Sign.hs revision f8adc2a1376cd0946ec912a7f468cc05059a46dc
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Signature for propositional logic
Copyright : (c) Dominik Dietrich, DFKI Bremen 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Definition of signatures for CSL logic, which are just lists of operators
module CSL.Sign
(Sign (..) -- Propositional Signatures
,OpType (..) -- Operator Information attached to ids
,pretty -- pretty printing
,isLegalSignature -- is a signature ok?
,addToSig -- adds an id to the given Signature
,addVarItem -- adds a var item to the given Signature
,addEPComponent -- adds a raw ext param decl to the given Signature
,unite -- union of signatures
,emptySig -- empty signature
,isSubSigOf -- is subsiganture?
,sigDiff -- Difference of Signatures
,sigUnion -- Union for Logic.Logic
) where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import CSL.Print_AS ()
import CSL.TreePO
data OpType = OpType { opArity :: Int
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
defaultType :: OpType
defaultType = OpType { opArity = 0 }
optypeFromArity :: Int -> OpType
optypeFromArity i = defaultType { opArity = i }
-- | Datatype for CSL Signatures
-- Signatures are just sets of Tokens for the operators
data Sign = Sign { items :: Map.Map Id OpType
, vardecls :: Map.Map Token Domain
, epdecls :: Map.Map Token EP_item
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | The empty signature, use this one to create new signatures
emptySig :: Sign
emptySig = Sign { items = Map.empty
, vardecls = Map.empty
, epdecls = Map.empty
instance Pretty Sign where
pretty = printSign
-- | checks whether a Id is declared in the signature
lookupSym :: Sign -> Id -> Bool
lookupSym sig item = Map.member item $ items sig
-- TODO: adapt the operations to new signature components
-- | pretty printer for CSL signatures
printSign :: Sign -> Doc
printSign s =
-- hsep [text "operator", sepByCommas $ map pretty $ Map.keys $ items s]
vsep [ hsep [ text "vars"
, sepBySemis $ map f $ Map.toList $ vardecls s ]
, hsep [ text "eps"
, sepBySemis $ map pretty $ Map.elems $ epdecls s ]
where f (k, dom) = pretty k <+> text "in" <+> pretty dom
-- | determines whether a signature is valid. all sets are ok, so glued to true
isLegalSignature :: Sign -> Bool
isLegalSignature _ = True
-- | Basic function to extend a given signature by adding an item (id) to it
addToSig :: Sign -> Id -> OpType -> Sign
addToSig sig tok ot = sig {items = Map.insert tok ot $ items sig}
-- | Basic function to extend a given signature by adding a var item to it
addVarItem :: Sign -> [Token] -> Domain -> Sign
addVarItem sig toks dom = foldl addvi sig toks where
addvi sg tok = sg {vardecls = Map.insert tok dom $ vardecls sg}
-- | Basic function to extend a given signature by adding an extparam component.
addEPComponent :: Sign -> EPComponent -> Sign
addEPComponent sig epc =
let (n, epd) = epCompToItem epc
in sig { epdecls = Map.insertWith combineEPDecls n epd $ epdecls sig}
epCompToItem :: EPComponent -> (Token, EP_item)
epCompToItem (EPDomain s dom) = (s, EP_item s (Just dom) Nothing)
epCompToItem (EPDefault s val) = (s, EP_item s Nothing (Just val))
epCompToItem (EPSimple s) = (s, EP_item s Nothing Nothing)
-- TODO: add support for vardecls and epdecls and report errors if they do not match!
{- Two signatures s1 and s2 are compatible if the common part has the
following properties:
* if the default value of an extparam is defined in s1 and s2 it has to be the same
* if the domains (of extparams or vars) are both given, they must not be disjoint
* the arities must conincide for the same operator
{- | Chooses from two 'Maybe' values the one containing the 'Just'
value ore 'Nothing' if both are 'Nothing'. Fails on two 'Just'
chooseJust :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
chooseJust a@(Just _) Nothing = a
chooseJust Nothing b@(Just _) = b
chooseJust Nothing b = b
chooseJust _ _ = error "chooseJust: called on two just vals"
{- | Combines two extended parameter declarations for the same parameter.
The default values, if given, must coincide, and the domains must be
comparable, in this case the smaller one is choosen.
combineEPDecls :: EP_item -> EP_item -> EP_item
combineEPDecls (EP_item n1 mDom1 mDft1) (EP_item n2 mDom2 mDft2)
| n1 /= n2 = error $ "combineEPDecls: name-mismatch for extended parameter "
++ show n1 ++ " and " ++ show n2
| otherwise =
let mDft = case (mDft1, mDft2) of
(Just a, Just b) -> -- the values have to be the same
if a == b then Just a
else error $ "combineEPDecls: default value mismatch"
++ " for extended parameter "
++ show (pretty n1) ++ ": "
++ show a ++ ", " ++ show b
_ -> chooseJust mDft1 mDft2
mDom = case (mDom1, mDom2) of
-- the domains must be comparable
(Just d1, Just d2) ->
case cmpSoIsD d1 d2 of
Incomparable _ ->
error $ "combineEPDecls: domains incomparable for "
++ "extended parameter "
++ show (pretty n1) ++ ": "
++ show (pretty d1) ++ show (pretty d2)
Comparable LT -> mDom1
_ -> mDom2
_ -> chooseJust mDom1 mDom2
in EP_item n1 mDom mDft
-- | Union of signatures
unite :: Sign -> Sign -> Sign
unite sig1 sig2 =
sig1 { items = Map.union (items sig1) $ items sig2
, epdecls = Map.unionWith combineEPDecls (epdecls sig1) $ epdecls sig2
-- | Determines if sig1 is subsignature of sig2
isSubSigOf :: Sign -> Sign -> Bool
isSubSigOf sig1 sig2 = Map.isSubmapOf (items sig1) $ items sig2
-- | difference of Signatures
sigDiff :: Sign -> Sign -> Sign
sigDiff sig1 sig2 = sig1 {items = Map.difference (items sig1) $ items sig2}
-- | union of Signatures
-- or do I have to care about more things here?
sigUnion :: Sign -> Sign -> Result Sign
sigUnion s1 = Result [Diag Debug "All fine sigUnion" nullRange]
. Just . unite s1