integer derive : ATermConvertible hand written!
instance ATermConvertible Integer where
toATerm x = AInt x []
fromATerm at = case at of
(AInt x _) -> x
_ -> fromATermError "Integer" at
toShATerm att x = addATerm (ShAInt x []) att
fromShATerm att = case at of
(ShAInt x _) -> x
_ -> fromShATermError "Integer" at
where at = getATerm att
instance ATermConvertible Int where
toATerm x = AInt (toInteger x) []
fromATerm at = case mi y of
(Just i) -> i
Nothing -> error ("Integer to big for Int: "++(show y))
y = fromATerm at
toShATerm att x = toShATerm att (toInteger x)
fromShATerm att = case mi y of
(Just i) -> i
Nothing -> error ("Integer to big for Int: "++(show y))
y = fromShATerm att
mi :: (Num a) => Integer -> Maybe a
mi x = if toInteger ((fromInteger::Integer->Int) x) == x
then Just (fromInteger x)
else Nothing
instance (ATermConvertible a,Integral a) => ATermConvertible (Ratio a) where
toATerm ((:%) i1 i2) = let at1 = toATerm i1
at2 = toATerm i2
in AAppl "Ratio" [at1,at2] []
fromATerm at = case at of
(AAppl "Ration" [at1,at2] _) -> let i1 = fromATerm at1
i2 = fromATerm at2
in (i1 % i2)
_ -> fromATermError "Ratio" at
toShATerm att0 ((:%) i1 i2) =
case toShATerm att0 i1 of
(att1,i1') ->
case toShATerm att1 i2 of
(att2,i2') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "Ratio" [i1',i2'] []) att2
fromShATerm att =
case aterm of
(ShAAppl "Ratio" [i1',i2'] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 i1' att) of
i1 ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 i2' att) of
i2 -> (i1 % i2)
_ -> fromShATermError "Ratio" aterm
where aterm = getATerm att
instance ATermConvertible Char where
toATerm c = AAppl s [] []
s = show (c:[])
fromATerm at = case at of
(AAppl s [] _) -> conv s
_ -> fromATermError "Char" at
toATermList s = AAppl (show s) [] []
fromATermList at = case at of
(AAppl s [] _) -> read s
_ -> fromATermError "String" at
toShATerm att c = addATerm (ShAAppl (show (c:[])) [] []) att
fromShATerm att = case at of
(ShAAppl s [] _) -> conv s
_ -> fromShATermError "Char" at
where at = getATerm att
toShATermList att s = addATerm (ShAAppl (show s) [] []) att
fromShATermList att = case at of
(ShAAppl s [] _) -> read s
_ -> fromShATermError "String" at
where at = getATerm att
conv :: String -> String
conv ('\"':sr) = case reverse sr of
('\"':so) -> conv' (reverse so)
conv' [] = []
conv' ('\\':x:xs) = case x of
'n' -> '\n' : conv' xs
't' -> '\t' : conv' xs
'r' -> '\r' : conv' xs
'\"' -> '\"' : conv' xs
_ -> x : conv' xs -- provisorisch
_ -> error ("very strange reach:" ++ [x] ++":")
conv' (x:xs) = x : conv' xs
conv' _ = error "String not convertible to char"
_ -> error "No matching '\"' found"
conv _ = error "String doesn't begin with '\"'"
conv :: String -> Char
conv ('\"':sr) = case reverse sr of
('\"':so) -> conv' (reverse so)
conv' ('\\':x:[]) = case x of
'n' -> '\n'
't' -> '\t'
'r' -> '\r'
'\"' -> '\"'
_ -> error "very strange reach"
conv' (x:[]) = x
conv' _ = error "String not convertible to char"
_ -> error "No matching '\"' found"
conv _ = error "String doesn't begin with '\"'"
instance ATermConvertible () where
toATerm _ = AAppl "UNIT" [] []
fromATerm at = case at of
(AAppl "UNIT" [] _) -> ()
_ -> fromATermError "()" at
toShATerm att _ = addATerm (ShAAppl "UNIT" [] []) att
fromShATerm att = case at of
(ShAAppl "UNIT" [] _) -> ()
_ -> fromShATermError "()" at
where at = getATerm att