TreePO.hs revision 3d52aec7d9849d727bc457cd76ac93b3f523c629
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Handling of tree-like partial ordering relations
Copyright : (c) Ewaryst Schulz, DFKI Bremen 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
This module defines a basic datatype for tree-like partial orderings.
module CSL.TreePO where
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Datatypes for comparison
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
data Incomparable = Disjoint | Overlap deriving (Eq, Show)
data SetOrdering = Comparable Ordering | Incomparable Incomparable deriving Eq
instance Show SetOrdering where
show (Comparable LT) = "<"
show (Comparable GT) = ">"
show (Comparable EQ) = "="
show (Incomparable x) = show x
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Combining comparison results
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
swapCompare :: Ordering -> Ordering
swapCompare GT = LT
swapCompare LT = GT
swapCompare x = x
swapCmp :: SetOrdering -> SetOrdering
swapCmp (Comparable x) = Comparable $ swapCompare x
swapCmp x = x
{- | We combine the comparison outcome of the individual parameters with
the following (symmetrical => commutative) table:
> \ | > < = O D
> -------------
> > | > O > O D
> < | < < O D
> = | = O D
> O | O D
> D | D
> , where
> > | < | = | O | D
> ---------------------------------------------
> RightOf | LeftOf | Equal | Overlap | Disjoint
The purpose of this table is to use it for cartesian products as follows
A', A'' \subset A
B', B'' \subset B
In order to get the comparison result for A' x B' and A'' x B'' we compare
A' and A'' as well as B' and B'' and combine the results with the above table.
Note that for empty sets the comparable results <,>,= are preferred over the
disjoint result.
combineCmp :: SetOrdering -> SetOrdering -> SetOrdering
combineCmp x y
| x == y = x -- idempotence
| otherwise =
case (x, y) of
(_, Incomparable Disjoint) -> Incomparable Disjoint
(Incomparable Overlap, _) -> Incomparable Overlap
(Comparable EQ, _) -> y -- neutral element
(Comparable GT, Comparable LT) -> Incomparable Overlap
_ -> combineCmp y x -- commutative (should capture all cases)