Print_AS.hs revision 47d6bc7bc9a708427f96be8d805f712697ad3d9e
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) T. Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2004-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
printing AS_CoCASL and CoCASLSign data types
module CoCASL.Print_AS where
import Common.Keywords
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Id
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.ToDoc
import CoCASL.CoCASLSign
instance PrettyPrint C_BASIC_ITEM where
printText0 = toOldText
instance Pretty C_BASIC_ITEM where
pretty = printC_BASIC_ITEM
printC_BASIC_ITEM cb = case cb of
CoFree_datatype l _ -> keyword cofreeS <+> keyword (cotypeS ++ pluralS l)
<+> (fsep $ punctuate semi $ map (printAnnoted printCODATATYPE_DECL) l)
CoSort_gen l _ -> case l of
[Annoted (Ext_SIG_ITEMS (CoDatatype_items l' _)) _ _ _] ->
keyword cogeneratedS <+> keyword (cotypeS ++ pluralS l') <+>
semiAnnos printCODATATYPE_DECL l'
_ -> keyword cogeneratedS <+>
(specBraces $ vcat $ map pretty l)
instance PrettyPrint C_SIG_ITEM where
printText0 = toOldText
instance Pretty C_SIG_ITEM where
pretty = printC_SIG_ITEM
printC_SIG_ITEM :: C_SIG_ITEM -> Doc
printC_SIG_ITEM (CoDatatype_items l _) =
keyword (cotypeS ++ pluralS l) <+>
(fsep $ punctuate semi $ map (printAnnoted printCODATATYPE_DECL) l)
instance PrettyPrint CODATATYPE_DECL where
printText0 = toOldText
instance Pretty CODATATYPE_DECL where
pretty = printCODATATYPE_DECL
printCODATATYPE_DECL (CoDatatype_decl s a _) = case a of
[] -> idDoc s
_ -> fsep [idDoc s, defn, sep $ punctuate (space <> bar) $
map (printAnnoted printCOALTERNATIVE) a]
instance PrettyPrint COALTERNATIVE where
printText0 = toOldText
instance Pretty COALTERNATIVE where
pretty = printCOALTERNATIVE
printCOALTERNATIVE coal = case coal of
Co_construct k n l _ -> case n of
Nothing -> empty
Just i -> idDoc i
<> (case l of
[] -> case k of
Total -> empty
_ -> parens empty
_ -> parens (fsep $ punctuate semi $ map printCOCOMPONENTS l))
<> case k of
Total -> empty
_ -> text quMark
CoSubsorts l _ -> fsep $ text (sortS ++ if isSingle l then "" else "s")
: punctuate comma (map idDoc l)
instance PrettyPrint COCOMPONENTS where
printText0 = toOldText
instance Pretty COCOMPONENTS where
pretty = printCOCOMPONENTS
printCOCOMPONENTS (CoSelect l s _) =
(fsep $ punctuate comma $ map idDoc l)
<> colon
<> printOpType s
instance PrettyPrint C_FORMULA where
printText0 = toOldText
instance Pretty C_FORMULA where
pretty = printC_FORMULA
printC_FORMULA :: C_FORMULA -> Doc
printC_FORMULA cf = case cf of
BoxOrDiamond b t f _ -> let sp = case t of
Simple_mod _ -> (<>)
_ -> (<+>)
td = printMODALITY t
fd = printFormula printC_FORMULA f
in if b then brackets td <> fd
else less `sp` td `sp` greater <+> fd
CoSort_gen_ax sorts ops _ -> keyword cogeneratedS <>
specBraces (keyword sortS <+>
(fsep $ punctuate comma $ map idDoc sorts) <> semi <+>
(fsep $ punctuate semi $ map printOpSymb ops))
instance PrettyPrint MODALITY where
printText0 = toOldText
instance Pretty MODALITY where
pretty = printMODALITY
printMODALITY md = case md of
Simple_mod ident -> sidDoc ident
Term_mod t -> printTerm printC_FORMULA t
instance PrettyPrint CoCASLSign where
printText0 = toOldText
instance Pretty CoCASLSign where
pretty = printCoCASLSign
printCoCASLSign :: CoCASLSign -> Doc
printCoCASLSign _ = empty
instance ListCheck CODATATYPE_DECL where
innerList (CoDatatype_decl _ _ _) = [()]