SimpleExtendedParameter.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Handling of simple extended parameters
Copyright : (c) Ewaryst Schulz, DFKI Bremen 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
This module contains a simple extended parameter representation
Extended parameters may be based on one of the following
> =, <=, >=, !=, <, >, -|
We reduce the relations to one of the Data items in 'NormEP'. We
handle @-|@ as @*@ for comparison and range computations, i.e.,
we remove it, and @< n@ is turned into @<= n-1@
(or @'LeftOf' n-1@) and accordingly for @>@.
We could work more generally (and we do it) as in
CSL.GeneralExtendedParameter .
module CSL.SimpleExtendedParameter where
import CSL.BoolBasic
import CSL.TreePO
import Common.Id (tokStr)
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
{- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Datatypes for efficient Extended Parameter comparison
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
-- | Normalized representation of an extended param relation
data NormEP = LeftOf | RightOf | Equal | Except deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show NormEP where
show LeftOf = "<="
show RightOf = ">="
show Equal = "="
show Except = "/="
instance Pretty NormEP where
pretty x = text $ show x
type EPExp = (NormEP, APInt)
cmpOp :: NormEP -> APInt -> APInt -> Bool
cmpOp LeftOf = (<=)
cmpOp RightOf = (>=)
cmpOp Equal = (==)
cmpOp Except = (/=)
evalEP :: Int -> EPExp -> Bool
evalEP i (n, j) = cmpOp n (toInteger i) j
showEP :: (String, EPExp) -> String
showEP (s, (n, i)) = s ++ show n ++ show i
-- | Conversion function into the more efficient representation.
toEPExp :: EXTPARAM -> Maybe (String, EPExp)
toEPExp (EP t r i) =
case r of
"<=" -> Just (tokStr t, (LeftOf, i))
"<" -> Just (tokStr t, (LeftOf, i - 1))
">=" -> Just (tokStr t, (RightOf, i))
">" -> Just (tokStr t, (RightOf, i + 1))
"=" -> Just (tokStr t, (Equal, i))
"!=" -> Just (tokStr t, (Except, i))
"-|" -> Nothing
_ -> error $ "toEPExp: unsupported relation: " ++ r
toBoolRep :: String -> EPExp -> BoolRep
toBoolRep s (x, i) = Pred (show x) [s, show i]
complementEP :: EPExp -> EPExp
complementEP (x, i) = case x of
LeftOf -> (RightOf, i + 1)
RightOf -> (LeftOf, i - 1)
Equal -> (Except, i)
Except -> (Equal, i)
{- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Extended Parameter comparison
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
-- | Compares two 'EPExp': They are uncompareable if they overlap or are disjoint.
compareEP :: EPExp -> EPExp -> SetOrdering
compareEP ep1@(r1, n1) ep2@(r2, n2)
| r1 == r2 = compareSameRel r1 n1 n2
| otherwise =
case (r1, r2) of
(Equal, Except) | n1 == n2 -> Incomparable Disjoint
| otherwise -> Comparable LT
(Equal, LeftOf) | n1 > n2 -> Incomparable Disjoint
| otherwise -> Comparable LT
(Equal, RightOf) | n1 < n2 -> Incomparable Disjoint
| otherwise -> Comparable LT
(Except, LeftOf) | n1 > n2 -> Comparable GT
| otherwise -> Incomparable Overlap
(Except, RightOf) | n1 < n2 -> Comparable GT
| otherwise -> Incomparable Overlap
(LeftOf, RightOf) | n1 < n2 -> Incomparable Disjoint
| otherwise -> Incomparable Overlap
_ -> swapCmp $ compareEP ep2 ep1
compareSameRel :: NormEP -> APInt -> APInt -> SetOrdering
compareSameRel r n1 n2
| n1 == n2 = Comparable EQ
| otherwise =
case r of
LeftOf -> Comparable (compare n1 n2)
RightOf -> Comparable (compare n2 n1)
Equal -> Incomparable Disjoint
Except -> Incomparable Overlap