Sign.hs revision 624e6701e0deb7ac6c03c0cba0190fbc5033cf93
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Signature for propositional logic
Copyright : (c) Dominik Dietrich, DFKI Bremen 2010
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Definition of signatures for CSL logic, which are just lists of operators
module CSL.Sign
(Sign (..) -- Propositional Signatures
,pretty -- pretty printing
,isLegalSignature -- is a signature ok?
,addToSig -- adds an id to the given Signature
,unite -- union of signatures
,emptySig -- empty signature
,isSubSigOf -- is subsiganture?
,sigDiff -- Difference of Signatures
,sigUnion -- Union for Logic.Logic
) where
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
-- | Datatype for CSL Signatures
-- Signatures are just sets of Tokens for the operators
newtype Sign = Sign {items :: Set.Set Id} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Pretty Sign where
pretty = printSign
-- | checks whether a Id is declared in the signature
lookupSym :: Sign -> Id -> Bool
lookupSym (Sign s) item = Set.member item s
-- | pretty printer for CSL signatures
printSign :: Sign -> Doc
printSign s =
hsep [text "operator", sepByCommas $ map pretty $ Set.toList $ items s]
-- | determines whether a signature is valid. all sets are ok, so glued to true
isLegalSignature :: Sign -> Bool
isLegalSignature _ = True
-- | Basic function to extend a given signature by adding an item (id) to it
addToSig :: Sign -> Id -> Sign
addToSig sig tok = Sign {items = Set.insert tok $ items sig}
-- | Union of signatures
unite :: Sign -> Sign -> Sign
unite sig1 sig2 = Sign {items = Set.union (items sig1) $ items sig2}
-- | The empty signature
emptySig :: Sign
emptySig = Sign {items = Set.empty}
-- | Determines if sig1 is subsignature of sig2
isSubSigOf :: Sign -> Sign -> Bool
isSubSigOf sig1 sig2 = Set.isSubsetOf (items sig1) $ items sig2
-- | difference of Signatures
sigDiff :: Sign -> Sign -> Sign
sigDiff sig1 sig2 = Sign{items = Set.difference (items sig1) $ items sig2}
-- | union of Signatures
-- or do I have to care about more things here?
sigUnion :: Sign -> Sign -> Result Sign
sigUnion s1 = Result [Diag Debug "All fine sigUnion" nullRange]
. Just . unite s1