quickchecks.hs revision 910012c2b85f5f5245b691ae59a9da9a6597a7ae
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Testing of different parts of the EnCL Implementation
Copyright : (c) Ewaryst Schulz, DFKI Bremen 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : ewaryst.schulz@dfki.de
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Testing using QuickCheck of SetOrdering algos
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Control.Monad
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.Test
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary
import Test.QuickCheck.Property
import Test.QuickCheck.Gen
import CSL.TreePO
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Generator for test sets
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
diskr = [ ((FinInt 10, True), (PosInf, False))
, ((FinInt 12, True), (PosInf, False))
, ((FinInt 10, True), (PosInf, False))
, ((FinInt 10, True), (PosInf, False))
, ((FinInt 10, True), (PosInf, False))
, ((FinInt 10, True), (PosInf, False))
, ((FinInt 10, True), (PosInf, False))
, ((FinInt 10, True), (PosInf, False))
-- data InfInt = PosInf | NegInf | FinInt Integer deriving (Show, Eq)
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Generator for test sets
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
finborder :: Gen (InfInt, Bool)
finborder = do
b <- arbitrary
ii <- fmap FinInt arbitrary
return (ii, b)
border :: Gen (InfInt, Bool)
border = frequency [ (2, elements [(PosInf, False), (NegInf, False)])
, (23, finborder) ]
finset :: Gen (SetOrInterval InfInt)
finset = fmap (Set . Set.fromList . map FinInt) $ listOf1 arbitrary
-- finset = fmap (Set . Set.map FinInt) arbitrary
intval :: Gen (SetOrInterval InfInt)
intval = do
(x, bx) <- border
(y, by) <- border
let res
| x == y = IntVal (x, True) (y, True)
| x > y = IntVal (y, by) (x, bx)
| otherwise = IntVal (x, bx) (y, by)
return res
soi :: Gen (SetOrInterval InfInt)
soi = oneof [finset, intval]
comps :: Gen (SetOrInterval InfInt, SetOrInterval InfInt)
comps = do
soi1 <- soi
soi2 <- soi
return (soi1, soi2)
verbCmp (a, b) = do
putStrLn $ "Compare " ++ show a ++ " and " ++ show b
putStrLn $ " --> " ++ show (cmpSoIsD a b)
onSmpl g f = do
l <- smpls g
mapM_ pr l
where pr x = do
putStrLn $ "Input: " ++ show x
putStrLn $ " --> " ++ show (f x)
smpls :: Gen a -> IO [a]
smpls = fmap concat . replicateM 10 . sample'
insts :: Show a => Gen a -> IO ()
insts = replicateM_ 10 . sample
insts' :: Show a => Gen a -> IO ()
insts' g = smpls g >>= writeFile "/tmp/qc" . unlines . map show
newtype Filename = FN { unFN :: String }
instance Show Filename where
show x = show $ unFN x
instance Arbitrary Filename where
arbitrary = do name <- elements ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
ext <- listOf $ elements ['a'..'z']
return (FN (name ++ "." ++ ext))
opt :: Gen String -> Gen String
opt g = oneof [ g, return "" ]
identifier :: Gen String
identifier = do
i0 <- iden0
n <- idenN
return $ i0:n
iden0 :: Gen Char
iden0 = oneof [ elements ['a'..'z'], elements ['A'..'Z']
, elements ['0'..'9'] ]
idenN :: Gen String
idenN = listOf iden0
filenames :: Gen String
filenames = do
name <- opt identifier
dot <- opt (return ".")
ext <- opt identifier
exts <- listOf identifier
oneof [ return $ name ++ dot ++ ext
, return $ name ++ "." ++ (concat . intersperse "." $ exts)]