Common.hs revision 9600736b89098355f8ee5f11b8542e9228802c8b
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This folder contains general purpose libraries and modules to be shared.
All CASL related logics and the structured part share
identifiers and annotations as well as their parsing and printing.
"Common.AS_Annotation" annotations and named sentences
"Common.Amalgamate" amalgamation options
"Common.AnalyseAnnos" analysis of annotations
"Common.AnnoState" parser state keeping annotations
"Common.Anno_Parser" parsing annotations
"Common.ConvertGlobalAnnos" print analysed annotations
decompose numbers and strings to applications
just a source and target signature (no mappings)
the mixfix resolution engine used for CASL and HasCASL
analysed list, number and display annotations
"Common.Id" simple, mixfix and compound identifiers
"Common.Lexer" parsing words, signs and nested comments
"Common.PPUtils" pretty printing utilities
"Common.Result" a kind of error monad
"Common.RunParsers" a test driver (unused by Main)
"Common.SimpPretty" printing aterms
"Common.Taxonomy" Taxonomy options
"Common.Token" parsing identifiers
"Common.Utils" some functions for lists
module Common where