Transformation.hs revision 25ae784bc2e848d6c2d53de84b4236449857e4cc
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, UndecidableInstances #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Program transformations
Copyright : (c) Ewaryst Schulz, DFKI Bremen 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable (various glasgow extensions)
Program transformations from CSL specifications to CAS programs
and utilities for lemma generation
module CSL.Transformation where
import Control.Monad.State (State, StateT(..), MonadState(get, put))
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import CSL.Interpreter
import CSL.Parse_AS_Basic (mkAndAnalyzeOp)
import Common.Id (nullRange, Token(..))
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Datatypes and Classes for Term- and Program Transformations
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | A class to abstract from the concrete variable generation facility
class Monad m => VarGen m where
genVar :: m (String)
instance VarGen (State Int) where
genVar = do
i <- get
put $ i+1
return $ "gv" ++ show i
instance VarGen (State (Int, String)) where
genVar = do
(i, s) <- get
put $ (i+1, s)
return $ s ++ show i
instance VarGen m => VarGen (StateT s m) where
genVar = lift genVar
-- | A class to construct EXPRESSIONs from simple tuple structures
class SExp a where
toExp :: a -> EXPRESSION
instance SExp EXPRESSION where
toExp e = e
instance SExp APInt where
toExp i = Int i nullRange
instance SExp APFloat where
toExp f = Double f nullRange
instance SExp String where
toExp s = mkAndAnalyzeOp s [] [] nullRange
instance SExp ConstantName where
toExp (SimpleConstant s) = mkAndAnalyzeOp s [] [] nullRange
toExp x = error $ "toExp: elim-constant not supported " ++ show x
instance SExp a => SExp (String, a) where
toExp (s, x) = mkAndAnalyzeOp s [] [toExp x] nullRange
instance (SExp a, SExp b) => SExp (String, a, b) where
toExp (s, x, y) = mkAndAnalyzeOp s [] [toExp x, toExp y] nullRange
instance (SExp a, SExp b, SExp c) => SExp (String, a, b, c) where
toExp (s, x, y, z) =
mkAndAnalyzeOp s [] [toExp x, toExp y, toExp z] nullRange
-- strangely, ghc says that we would have overlapping instances with
-- instance SExp a => SExp (String, a), but I can't see it. I introduce
-- this strange looking instance
instance (SExp a) => SExp ((), String, [a]) where
toExp (_, s, l) = mkAndAnalyzeOp s [] (map toExp l) nullRange
-- | A class to construct CMDs from simple tuple structures
class SCmd a where
toCmd :: a -> CMD
instance (SExp a, SExp b) => SCmd (String, a, b) where
toCmd (s, x, y) = Cmd s [toExp x, toExp y]
instance (SExp a, SExp b) => SCmd (a, b) where
toCmd (x, y) = Ass (toExp x) $ toExp y
type VarRange = (APFloat, APFloat)
class IntervalLike a where
toIntervalExp :: a -> EXPRESSION
instance IntervalLike EXPRESSION where
toIntervalExp = id
instance IntervalLike VarRange where
toIntervalExp (a, b) = Interval a b nullRange
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Transformations of assignments to conditional statements
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ** A simple cache implemenation with variable container
-- | We store all results from the backup lookup in the map, even the negative
-- ones (Nothing returned).
-- backupLookup is set once the data is created, the cachemap and varcontainer
-- are updated afterwards.
data VCCache = VCCache { varcontainer :: Map.Map ConstantName VarRange
, cachemap :: Map.Map ConstantName (Maybe EXPRESSION) }
deriving Show
lookupCached :: MonadState VCCache m => (ConstantName -> m (Maybe EXPRESSION))
-> ConstantName -> m (Maybe EXPRESSION)
lookupCached = lookupCachedWithTrans return
lookupCachedWithTrans :: MonadState VCCache m =>
-- ^ Transformation function
-> (ConstantName -> m (Maybe EXPRESSION))
-- ^ lookup function
-> ConstantName -- ^ lookup key
-> m (Maybe EXPRESSION)
-- ^ looked up and transformed result
lookupCachedWithTrans f lk k = do
c <- get
case Map.lookup k (cachemap c) of
Nothing -> do
mV <- lk k
mV' <- case mV of
Just v -> f v >>= return . Just
_ -> return Nothing
-- f can change the state, so read it again here!
c' <- get
put c' { cachemap = Map.insert k mV' (cachemap c') }
return mV'
Just mV -> return mV
resetCache :: Monad m => VCCache -> m VCCache
resetCache c = return c{ cachemap = Map.empty }
-- | Given a lookupfunction we initialize the VCCache
emptyVCCache :: VCCache
emptyVCCache = VCCache Map.empty Map.empty
class VariableContainer a b where
insertVar :: ConstantName -> b -> a -> a
toVarList :: a -> [(ConstantName, b)]
instance VariableContainer VCCache VarRange where
insertVar s v c = c { varcontainer = Map.insert s v $ varcontainer c }
toVarList = Map.toList . varcontainer
-- | If the state of a statemonad is a VariableContainer then we provide a
-- simplified insert function, which hides the state handling
insertVarM :: (Monad m, VariableContainer a b) => ConstantName -> b
-> StateT a m ()
insertVarM s iRng = fmap (insertVar s iRng) get >>= put
-- | If the state of a statemonad is a VariableContainer then we provide a
-- simplified insert function, which hides the state handling
toVarListM :: (VariableContainer a b, Monad m) => StateT a m [(ConstantName, b)]
toVarListM = fmap toVarList get
-- | Given an expression containing intervals we code out the intervals
-- replacing them by variables and assign to those variables ranges
-- (the intervals). Does not replace toplevel intervals.
replaceIntervals ::
(VarGen c, VariableContainer a VarRange, AssignmentStore c) =>
replaceIntervals e@(Interval _ _ _) = return e
replaceIntervals e = replaceIntervals' e
-- | Like replaceIntervals but works also on toplevel intervals
replaceIntervals' ::
(VarGen c, VariableContainer a VarRange, AssignmentStore c) =>
replaceIntervals' e =
case e of
Interval from to rg -> do
y <- genVar
insertVarM (SimpleConstant y) (from, to)
return $ Var $ Token y rg
Op s epl args rg -> do
nargs <- mapM replaceIntervals' args
return $ Op s epl nargs rg
List elms rg -> do
nelms <- mapM replaceIntervals' elms
return $ List nelms rg
_ -> return e
-- TODO: add support for function terms
-- | Replaces all occurrences of defined variables by their lookuped terms
substituteDefined :: ( VarGen c, AssignmentStore c)
substituteDefined x =
case x of
Op oi epl args rg -> do
let (s, isOpName) = case oi of
OpId _ -> (error "substituteDefined", True)
OpUser os -> (os, False)
b <- if isOpName then return False else isDefined s
nargs <- mapM substituteDefined args
if b && null args
then do
mE <- lookupCachedWithTrans replaceIntervals lookup s
case mE of
Just (Interval from to _) ->
-- enter the interval into the VariableContainer
insertVarM s (from, to)
return x
Just e -> return e
_ -> error "substituteDefined: defined constant not found"
else return $ Op oi epl nargs rg
List elms rg -> do
nelms <- mapM substituteDefined elms
return $ List nelms rg
_ -> return x
buildConditionalExpression :: VCCache -> EXPRESSION -> EXPRESSION
buildConditionalExpression vcc e =
let condlist = map (uncurry toIntervalCondition)
$ Map.toList $ varcontainer vcc
in case condlist of
[] -> e
[c] -> toExp ("impl", c, e)
_ -> toExp ("impl", toExp ((), "and", condlist), e)
toIntervalCondition :: (SExp e, IntervalLike i) => e -> i -> EXPRESSION
toIntervalCondition e i = toExp ("in", e, toIntervalExp i)
-- | Produces a verification condition for the given Assignment c := t
verificationCondition :: ( VarGen c, AssignmentStore c)
=> EXPRESSION -- ^ the lookuped value of a constant
-> EXPRESSION -- ^ the definiens of this constant
-> c EXPRESSION -- ^ the conditional statement,
-- conditional in occurring interval
-- variables
verificationCondition c e = do
(_, vcc1) <- runStateT (replaceIntervals c) emptyVCCache
(e', vcc2) <- runStateT (substituteDefined e >>= replaceIntervals')
-- 1. c is an interval -> vcc2 => e' in c
-- 2. c contains intervals -> error, don't know how to build conditional
-- 3. e contains intervals -> error, can't bound interval expression by constant
-- 4. otherwise -> e' = c
case c of
Interval _ _ _ ->
let vericond = toIntervalCondition e' c
return $ buildConditionalExpression vcc2 vericond
_ | not $ Map.null $ varcontainer vcc1 ->
error $ "verificationCondition: don't know how to build conditional"
++ "from interval expression"
| not $ Map.null $ varcontainer vcc2 ->
error $ "verificationCondition: can't bound interval expression by"
++ "constant"
| otherwise -> return $ toExp ("=", e', c)
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Transformations for Repeat
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Transforms a repeat command using the convergence predicate in a repeat
-- command where the body and the condition are extended by some intermediate
-- variables and their assignments
transRepeat :: VarGen m => EXPRESSION -> [CMD] -> m CMD
transRepeat e cl = do
(l, e') <- transRepeatCondition e
let f (v1, v2, tm) = (toCmd (v1, v2), toCmd (v2, tm))
(l1, l2) = unzip $ map f l
return $ Repeat e' $ l1 ++ cl ++ l2
-- | Replaces the convergence expressions in the repeat condition using the
-- transConvergence function
transRepeatCondition :: VarGen m => EXPRESSION -- ^ The repeat condition
-> m ([(String, String, EXPRESSION)], EXPRESSION)
-- ^ A list of intermediate convergence vars together
-- with the term to converge and the translated repeat
-- condition
transRepeatCondition c =
case c of
Op (OpId OP_convergence) [] [lt, tm] _ -> do
v1 <- genVar
v2 <- genVar
return ([(v1, v2, tm)], transConvergence v1 v2 lt)
Op oi@(OpId on) [] al rg
| elem on [OP_and, OP_or] -> do
l <- mapM transRepeatCondition al
let (ssel, el) = unzip l
return (concat ssel, Op oi [] el rg)
| otherwise -> return ([], c)
_ -> return ([], c)
-- | Returns the the program expression for the convergence predicate.
transConvergence :: String -- ^ The variable name to store the preceeding value
-> String -- ^ The variable name to store the current value
-> EXPRESSION -- ^ The numerical expression for the limit
-> EXPRESSION -- ^ A nested if-expression corresponding to the
-- convergence expression
transConvergence v1 v2 lt =
toExp ( "if", ("not", ("numberp", v1)), "false"
,( "if", ("neq", v2, 0::Integer)
,( "<", ("abs", ("/", ("-", v1, v2), v2)), lt)
,( "if", ("eq", v1, 0::Integer), "true", "false")))