Sublogic.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : sublogic analysis for CoCASL
Copyright : (c) Till Mossakowski, C.Maeder and Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
This module provides the sublogic functions (as required by Logic.hs)
for CoCASL. It is based on the respective functions for CASL.
module CoCASL.Sublogic
( CoCASL_Sublogics
, minFormSublogic
, minCSigItem
, minCBaseItem
, hasCoFeature
, setCoFeature
) where
import Common.AS_Annotation
import CASL.Sublogic
-- | type for CoCASL sublogics
type CoCASL_Sublogics = CASL_SL Bool
hasCoFeature :: CoCASL_Sublogics -> Bool
hasCoFeature = ext_features
setCoFeature :: Bool -> CoCASL_Sublogics -> CoCASL_Sublogics
setCoFeature b s = s { ext_features = b }
theCoFeature :: CoCASL_Sublogics
theCoFeature = setCoFeature True bottom
minFormSublogic :: C_FORMULA -> CoCASL_Sublogics
minFormSublogic cf = case cf of
BoxOrDiamond _ _ f _ ->
sublogics_max theCoFeature $ sl_sentence minFormSublogic f
CoSort_gen_ax {} -> theCoFeature
{- may be changed to Constraints with mappings
may be ops need to be checked for partiality? -}
minCSigItem :: C_SIG_ITEM -> CoCASL_Sublogics
minCSigItem (CoDatatype_items l _) =
foldl sublogics_max theCoFeature $ map (minCoDatatype . item) l
minCoDatatype :: CODATATYPE_DECL -> CoCASL_Sublogics
minCoDatatype (CoDatatype_decl _ l _) =
foldl sublogics_max theCoFeature $ map (minCoAlternative . item) l
minCoAlternative :: COALTERNATIVE -> CoCASL_Sublogics
minCoAlternative a = case a of
Co_construct fk _ l _ ->
foldl sublogics_max (sl_opkind fk) $ map minCoComponents l
CoSubsorts _ _ -> need_sub
minCoComponents :: COCOMPONENTS -> CoCASL_Sublogics
minCoComponents (CoSelect _ t _) = sl_op_type t
minCBaseItem :: C_BASIC_ITEM -> CoCASL_Sublogics
minCBaseItem bi = case bi of
CoFree_datatype l _ ->
foldl sublogics_max theCoFeature $ map (minCoDatatype . item) l
CoSort_gen l _ -> foldl sublogics_max theCoFeature $
map (sl_sig_items minCSigItem minFormSublogic . item) l