Sign.hs revision 1a38107941725211e7c3f051f7a8f5e12199f03a
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Signatures for the EnCL logic
Copyright : (c) Dominik Dietrich, DFKI Bremen 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Types and functions for EnCL logic signatures
module CSL.Sign
( Sign (Sign) -- EnCL Signatures
, opIds
, OpType (..) -- Operator Information attached to ids
, pretty -- pretty printing
, isLegalSignature -- is a signature ok?
, addToSig -- adds an id to the given Signature
, unite -- union of signatures
, emptySig -- empty signature
, isSubSigOf -- is subsiganture?
, sigDiff -- Difference of Signatures
, sigUnion -- Union for Logic.Logic
, lookupSym
, optypeFromArity
, addEPDefValToSig
, addEPDeclToSig
, addEPDomVarDeclToSig
) where
import Data.Data
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import CSL.TreePO (ClosedInterval (ClosedInterval))
import CSL.Print_AS ()
data OpType = OpType { opArity :: Int
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
defaultType :: OpType
defaultType = OpType { opArity = 0 }
optypeFromArity :: Int -> OpType
optypeFromArity i = defaultType { opArity = i }
{- | Datatype for EnCL Signatures
Signatures are just sets of Tokens for the operators -}
data Sign = Sign { items :: Map.Map Token OpType
, epvars :: Map.Map Token (Maybe APInt)
, epdecls :: Map.Map Token EPDecl
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
opIds :: Sign -> Set.Set Id
opIds = simpleIdToId . Map.keysSet . items
-- | The empty signature, use this one to create new signatures
emptySig :: Sign
emptySig = Sign { items = Map.empty
, epvars = Map.empty
, epdecls = Map.empty
instance Pretty Sign where
pretty = printSign
-- | pretty printer for EnCL signatures
printSign :: Sign -> Doc
printSign s = vcat [ printEPVars $ Map.toList $ epvars s
, printEPDecls $ Map.elems $ epdecls s]
printEPVars :: [(Token, Maybe APInt)] -> Doc
printEPVars [] = empty
printEPVars l = hsep [text "set", sepBySemis $ map f l] where
f (x, Nothing) = pretty x
f (x, Just y) = hcat [pretty x, text "=", pretty y]
printEPDecls :: [EPDecl] -> Doc
printEPDecls l = vcat $ map f l where
f x = hsep [text "ep", pretty x]
-- | checks whether a Id is declared in the signature
lookupSym :: Sign -> Id -> Bool
lookupSym sig item = Map.member (idToSimpleId item) $ items sig
-- TODO: adapt the operations to new signature components
-- | determines whether a signature is valid. all sets are ok, so glued to true
isLegalSignature :: Sign -> Bool
isLegalSignature _ = True
-- | Basic function to extend a given signature by adding an item (id) to it
addToSig :: Sign -> Token -> OpType -> Sign
addToSig sig tok ot = sig {items = Map.insert tok ot $ items sig}
addEPDefValToSig :: Sign -> Token -> APInt -> Sign
addEPDefValToSig sig tok i
| isNothing mD = error $ "addEPDefValToSig: The extended parameter"
++ " declaration for " ++ show tok ++ " is missing"
| otherwise = sig {epdecls = ed'}
where (mD, ed') = Map.insertLookupWithKey f tok err $ epdecls sig
err = error "addEPDefValToSig: dummyval"
f _ _ (EPDecl _ dom Nothing) = EPDecl tok dom $ Just i
f _ _ (EPDecl _ _ (Just j)) =
error $ "addEPDefValToSig: default value already set to "
++ show j
addEmptyEPDomVarDeclToSig :: Sign -> Token -> Sign
addEmptyEPDomVarDeclToSig sig tok = sig {epvars = ev'}
where ev' = Map.insertWith f tok Nothing $ epvars sig
f _ v = v
addEPDomVarDeclToSig :: Sign -> Token -> APInt -> Sign
addEPDomVarDeclToSig sig tok i = sig {epvars = ev'}
where ev' = Map.insertWith f tok (Just i) $ epvars sig
f _ (Just x)
| x == i = error $ "addEPDomVarDeclToSig: equal values for "
++ show tok
| otherwise = error $ "addEPDomVarDeclToSig: variable already"
++ " set to different value " ++ show tok ++ "="
++ show x
f n _ = n
{- | Adds an extended parameter declaration for a given domain and
eventually implicitly defined EP domain vars, e.g., for 'I = [0, n]'
'n' is implicitly added -}
addEPDeclToSig :: Sign -> Token -> EPDomain -> Sign
addEPDeclToSig sig tok dom = g $ sig {epdecls = ed'}
where (mD, ed') = Map.insertLookupWithKey f tok epd $ epdecls sig
epd = EPDecl tok dom Nothing
f _ _ v@(EPDecl _ dom' _)
| dom' == dom = v
| otherwise = error $ "addEPDeclToSig: EP already"
++ " assigned another domain: " ++ show tok ++ "in"
++ show dom'
g s =
case (mD, dom) of
(Nothing, ClosedInterval a b) ->
case mapMaybe getEPVarRef [a, b] of
[] -> s
l -> foldl addEmptyEPDomVarDeclToSig s l
_ -> s
-- TODO: add support for epdecls and report errors if they do not match!
{- Two signatures s1 and s2 are compatible if the common part has the
following properties:
* if the default value of an extparam is defined in s1 and s2 it has to be the same
* if the domains (of extparams or vars) are both given, they must not be disjoint
* the arities must conincide for the same operator
-- | Union of signatures
unite :: Sign -> Sign -> Sign
unite sig1 sig2 =
sig1 { items = Map.union (items sig1) $ items sig2
-- | Determines if sig1 is subsignature of sig2
isSubSigOf :: Sign -> Sign -> Bool
isSubSigOf sig1 sig2 = Map.isSubmapOf (items sig1) $ items sig2
-- | difference of Signatures
sigDiff :: Sign -> Sign -> Sign
sigDiff sig1 sig2 = sig1 {items = Map.difference (items sig1) $ items sig2}
{- | union of Signatures
or do I have to care about more things here? -}
sigUnion :: Sign -> Sign -> Result Sign
sigUnion s1 = Result [Diag Debug "All fine sigUnion" nullRange]
. Just . unite s1