Common.hs revision 0799b5dc3f06d2640e66e9ab54b8b217348fd719
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This folder contains general purpose libraries and modules to be shared.
All CASL related logics and the structured part share
identifiers and annotations as well as their parsing and printing.
* "Common.AS_Annotation" annotations and named sentences
* "Common.Amalgamate" amalgamation options
* "Common.AnalyseAnnos" analysis of annotations
* "Common.AnnoState" parser state keeping annotations
* "Common.Anno_Parser" parsing annotations
* "Common.ConvertGlobalAnnos" print analysed annotations
* "Common.ConvertLiteral"
decompose numbers and strings to applications
* "Common.DefaultMorphism"
just a source and target signature (no mappings)
* "Common.DynamicUtils"
* "Common.Earley"
the mixfix resolution engine used for CASL and HasCASL
* "Common.GlobalAnnotations"
analysed list, number and display annotations
* "Common.GraphUtils"
* "Common.Id" simple, mixfix and compound identifiers
* "Common.Keywords"
* "Common.LaTeX_AS_Annotation"
* "Common.LaTeX_funs"
* "Common.LaTeX_maps"
* "Common.LaTeX_utils"
* "Common.Lexer" parsing words, signs and nested comments
* "Common.PPUtils" pretty printing utilities
* "Common.PrettyPrint"
* "Common.PrintLaTeX"
* "Common.Print_AS_Annotation"
* "Common.Result" a kind of error monad
* "Common.RunParsers" a test driver (unused by Main)
* "Common.SimpPretty" printing aterms
* "Common.Taxonomy" Taxonomy options
* "Common.Token" parsing identifiers
* "Common.Utils" some functions for lists
* "Common.ATerm.AbstractSyntax"
* "Common.ATerm.ConvInstances"
* "Common.ATerm.Conversion"
* "Common.ATerm.ReadWrite"
* "Common.Lib.Map"
* "Common.Lib.Pretty"
* "Common.Lib.Rel"
* "Common.Lib.Set"
* "Common.Lib.State"
module Common where