LaTeX_CoCASL.hs revision b4fbc96e05117839ca409f5f20f97b3ac872d1ed
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Till Mossakowski and Uni Bremen 2004
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
latex output of the abstract syntax
module CoCASL.LaTeX_CoCASL where
import CoCASL.CoCASLSign
import CoCASL.Print_AS
import Common.Keywords
import Common.PrettyPrint -- todo provide real latex printers
import Common.Lib.Pretty
import Common.PrintLaTeX
import Common.LaTeX_utils
import Common.PPUtils
import Common.AS_Annotation
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.LaTeX_AS_Basic
import Data.Char(toUpper)
instance PrintLaTeX C_FORMULA where
printLatex0 = printText0
instance PrintLaTeX C_SIG_ITEM where
printLatex0 ga (CoDatatype_items l _) =
hc_sty_sig_item_keyword ga (cotypeS++pluralS l) <\+>
set_tabbed_nest_latex (semiAnno_latex ga l)
instance PrintLaTeX CODATATYPE_DECL where
printLatex0 ga (CoDatatype_decl s a _) =
printLatex0 ga s <\+> case a of
[] -> error "PrettyPrint CoCASL.CODATATYPE_DECL"
h : t -> sep_latex
(hc_sty_axiom defnS <> setTab_latex<~>
(printLatex0 ga h)<>casl_normal_latex "~":
(map (\x -> tabbed_nest_latex (latex_macro
"\\hspace*{-0.84mm}"<> ---}
casl_normal_latex "\\textbar")
<~> (printLatex0 ga x)<>casl_normal_latex "~") t))
instance PrintLaTeX COALTERNATIVE where
printLatex0 ga (Co_construct k n l _) = tabbed_nest_latex (
printLatex0 ga n <> (if null l then case k of
Partial -> parens_tab_latex empty
_ -> empty
else parens_tab_latex ( semiT_latex ga l))
<> optLatexQuMark k)
printLatex0 ga (CoSubsorts l _) =
sp_text (axiom_width s') s'' <\+> commaT_latex ga l
where s' = sortS ++ pluralS l
s'' = '\\':map toUpper s' ++ "[ID]"
instance PrintLaTeX COCOMPONENTS where
printLatex0 ga (CoSelect l s _) =
commaT_latex ga l <> colon_latex <> printLatex0 ga s
instance PrintLaTeX C_BASIC_ITEM where
printLatex0 ga (CoFree_datatype l _) =
fsep_latex [hc_sty_plain_keyword cofreeS
<~> setTab_latex
<> hc_sty_plain_keyword (typeS ++ pluralS l)
,tabbed_nest_latex $ semiAnno_latex ga l]
printLatex0 ga (CoSort_gen l _) =
hang_latex (hc_sty_plain_keyword cogeneratedS
<~> setTab_latex<> condCoTypeS) 9 $
tabbed_nest_latex $ condBraces
(vcat (map (printLatex0 ga) l))
where condCoTypeS =
if isOnlyDatatype then
hc_sty_plain_keyword (cotypeS++pluralS l)
else empty
condBraces d =
if isOnlyDatatype then
case l of
[x] -> case x of
Annoted (Ext_SIG_ITEMS
(CoDatatype_items l' _)) _ lans _ ->
vcat (map (printLatex0 ga) lans)
$$ semiAnno_latex ga l'
_ -> error "wrong implementation of isOnlyDatatype"
_ -> error "wrong implementation of isOnlyDatatype"
else braces_latex d
isOnlyDatatype =
case l of
[x] -> case x of
Annoted (Ext_SIG_ITEMS
(CoDatatype_items _ _)) _ _ _ -> True
_ -> False
_ -> False
instance PrintLaTeX CoCASLSign where
printLatex0 = printText0