StatAna.hs revision 88c66e48620750c42b94db9feb01b42ae23dba97
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2004
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
static analysis for CoCASL
{- todo:
correct map_C_FORMULA
module CoCASL.StatAna where
--import Debug.Trace
import CoCASL.Print_AS
import CoCASL.CoCASLSign
import CASL.Sign
import CASL.MixfixParser
import CASL.StaticAna
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Overload
import CASL.MapSentence
import Common.AS_Annotation
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
import Common.Lib.State
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
type CSign = Sign C_FORMULA CoCASLSign
minExpForm :: Min C_FORMULA CoCASLSign
minExpForm ga s form =
let newGa = addAssocs ga s
ops = formulaIds s
preds = allPredIds s
res = resolveFormula newGa ops preds
minMod md ps = case md of
Simple_mod i -> minMod (Term_mod (Mixfix_token i)) ps
Term_mod t -> let
r = do
t1 <- resolveMixfix newGa (allOpIds s) preds False t
ts <- minExpTerm minExpForm ga s t1
t2 <- is_unambiguous t ts ps
let srt = term_sort t2
trm = Term_mod t2
if Set.member srt ops
then return trm
else Result [mkDiag Error
("unknown modality '"
++ showId srt "' for term") t ]
$ Just trm
in case t of
Mixfix_token tm ->
if Set.member (simpleIdToId tm) ops
then return $ Simple_mod tm
else case maybeResult r of
Nothing -> Result
[mkDiag Error "unknown modality" tm]
$ Just $ Simple_mod tm
_ -> r
_ -> r
in case form of
Box m f ps ->
do nm <- minMod m ps
f1 <- res f
f2 <- minExpFORMULA minExpForm ga s f1
return $ Box nm f2 ps
Diamond m f ps ->
do nm <- minMod m ps
f1 <- res f
f2 <- minExpFORMULA minExpForm ga s f1
return $ Diamond nm f2 ps
ana_C_SIG_ITEM ga mi =
case mi of
CoDatatype_items al _ ->
do let sorts = map (( \ (CoDatatype_decl s _ _) -> s) . item) al
mapM_ addSort sorts
mapAnM (ana_CODATATYPE_DECL Loose) al
return mi
-- | return list of constructors
ana_CODATATYPE_DECL :: GenKind -> CODATATYPE_DECL -> State CSign [Component]
ana_CODATATYPE_DECL gk (CoDatatype_decl s al _) =
do ul <- mapM (ana_COALTERNATIVE s . item) al
let constr = catMaybes ul
cs = map fst constr
if null constr then return ()
else do addDiags $ checkUniqueness cs
let totalSels = Set.unions $ map snd constr
wrongConstr = filter ((totalSels /=) . snd) constr
addDiags $ map ( \ (c, _) -> mkDiag Error
("total selectors '" ++ showSepList (showString ",")
showPretty (Set.toList totalSels)
"'\n\tmust appear in alternative") c) wrongConstr
case gk of
Free -> do
let allts = map item al
(alts, subs) = partition ( \ a -> case a of
CoSubsorts _ _ -> False
_ -> True) allts
sbs = concatMap ( \ (CoSubsorts ss _) -> ss) subs
comps = map (getCoConsType s) alts
ttrips = map ( \ (a, vs, t, ses) -> (a, vs, t, catSels ses))
$ catMaybes $ map (coselForms1 "X") $ comps
sels = concatMap ( \ (_, _, _, ses) -> ses) ttrips
addSentences $ catMaybes $ map comakeInjective
$ filter ( \ (_, _, ces) -> not $ null ces)
addSentences $ catMaybes $ concatMap ( \ as -> map (comakeDisjToSort as) sbs)
addSentences $ comakeDisjoint comps
addSentences $ catMaybes $ concatMap
( \ ses ->
map (makeUndefForm ses) ttrips) sels
_ -> return ()
return cs
getCoConsType :: SORT -> COALTERNATIVE -> (Maybe Id, OpType, [COCOMPONENTS])
getCoConsType s c =
let (part, i, il) = case c of
CoSubsorts _ _ -> error "getConsType"
CoTotal_construct a l _ -> (Total, a, l)
CoPartial_construct a l _ -> (Partial, a, l)
in (i, OpType part (concatMap
(map (opRes . snd) . getCoCompType s) il) s, il)
getCoCompType :: SORT -> COCOMPONENTS -> [(Maybe Id, OpType)]
getCoCompType s (CoTotal_select l cs _) =
map (\ i -> (Just i, OpType Total [s] cs)) l
getCoCompType s (CoPartial_select l cs _) =
map (\ i -> (Just i, OpType Partial [s] cs)) l
coselForms :: (Maybe Id, OpType, [COCOMPONENTS]) -> [Named (FORMULA f)]
coselForms x =
case coselForms1 "X" x of
Nothing -> []
Just y -> makeSelForms 1 y
coselForms1 :: String -> (Maybe Id, OpType, [COCOMPONENTS])
-> Maybe (Id, [VAR_DECL], TERM f, [(Maybe Id, OpType)])
coselForms1 str (Nothing, ty, il) = Nothing
coselForms1 str (Just i, ty, il) =
let cs = concatMap (getCoCompType $ opRes ty) il
vs = genSelVars str 1 cs
in Just $ (i, vs, Application (Qual_op_name i (toOP_TYPE ty) [])
(map toQualVar vs) [], cs)
comakeDisjToSort :: (Maybe Id, OpType, [COCOMPONENTS]) -> SORT
-> Maybe (Named (FORMULA f))
comakeDisjToSort a s = do
(c, v, t, _) <- coselForms1 "X" a
let p = [posOfId s]
return $ NamedSen ("ga_disjoint_" ++ showId c "_sort_" ++ showId s "") $
mkForall v (Negation (Membership t s p) p) p
comakeInjective :: (Maybe Id, OpType, [COCOMPONENTS])
-> Maybe (Named (FORMULA f))
comakeInjective a = do
(c, v1, t1, _) <- coselForms1 "X" a
(_, v2, t2, _) <- coselForms1 "Y" a
let p = [posOfId c]
return $ NamedSen ("ga_injective_" ++ showId c "") $
mkForall (v1 ++ v2)
(Equivalence (Strong_equation t1 t2 p)
(let ces = zipWith ( \ w1 w2 -> Strong_equation
(toQualVar w1) (toQualVar w2) p) v1 v2
in if isSingle ces then head ces else Conjunction ces p)
p) p
comakeDisjoint :: [(Maybe Id, OpType, [COCOMPONENTS])] -> [Named (FORMULA f)]
comakeDisjoint [] = []
comakeDisjoint (a:as) = catMaybes (map (comakeDisj a) as) ++ comakeDisjoint as
comakeDisj :: (Maybe Id, OpType, [COCOMPONENTS])
-> (Maybe Id, OpType, [COCOMPONENTS])
-> Maybe (Named (FORMULA f))
comakeDisj a1 a2 = do
(c1, v1, t1, _) <- coselForms1 "X" a1
(c2, v2, t2, _) <- coselForms1 "Y" a2
let p = [posOfId c1, posOfId c2]
return $ NamedSen ("ga_disjoint_" ++ showId c1 "_" ++ showId c2 "") $
mkForall (v1 ++ v2)
(Negation (Strong_equation t1 t2 p) p) p
-- | return the constructor and the set of total selectors
-> State CSign (Maybe (Component, Set.Set Component))
case c of
CoSubsorts ss _ ->
do mapM_ (addSubsort s) ss
return Nothing
_ -> do let cons@(i, ty, il) = getCoConsType s c
case i of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just i' -> do
addOp ty i'
ul <- mapM (ana_COCOMPONENTS s) il
let ts = concatMap fst ul
addDiags $ checkUniqueness (ts ++ concatMap snd ul)
addSentences $ coselForms cons
return $ Just (Component i' ty, Set.fromList ts)
-- | return total and partial selectors
-> State CSign ([Component], [Component])
ana_COCOMPONENTS s c = do
let cs = getCoCompType s c
sels <- mapM ( \ (mi, ty) ->
case mi of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just i -> do addOp ty i
return $ Just $ Component i ty) cs
return $ partition ((==Total) . opKind . compType) $ catMaybes sels
ana_C_BASIC_ITEM ga bi = do
case bi of
CoFree_datatype al ps ->
do let sorts = map (( \ (CoDatatype_decl s _ _) -> s) . item) al
mapM_ addSort sorts
mapAnM (ana_CODATATYPE_DECL Free) al
toCoSortGenAx ps True $ getCoDataGenSig al
return bi
CoSort_gen al ps ->
do (gs,ul) <- ana_Generated ana_C_SIG_ITEM ga al
toCoSortGenAx ps False
(Set.unions $ map fst gs, Set.unions $ map snd gs)
return $ CoSort_gen ul ps
toCoSortGenAx :: [Pos] -> Bool ->
(Set.Set Id, Set.Set Component) -> State CSign ()
toCoSortGenAx ps isFree (sorts, ops) = do
let sortList = Set.toList sorts
opSyms = map ( \ c -> Qual_op_name (compId c)
(toOP_TYPE $ compType c) []) $ Set.toList ops
resType _ (Op_name _) = False
resType s (Qual_op_name _ t _) = res_OP_TYPE t ==s
getIndex s = maybe (-1) id $ findIndex (==s) sortList
addIndices (Op_name _) =
error "CASL/StaticAna: Internal error in function addIndices"
addIndices os@(Qual_op_name _ t _) =
(os,map getIndex $ args_OP_TYPE t)
collectOps s =
Constraint s (map addIndices $ filter (resType s) opSyms) s
constrs = map collectOps sortList
f = ExtFORMULA $ CoSort_gen_ax constrs isFree
if null sortList then
addDiags[Diag Error "missing cogenerated sort" (headPos ps)]
else return ()
addSentences [NamedSen ("ga_cogenerated_" ++
showSepList (showString "_") showId sortList "") f]
getCoDataGenSig :: [Annoted CODATATYPE_DECL] -> (Set.Set Id, Set.Set Component)
getCoDataGenSig dl =
let alts = map (( \ (CoDatatype_decl s al _) -> (s, al)) . item) dl
sorts = map fst alts
cs = catMaybes $ concatMap ( \ (s, al) -> map (( \ a ->
let (i, ty, _) = getCoConsType s a
in maybe Nothing (\j -> Just $ Component j ty) i))
$ filter ( \ a ->
case a of
CoSubsorts _ _ -> False
_ -> True)
$ map item al) alts
in (Set.fromList sorts, Set.fromList cs)
resultToState :: (a -> Result a) -> a -> State (Sign f e) a
resultToState f a = do
let r = f a
addDiags $ reverse $ diags r
case maybeResult r of
Nothing -> return a
Just b -> return b
map_C_FORMULA mor frm =
let mapMod m = case m of
Simple_mod _ -> return m
Term_mod t -> do newT <- mapTerm map_C_FORMULA mor t
return $ Term_mod newT
in case frm of
Box m f ps -> do
newF <- mapSen map_C_FORMULA mor f
newM <- mapMod m
return $ Box newM newF ps
Diamond m f ps -> do
newF <- mapSen map_C_FORMULA mor f
newM <- mapMod m
return $ Diamond newM newF ps