StatAna.hs revision 98890889ffb2e8f6f722b00e265a211f13b5a861
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder{- |
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian MaederModule : $Header$
13ed13e06a5dd4aad12044ed7e7503cbe7f62990Christian MaederDescription : static analysis for CoCASL
97018cf5fa25b494adffd7e9b4e87320dae6bf47Christian MaederCopyright : (c) Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2004-2005
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian MaederLicense : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
b4fbc96e05117839ca409f5f20f97b3ac872d1edTill MossakowskiMaintainer :
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian MaederStability : provisional
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian MaederPortability : portable
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder
f3a94a197960e548ecd6520bb768cb0d547457bbChristian Maederstatic analysis for CoCASL
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder-}
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maedermodule CoCASL.StatAna where
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maederimport CoCASL.AS_CoCASL
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maederimport CoCASL.Print_AS ()
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maederimport CoCASL.CoCASLSign
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maederimport CASL.Sign
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maederimport CASL.MixfixParser
13ed13e06a5dd4aad12044ed7e7503cbe7f62990Christian Maederimport CASL.ShowMixfix
13ed13e06a5dd4aad12044ed7e7503cbe7f62990Christian Maederimport CASL.StaticAna
13ed13e06a5dd4aad12044ed7e7503cbe7f62990Christian Maederimport CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maederimport CASL.Overload
13ed13e06a5dd4aad12044ed7e7503cbe7f62990Christian Maederimport CASL.Quantification
13ed13e06a5dd4aad12044ed7e7503cbe7f62990Christian Maederimport CASL.Fold
13ed13e06a5dd4aad12044ed7e7503cbe7f62990Christian Maeder
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maederimport Common.AS_Annotation
13ed13e06a5dd4aad12044ed7e7503cbe7f62990Christian Maederimport Common.GlobalAnnotations
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maederimport qualified Data.Set as Set
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maederimport qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
13ed13e06a5dd4aad12044ed7e7503cbe7f62990Christian Maederimport Common.Lib.State
ae59cddaa1f9e2dd031cae95a3ba867b9e8e095dPaolo Torriniimport Common.Id
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maederimport Common.Result
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maederimport Common.DocUtils
13ed13e06a5dd4aad12044ed7e7503cbe7f62990Christian Maederimport Common.ExtSign
ae59cddaa1f9e2dd031cae95a3ba867b9e8e095dPaolo Torrini
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maederimport Control.Monad
13ed13e06a5dd4aad12044ed7e7503cbe7f62990Christian Maeder
13ed13e06a5dd4aad12044ed7e7503cbe7f62990Christian Maederimport Data.Maybe
13ed13e06a5dd4aad12044ed7e7503cbe7f62990Christian Maederimport Data.List (partition)
13ed13e06a5dd4aad12044ed7e7503cbe7f62990Christian Maeder
13ed13e06a5dd4aad12044ed7e7503cbe7f62990Christian Maedertype CSign = Sign C_FORMULA CoCASLSign
13ed13e06a5dd4aad12044ed7e7503cbe7f62990Christian Maeder
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maederinstance FreeVars C_FORMULA where
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder freeVarsOfExt sign cf = case cf of
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder BoxOrDiamond _ _ f _ -> freeVars sign f
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder _ -> Set.empty
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian MaederbasicCoCASLAnalysis
13ed13e06a5dd4aad12044ed7e7503cbe7f62990Christian Maeder :: (BASIC_SPEC C_BASIC_ITEM C_SIG_ITEM C_FORMULA,
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder Sign C_FORMULA CoCASLSign, GlobalAnnos)
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder -> Result (BASIC_SPEC C_BASIC_ITEM C_SIG_ITEM C_FORMULA,
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder ExtSign (Sign C_FORMULA CoCASLSign) Symbol,
13ed13e06a5dd4aad12044ed7e7503cbe7f62990Christian Maeder [Named (FORMULA C_FORMULA)])
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian MaederbasicCoCASLAnalysis =
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder basicAnalysis minExpForm ana_C_BASIC_ITEM ana_C_SIG_ITEM ana_CMix
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder
13ed13e06a5dd4aad12044ed7e7503cbe7f62990Christian Maederana_CMix :: Mix C_BASIC_ITEM C_SIG_ITEM C_FORMULA CoCASLSign
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maederana_CMix = emptyMix
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder { getBaseIds = ids_C_BASIC_ITEM
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder , getSigIds = ids_C_SIG_ITEM
13ed13e06a5dd4aad12044ed7e7503cbe7f62990Christian Maeder , getExtIds = \ e -> let c = constructors e in
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder mkIdSets (opMapConsts c) (nonConsts c) Set.empty
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder , putParen = mapC_FORMULA
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder , mixResolve = resolveC_FORMULA
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder }
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maederids_C_BASIC_ITEM :: C_BASIC_ITEM -> IdSets
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maederids_C_BASIC_ITEM ci = case ci of
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder CoFree_datatype al _ ->
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder (unite2 $ map (ids_CODATATYPE_DECL . item) al, Set.empty)
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder CoSort_gen al _ -> unite $ map (ids_SIG_ITEMS ids_C_SIG_ITEM . item) al
10a92a06296c3c8d522543de7e3a4534bf528505Paolo Torrini
10a92a06296c3c8d522543de7e3a4534bf528505Paolo Torriniids_C_SIG_ITEM :: C_SIG_ITEM -> IdSets
10a92a06296c3c8d522543de7e3a4534bf528505Paolo Torriniids_C_SIG_ITEM (CoDatatype_items al _) =
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder (unite2 $ map (ids_CODATATYPE_DECL . item) al, Set.empty)
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maederids_CODATATYPE_DECL :: CODATATYPE_DECL -> (Set.Set Id, Set.Set Id)
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maederids_CODATATYPE_DECL (CoDatatype_decl _ al _) =
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder unite2 $ map (ids_COALTERNATIVE . item) al
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maederids_COALTERNATIVE :: COALTERNATIVE -> (Set.Set Id, Set.Set Id)
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maederids_COALTERNATIVE a = let e = Set.empty in case a of
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder Co_construct _ mi cs _ -> let s = maybe Set.empty Set.singleton mi in
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder if null cs then (s, e) else
eaa2614d79ad5ef6a6b9b08c7e6dde46c5ad1fb3Till Mossakowski (e, Set.unions $ s : map ids_COCOMPONENTS cs)
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder CoSubsorts _ _ -> (e, e)
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maederids_COCOMPONENTS :: COCOMPONENTS -> Set.Set Id
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maederids_COCOMPONENTS (CoSelect l _ _) = Set.unions $ map Set.singleton l
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maederdata CoRecord a b c d = CoRecord
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder { foldBoxOrDiamond :: C_FORMULA -> Bool -> d -> a -> Range -> c
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder , foldCoSort_gen_ax :: C_FORMULA -> [SORT] -> [OP_SYMB] -> Bool -> c
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder , foldTerm_mod :: MODALITY -> b -> d
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder , foldSimple_mod :: MODALITY -> SIMPLE_ID -> d
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder }
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian MaederfoldC_Formula :: Record C_FORMULA a b -> CoRecord a b c d -> C_FORMULA -> c
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian MaederfoldC_Formula r cr c = case c of
13ed13e06a5dd4aad12044ed7e7503cbe7f62990Christian Maeder BoxOrDiamond b m f ps ->
13ed13e06a5dd4aad12044ed7e7503cbe7f62990Christian Maeder foldBoxOrDiamond cr c b (foldModality r cr m) (foldFormula r f) ps
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder CoSort_gen_ax s o b -> foldCoSort_gen_ax cr c s o b
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian MaederfoldModality :: Record C_FORMULA a b -> CoRecord a b c d -> MODALITY -> d
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian MaederfoldModality r cr m = case m of
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder Term_mod t -> foldTerm_mod cr m $ foldTerm r t
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder Simple_mod i -> foldSimple_mod cr m i
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder
mapCoRecord = CoRecord
{ foldBoxOrDiamond = const BoxOrDiamond
, foldCoSort_gen_ax = const CoSort_gen_ax
, foldTerm_mod = const Term_mod
, foldSimple_mod = const Simple_mod
constCoRecord :: ([a] -> a) -> a -> CoRecord a a a a
constCoRecord jn c = CoRecord
{ foldBoxOrDiamond = \ _ _ m f _ -> jn [m, f]
, foldCoSort_gen_ax = \ _ _ _ _ -> c
, foldTerm_mod = \ _ t -> t
, foldSimple_mod = \ _ _ -> c
mapC_FORMULA = foldC_Formula (mkMixfixRecord mapC_FORMULA) mapCoRecord
resolveMODALITY :: MixResolve MODALITY
resolveMODALITY ga ids m = case m of
Term_mod t ->
fmap Term_mod $ resolveMixTrm mapC_FORMULA resolveC_FORMULA ga ids t
_ -> return m
resolveC_FORMULA :: MixResolve C_FORMULA
resolveC_FORMULA ga ids cf = case cf of
BoxOrDiamond b m f ps -> do
nm <- resolveMODALITY ga ids m
nf <- resolveMixFrm mapC_FORMULA resolveC_FORMULA ga ids f
return $ BoxOrDiamond b nm nf ps
_ -> error "resolveC_FORMULA"
minExpForm :: Min C_FORMULA CoCASLSign
minExpForm s form =
let ops = formulaIds s
minMod md ps = case md of
Simple_mod i -> minMod (Term_mod (Mixfix_token i)) ps
Term_mod t -> let
r = do
t2 <- oneExpTerm minExpForm s t
let srt = sortOfTerm t2
trm = Term_mod t2
if Set.member srt ops
then return trm
else Result [mkDiag Error
("unknown modality '"
++ showId srt "' for term") t ]
$ Just trm
in case t of
Mixfix_token tm ->
if Set.member (simpleIdToId tm) ops
then return $ Simple_mod tm
else case maybeResult r of
Nothing -> Result
[mkDiag Error "unknown modality" tm]
$ Just $ Simple_mod tm
_ -> r
_ -> r
in case form of
BoxOrDiamond b m f ps ->
do nm <- minMod m ps
f2 <- minExpFORMULA minExpForm s f
return $ BoxOrDiamond b nm f2 ps
phi -> return phi
ana_C_SIG_ITEM _ mi = case mi of
CoDatatype_items al _ ->
do mapM_ (\ i -> case item i of
CoDatatype_decl s _ _ -> addSort NonEmptySorts i s) al
mapAnM (ana_CODATATYPE_DECL Loose) al
return mi
isCoConsAlt :: COALTERNATIVE -> Bool
isCoConsAlt a = case a of
CoSubsorts _ _ -> False
_ -> True
getCoSubsorts :: COALTERNATIVE -> [SORT]
getCoSubsorts c = case c of
CoSubsorts cs _ -> cs
_ -> []
-- | return list of constructors
ana_CODATATYPE_DECL :: GenKind -> CODATATYPE_DECL -> State CSign [Component]
ana_CODATATYPE_DECL gk (CoDatatype_decl s al _) = do
ul <- mapM (ana_COALTERNATIVE s) al
let constr = catMaybes ul
cs = map fst constr
unless (null constr) $ do
addDiags $ checkUniqueness cs
let totalSels = Set.unions $ map snd constr
wrongConstr = filter ((totalSels /=) . snd) constr
addDiags $ map (\ (c, _) -> mkDiag Error
("total selectors '" ++ showSepList (showString ",")
showDoc (Set.toList totalSels)
"'\n must appear in alternative") c) wrongConstr
case gk of
Free -> do
let (alts, subs) = partition isCoConsAlt $ map item al
sbs = concatMap getCoSubsorts subs
comps = map (getCoConsType s) alts
ttrips = map ((\ (a, vs, ses) -> (a, vs, catSels ses))
. coselForms1 "X") comps
sels = concatMap (\ (_, _, ses) -> ses) ttrips
addSentences $ mapMaybe comakeInjective
$ filter (\ (_, _, ces) -> not $ null ces)
addSentences $ makeDisjSubsorts s sbs
addSentences $ catMaybes $ concatMap
(\ c -> map (comakeDisjToSort c) sbs)
addSentences $ comakeDisjoint comps
let ttrips' = [(a, vs, t, ses) | (Just (a, t), vs, ses) <- ttrips]
addSentences $ catMaybes $ concatMap
(\ ses ->
map (makeUndefForm ses) ttrips') sels
_ -> return ()
return cs
getCoConsType :: SORT -> COALTERNATIVE -> (Maybe Id, OpType, [COCOMPONENTS])
getCoConsType s c =
let (part, i, il) = case c of
CoSubsorts _ _ -> error "getCoConsType"
Co_construct k a l _ -> (k, a, l)
in (i, OpType part (concatMap
(map (opRes . snd) . getCoCompType s) il) s, il)
getCoCompType :: SORT -> COCOMPONENTS -> [(Id, OpType)]
getCoCompType s (CoSelect l (Op_type k args res _) _) =
map (\ i -> (i, OpType k (args ++ [s]) res)) l
coselForms :: (Maybe Id, OpType, [COCOMPONENTS]) -> [Named (FORMULA f)]
coselForms x = case coselForms1 "X" x of
(Just (i, f), vs, cs) -> makeSelForms 1 (i, vs, f, cs)
_ -> []
coselForms1 :: String -> (Maybe Id, OpType, [COCOMPONENTS])
-> (Maybe (Id, TERM f), [VAR_DECL], [(Maybe Id, OpType)])
coselForms1 str (i, ty, il) =
let cs = concatMap (getCoCompType $ opRes ty) il
vs = genSelVars str 1 $ map snd cs
it = case i of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just i' -> Just (i', Application (Qual_op_name i'
(toOP_TYPE ty) nullRange)
(map toQualVar vs) nullRange)
in (it, vs, map (\ (j, typ) -> (Just j, typ)) cs)
comakeDisjToSort :: (Maybe Id, OpType, [COCOMPONENTS]) -> SORT
-> Maybe (Named (FORMULA f))
comakeDisjToSort a s = do
let (i, v, _) = coselForms1 "X" a
p = posOfId s
(c, t) <- i
return $ makeNamed ("ga_disjoint_" ++ showId c "_sort_" ++ showId s "")
$ mkForall v (Negation (Membership t s p) p) p
comakeInjective :: (Maybe Id, OpType, [COCOMPONENTS])
-> Maybe (Named (FORMULA f))
comakeInjective a = do
let (i1, v1, _) = coselForms1 "X" a
(i2, v2, _) = coselForms1 "Y" a
(c, t1) <- i1
(_, t2) <- i2
let p = posOfId c
return $ makeNamed ("ga_injective_" ++ showId c "") $
mkForall (v1 ++ v2)
(Equivalence (Strong_equation t1 t2 p)
(let ces = zipWith (\ w1 w2 -> Strong_equation
(toQualVar w1) (toQualVar w2) p) v1 v2
in if isSingle ces then head ces else Conjunction ces p)
p) p
comakeDisjoint :: [(Maybe Id, OpType, [COCOMPONENTS])] -> [Named (FORMULA f)]
comakeDisjoint l = case l of
[] -> []
a : as -> mapMaybe (comakeDisj a) as ++ comakeDisjoint as
comakeDisj :: (Maybe Id, OpType, [COCOMPONENTS])
-> (Maybe Id, OpType, [COCOMPONENTS])
-> Maybe (Named (FORMULA f))
comakeDisj a1 a2 = do
let (i1, v1, _) = coselForms1 "X" a1
(i2, v2, _) = coselForms1 "Y" a2
(c1, t1) <- i1
(c2, t2) <- i2
let p = posOfId c1 `appRange` posOfId c2
return $ makeNamed ("ga_disjoint_" ++ showId c1 "_" ++ showId c2 "")
$ mkForall (v1 ++ v2) (Negation (Strong_equation t1 t2 p) p) p
-- | return the constructor and the set of total selectors
-> State CSign (Maybe (Component, Set.Set Component))
ana_COALTERNATIVE s c = case item c of
CoSubsorts ss _ -> do
mapM_ (addSubsort s) ss
return Nothing
ci -> do
let cons@(i, ty, il) = getCoConsType s ci
ul <- mapM (ana_COCOMPONENTS s) il
let ts = concatMap fst ul
addDiags $ checkUniqueness (ts ++ concatMap snd ul)
addSentences $ coselForms cons
case i of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just i' -> do
addOp c ty i'
return $ Just (Component i' ty, Set.fromList ts)
-- | return total and partial selectors
-> State CSign ([Component], [Component])
ana_COCOMPONENTS s c = do
let cs = getCoCompType s c
sels <- mapM (\ (i, ty) ->
do addOp (emptyAnno ()) ty i
return $ Just $ Component i ty) cs
return $ partition ((== Total) . opKind . compType) $ catMaybes sels
ana_C_BASIC_ITEM mix bi = case bi of
CoFree_datatype al ps ->
do mapM_ (\ i -> case item i of
CoDatatype_decl s _ _ -> addSort NonEmptySorts i s) al
mapAnM (ana_CODATATYPE_DECL Free) al
toCoSortGenAx ps True $ getCoDataGenSig al
return bi
CoSort_gen al ps ->
do (gs, ul) <- ana_CoGenerated ana_C_SIG_ITEM mix ([], al)
toCoSortGenAx ps False $ unionGenAx gs
return $ CoSort_gen ul ps
toCoSortGenAx :: Range -> Bool -> GenAx -> State CSign ()
toCoSortGenAx ps isFree (sorts, rel, ops) = do
let sortList = Set.toList sorts
opSyms = map (\ c -> let ide = compId c in Qual_op_name ide
(toOP_TYPE $ compType c) $ posOfId ide) $ Set.toList ops
injSyms = map (\ (s, t) -> let p = posOfId s in
Qual_op_name (mkUniqueInjName s t)
(Op_type Total [s] t p) p) $ Rel.toList rel
when (null sortList)
$ addDiags [Diag Error "missing cogenerated sort" ps]
addSentences [makeNamed ("ga_cogenerated_" ++ showSepList (showString "_")
showId sortList "")
$ ExtFORMULA $ CoSort_gen_ax sortList
(opSyms ++ injSyms) isFree]
-> Ana ([GenAx], [Annoted (SIG_ITEMS C_SIG_ITEM C_FORMULA)])
ana_CoGenerated anaf mix (_, al) = do
ul <- mapAnM (ana_SIG_ITEMS minExpForm anaf mix Generated) al
return (map (getCoGenSig . item) ul, ul)
getCoGenSig si = case si of
Sort_items _ al _ -> unionGenAx $ map (getGenSorts . item) al
Op_items al _ -> (Set.empty, Rel.empty,
Set.unions (map (getOps . item) al))
Datatype_items _ dl _ -> getDataGenSig dl
Ext_SIG_ITEMS (CoDatatype_items dl _) -> getCoDataGenSig dl
_ -> emptyGenAx
getCoDataGenSig :: [Annoted CODATATYPE_DECL] -> GenAx
getCoDataGenSig dl =
let get_sel (s, a) = case a of
CoSubsorts _ _ -> []
Co_construct _ _ l _ -> concatMap (getCoCompType s) l
alts = concatMap ((\ (CoDatatype_decl s al _) ->
map (\ a -> (s, item a)) al) . item) dl
sorts = map fst alts
(realAlts, subs) = partition (isCoConsAlt . snd) alts
sels = map (uncurry Component) $ concatMap get_sel realAlts
rel = foldr (\ (t, a) r -> foldr (`Rel.insert` t) r $ getCoSubsorts a)
Rel.empty subs
in (Set.fromList sorts, rel, Set.fromList sels)