AS_Annotation.der.hs revision 2eb84fc82d3ffa9116bc471fda3742bd9e5a24bb
{- HetCATS/AS_Annotation.hs
Author: Klaus L�ttich
Year: 2002
These datastructures describe the Annotaions of (Het)CASL.
There is also a type class for Annoted items.
- ATermConversion SML-CATS has now his own module
(s. HetCATS/aterm_conv/)
- LaTeX Pretty Printing
module Common.AS_Annotation where
import Common.Id
-- DrIFT command
{-! global: UpPos !-}
data Annotation = Comment_line String [Pos]
| Comment_group [String] [Pos]
-- constructors for unparsed annotes
| Annote_line String String [Pos]
| Annote_group String [String] [Pos]
-- known annotes
| Display_anno Id [(String,String)] [Pos]
-- postion of anno start, keywords and anno end
| String_anno Id Id [Pos]
-- postion of anno start, commas and anno end
| List_anno Id Id Id [Pos]
-- postion of anno start, commas and anno end
| Number_anno Id [Pos]
-- postion of anno start, commas and anno end
| Float_anno Id Id [Pos]
-- postion of anno start, commas and anno end
| Prec_anno Bool [Id] [Id] [Pos]
-- ^ ^ "{",commas,"}", "<",
-- | "{",commas,"}"
-- | true = < false = <>
| Lassoc_anno [Id] [Pos] -- position of commas
| Rassoc_anno [Id] [Pos] -- position of commas
| Label [String] [Pos]
-- postion of anno start and anno end
-- All annotations below are only as annotationline allowed
| Implies [Pos]
| Definitional [Pos]
| Conservative [Pos]
| Monomorph [Pos]
-- position information for annotations is now provided
-- by every annotation
-- Pos_anno Region Annotation
deriving (Show,Eq)
data Annoted a = Annoted { item::a
, opt_pos::[Pos]
, l_annos, r_annos::[Annotation]}
-- left or preceeding, right or following
deriving (Show,Eq)
-- |
-- 'isSemanticAnno' tests if the given 'Annotation' is a semantic one
isSemanticAnno :: Annotation -> Bool
isSemanticAnno a = case a of
Implies _ -> True
Definitional _ -> True
Conservative _ -> True
Monomorph _ -> True
_ -> False
-- |
-- 'isComment' tests if the given 'Annotation' is a comment line or a
-- comment group
isComment :: Annotation -> Bool
isComment c = case c of
Comment_line _ _ -> True
Comment_group _ _ -> True
_ -> False
-- |
-- 'isAnnote' is the invers function to 'isComment'
isAnnote :: Annotation -> Bool
isAnnote = not . isComment
isLabel :: Annotation -> Bool
isLabel a = case a of
Label _ _ -> True
_ -> False
allPrecIds :: Annotation -> [Id]
allPrecIds (Prec_anno _ ll rl _) = ll ++ rl
allPrecIds _ = error "unsupported annotation"