Transformation.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, UndecidableInstances #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Program transformations
Copyright : (c) Ewaryst Schulz, DFKI Bremen 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable (various glasgow extensions)
Program transformations from CSL specifications to CAS programs
and utilities for lemma generation
module CSL.Transformation where
import Control.Monad.State (State, StateT (..), MonadState (get, put))
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import CSL.ASUtils
import Common.Id
{- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Datatypes and Classes for Term- and Program Transformations
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
mkOperator :: String -> [EXTPARAM] -> [EXPRESSION] -> Range -> EXPRESSION
mkOperator = mkAndAnalyzeOp ()
-- | A class to abstract from the concrete variable generation facility
class Monad m => VarGen m where
genVar :: m String
instance VarGen (State Int) where
genVar = do
i <- get
put $ i + 1
return $ "gv" ++ show i
instance VarGen (State (Int, String)) where
genVar = do
(i, s) <- get
put (i + 1, s)
return $ s ++ show i
instance VarGen m => VarGen (StateT s m) where
genVar = lift genVar
-- | A class to construct EXPRESSIONs from simple tuple structures
class SExp a where
toExp :: a -> EXPRESSION
class SOp a where
toOp :: a -> OpDecl
instance SExp EXPRESSION where
toExp e = e
instance SExp APInt where
toExp i = Int i nullRange
instance SExp APFloat where
toExp f = Rat f nullRange
instance SExp String where
toExp s = mkOperator s [] [] nullRange
instance SOp String where
toOp s = OpDecl (SimpleConstant s) [] [] nullRange
instance SExp OPNAME where
toExp n = mkPredefOp n []
instance SExp ConstantName where
toExp (SimpleConstant s) = mkOperator s [] [] nullRange
toExp x = error $ "toExp: elim-constant not supported " ++ show x
instance SExp a => SExp (String, a) where
toExp (s, x) = mkOperator s [] [toExp x] nullRange
instance SExp a => SExp (ConstantName, [a]) where
toExp (n, l) = Op (OpUser n) [] (map toExp l) nullRange
instance (SExp a, SExp b) => SExp (String, a, b) where
toExp (s, x, y) = mkOperator s [] [toExp x, toExp y] nullRange
instance (SExp a, SExp b, SExp c) => SExp (String, a, b, c) where
toExp (s, x, y, z) =
mkOperator s [] [toExp x, toExp y, toExp z] nullRange
{- strangely, ghc says that we would have overlapping instances with
instance SExp a => SExp (String, a), but I can't see it. I introduce
this strange looking instance -}
instance (SExp a) => SExp ((), String, [a]) where
toExp (_, s, l) = mkOperator s [] (map toExp l) nullRange
-- | A class to construct CMDs from simple tuple structures
class SCmd a where
toCmd :: a -> CMD
instance (SExp a, SExp b) => SCmd (String, a, b) where
toCmd (s, x, y) = Cmd s [toExp x, toExp y]
instance (SOp a, SExp b) => SCmd (a, b) where
toCmd (x, y) = Ass (toOp x) $ toExp y
class IntervalLike a where
toIntervalExp :: a -> EXPRESSION
instance IntervalLike EXPRESSION where
toIntervalExp = id
instance IntervalLike (Double, Double) where
toIntervalExp (a, b) = Interval a b nullRange