AbstractSyntax.hs revision 306763c67bb99228487345b32ab8c5c6cd41f23c
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Klaus L�ttich, Uni Bremen 2002-2004
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : hets@tzi.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
{- todo:
* Datentyp auf Annotationen umstellen
dazu einiges auskommentieren ..done
Weiter mit 'writeATerm' ..done
* Zugriffsfunktionen f�r ATermTable auf Annotationen anpassen ..done
* Neuen Datentyp f�r shared ATerms: ShATerm mit Annotationen
(ungef�hr so: data ShATerm = ShAAppl String [Int]) ..done
* Umkehrfuntion zu getATermFull programmieren, Signatur und Name
siehe toATermTable
module Common.ATerm.AbstractSyntax
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import qualified Common.DFiniteMap as DMap
import List
import Control.Exception (assert)
data ATerm = AAppl String [ATerm] [ATerm]
| AList [ATerm] [ATerm]
| AInt Integer [ATerm]
deriving (Read,Show,Eq,Ord)
data ShATerm = ShAAppl {-# UNPACK #-} !String {-# UNPACK #-} ![Int] ![Int]
| ShAList {-# UNPACK #-} ![Int] ![Int]
| ShAInt {-# UNPACK #-} !Integer ![Int]
deriving (Read,Show,Eq,Ord)
data ATermTable = ATT (Map.Map ShATerm Int) (DMap.Map Int ShATerm)
{-# UNPACK #-} !Int
data ShChoice = Full | NoFull
emptyATermTable :: ATermTable
emptyATermTable = ATT Map.empty DMap.empty 0
addATermNoFullSharing :: ShATerm -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable,Int)
addATermNoFullSharing = addATerm' NoFull
addATerm :: ShATerm -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable,Int)
addATerm = addATerm' Full
addATerm' :: ShChoice -> ShATerm -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable,Int)
addATerm' cho t (ATT a_iDFM i_aDFM i1) =
-- asserts are only checked without optimization
assert (not (DMap.member i1 i_aDFM)) (
assert (consistent)
(case cho of
Full -> insertFull
NoFull -> insertNoFull))
where insertFull =
(case {-# SCC "fm1_f" #-}
Map.insertLookupWithKey (\_ _ y -> y)
t i1 a_iDFM of
-- here we get Just index, if there is already a
-- mapping of t to i1 otherwise we get Nothing and
-- the new relation is defined.
(mayInd,dfm1) -> case
{-# SCC "fm2_f" #-}
maybe (DMap.insert i1 t i_aDFM)
-- mapping not defined => set it
-- otherwise return unchanged map
mayInd of
dfm2 ->
-- calculate new indices for ATT and the Term as well
-- Nothing means old ATT index i1 is now mapped to t
-- and new ATT index is (i1+1)
-- Just means leave ATT index i1 unchanged
-- and t has already index old index
maybe (i1+1,i1) (\old_ind->(i1,old_ind)) mayInd of
(newATT_ind,return_ind) ->
(ATT dfm1 dfm2 newATT_ind,return_ind))
insertNoFull =
(case {-# SCC "fm1_nf" #-}
(\_ _ _ -> error ("destructive update with: "
++ show t))
t i1 a_iDFM of
dfm1 ->
{-# SCC "fm2_nf" #-} DMap.insert i1 t i_aDFM of
dfm2 -> (ATT dfm1 dfm2 (i1+1),i1))
shorter = all (<i1)
check is as = (shorter is && shorter as)
consistent = case t of
ShAAppl _ inds anns -> check inds anns
ShAList inds anns -> check inds anns
ShAInt _ anns -> check anns []
addATerm1 :: ShATerm -> ATermTable -> ATermTable
addATerm1 t tbl = fst $ addATerm t tbl
getATerm :: ATermTable -> ShATerm
getATerm (ATT _ i_aFM i) =
DMap.findWithDefault (ShAInt (-1) []) (i-1) i_aFM
getTopIndex :: ATermTable -> Int
getTopIndex (ATT _ _ i) = i-1
getReferencingATerms :: ATermTable -> Int -> Int -> [[ShATerm]]
getReferencingATerms att@(ATT dfm _ _) depth i
| depth <= 0 = []
| otherwise =
let ats = nub $ Map.keys $ Map.filterWithKey (\at _ -> case at of
ShAAppl _ inds _ -> i `elem` inds
_ -> False) dfm
get (ShAAppl _ inds _) =
concatMap (getReferencingATerms att (depth-1)) inds
get _ =
error ("something in getReferencingATerms went realy wrong")
in [ats] ++ if depth - 1 > 1 then concatMap get ats else [[]]
getATermFull :: ATermTable -> ATerm
getATermFull at =
let t = getATerm at
in case t of
(ShAInt i as) -> AInt i (map conv as)
(ShAList l as) -> AList (map conv l) (map conv as)
(ShAAppl c l as) -> AAppl c (map conv l) (map conv as)
where conv t = getATermFull (getATermByIndex1 t at)
toATermTable :: ATerm -> ATermTable
toATermTable at = fst $ addToTable at emptyATermTable
addToTable :: ATerm -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable,Int)
addToTable (AAppl s ats anns) att =
let (att1,ats') = addToTableList ats att
(att2,anns') = addToTableList anns att1
in addATerm (ShAAppl s ats' anns') att2
addToTable (AList ats anns) att =
let (att1,ats') = addToTableList ats att
(att2,anns') = addToTableList anns att1
in addATerm (ShAList ats' anns') att2
addToTable (AInt i anns) att =
let (att1,anns') = addToTableList anns att
in addATerm (ShAInt i anns') att1
addToTableList :: [ATerm] -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable,[Int])
addToTableList [] att = (att,[])
addToTableList (at1:ats) att =
let (att1,i) = addToTable at1 att
(att2,is) = addToTableList ats att1
in (att2,i:is)
getATermIndex :: ShATerm -> ATermTable -> Int
getATermIndex t (ATT a_iDFM _ _) = Map.findWithDefault (-1) t a_iDFM
getATermByIndex :: Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable,ShATerm)
getATermByIndex i (ATT a_iDFM i_aDFM _) =
(ATT a_iDFM i_aDFM (i+1),
(error "getATermByIndex: No entry for ATerm in ATermTable") i
getATermByIndex1 :: Int -> ATermTable -> ATermTable
getATermByIndex1 i at = fst $ getATermByIndex i at
--- some error messages --------
err_wrong_sp_call,err_const_no_match,err_index_store :: String
err_ref_index = "*** ATermTable: reference points to reference"
err_destruct_up :: String
err_destruct_up = "*** ATermTable: attempt to make a destructive update"
err_wrong_store =
"*** ATermTable: only references are allowed as args or elems"
err_wrong_sp_call =
"*** ATermTable: getATermSp: only one aterm nesting allowed"
err_const_no_match = "*** getATermSp: constructors don't match:"
err_index_store = "*** addATermSp: attempt to add an AIndex"