Reduce_Interface.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster{- |
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan FosterModule : $Header$
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan FosterDescription : interface to Reduce CAS
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan FosterCopyright : (c) Dominik Dietrich, DFKI Bremen, 2010
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan FosterLicense : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan FosterMaintainer :
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan FosterStability : provisional
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan FosterPortability : non-portable (uses type-expression in class instances)
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan FosterInterface for Reduce CAS system.
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster-}
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Fostermodule CSL.Reduce_Interface where
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Fosterimport Common.AS_Annotation
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Fosterimport Common.Id
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Fosterimport Common.ProverTools (missingExecutableInPath)
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Fosterimport Common.Utils (getEnvDef)
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Fosterimport Logic.Prover
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Fosterimport CSL.AS_BASIC_CSL
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Fosterimport CSL.ASUtils
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Fosterimport CSL.Parse_AS_Basic
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Fosterimport CSL.Lemma_Export
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Fosterimport Control.Monad (replicateM_)
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Fosterimport Data.Time (midnight)
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Fosterimport Data.Maybe (maybeToList)
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Fosterimport Data.List (intercalate)
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Fosterimport qualified Data.Map as Map
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Fosterimport System.IO
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Fosterimport System.Process
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster{- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan FosterConnection handling
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster---------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster-- | A session is a process connection
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Fosterclass Session a where
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster outp :: a -> Handle
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster inp :: a -> Handle
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster err :: a -> Maybe Handle
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster err = const Nothing
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster proch :: a -> Maybe ProcessHandle
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster proch = const Nothing
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster-- | The simplest session
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Fosterinstance Session (Handle, Handle) where
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster inp = fst
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster outp = snd
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster-- | Better use this session to properly close the connection
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Fosterinstance Session (Handle, Handle, ProcessHandle) where
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster inp (x, _, _) = x
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster outp (_, x, _) = x
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster proch (_, _, x) = Just x
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster-- | Left String is success, Right String is failure
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan FosterlookupRedShellCmd :: IO (Either String String)
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan FosterlookupRedShellCmd = do
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster reducecmd <- getEnvDef "HETS_REDUCE" "redcsl"
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster -- check that prog exists
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster noProg <- missingExecutableInPath reducecmd
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster let f = if noProg then Right else Left
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster return $ f reducecmd
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster-- | connects to the CAS, prepares the streams and sets initial options
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan FosterconnectCAS :: String -> IO (Handle, Handle, Handle, ProcessHandle)
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan FosterconnectCAS reducecmd = do
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster putStrLn "succeeded"
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster (inpt, out, errh, pid) <- runInteractiveCommand $ reducecmd ++ " -w"
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster hSetBuffering out NoBuffering
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster hSetBuffering inpt LineBuffering
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster hPutStrLn inpt "off nat;"
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster hPutStrLn inpt "load redlog;"
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster hPutStrLn inpt "rlset reals;"
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster -- read 7 lines
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster replicateM_ 7 $ hGetLine out
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster putStrLn "done"
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster return (inpt, out, errh, pid)
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster-- | closes the connection to the CAS
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan FosterdisconnectCAS :: Session a => a -> IO ()
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan FosterdisconnectCAS s = do
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster hPutStrLn (inp s) "quit;"
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster case proch s of
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster Nothing -> return ()
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster
{- this is always better, because it closes also the shell-process,
hence use a Session-variant with ProcessHandle! -}
Just ph -> waitForProcess ph >> return ()
putStrLn "CAS disconnected"
return ()
sendToReduce :: Session a => a -> String -> IO ()
sendToReduce sess = hPutStrLn (inp sess)
{- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Prover specific
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
-- | returns the name of the reduce prover
reduceS :: String
reduceS = "Reduce"
{- | returns a basic proof status for conjecture with name n
where [EXPRESSION] represents the proof tree. -}
openReduceProofStatus :: String -> [EXPRESSION] -> ProofStatus [EXPRESSION]
openReduceProofStatus n = openProofStatus n reduceS
closedReduceProofStatus :: Ord pt => String -- ^ name of the goal
-> pt -> ProofStatus pt
closedReduceProofStatus goalname proof_tree =
{ goalName = goalname
, goalStatus = Proved True
, usedAxioms = []
, usedProver = reduceS
, proofTree = proof_tree
, usedTime = midnight
, tacticScript = TacticScript "" }
For Quantifier Elimination:
off nat; -- pretty-printing switch
load redlog;
rlset reals;
{- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Reduce Pretty Printing
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
exportExps :: [EXPRESSION] -> String
exportExps l = intercalate "," $ map exportExp l
-- | those operators declared as infix in Reduce
infixOps :: [String]
infixOps = [ "+", "-", "/", "**", "^", "=", "<=", ">=", "<", ">", "*", "and"
, "impl", "or"]
-- | Exports an expression to Reduce format
exportExp :: EXPRESSION -> String
exportExp (Var token) = tokStr token
exportExp (Op s _ exps@[e1, e2] _)
| elem (simpleName s) infixOps =
concat ["(", exportExp e1, simpleName s, exportExp e2, ")"]
| otherwise = concat [simpleName s, "(", exportExps exps, ")"]
exportExp (Op s _ [] _) = simpleName s
exportExp (Op s _ exps _) = concat [simpleName s, "(", exportExps exps, ")"]
exportExp (List exps _) = "{" ++ exportExps exps ++ "}"
exportExp (Int i _) = show i
exportExp (Rat d _) = show d
exportExp (Interval l r _) = concat [ "[", show l, ",", show r, "]" ]
-- exportExp e = error $ "exportExp: expression not supported: " ++ show e
-- | exports command to Reduce Format
exportReduce :: Named CMD -> String
exportReduce namedcmd = case sentence namedcmd of
Cmd "simplify" exps -> exportExp $ head exps
Cmd "ask" exps -> exportExp $ head exps
Cmd cmd exps -> cmd ++ "(" ++ exportExps exps ++ ")"
_ -> error "exportReduce: not implemented for this case" -- TODO: implement
{- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Reduce Parsing
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
-- | removes the newlines 4: from the beginning of the string
skipReduceLineNr :: String -> String
skipReduceLineNr s = dropWhile (`elem` " \n") $ tail
$ dropWhile (/= ':') s
-- | try to get an EXPRESSION from a Reduce string
redOutputToExpression :: String -> Maybe EXPRESSION
redOutputToExpression = parseExpression () . skipReduceLineNr
{- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Reduce Commands
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
cslReduceDefaultMapping :: [(OPNAME, String)]
cslReduceDefaultMapping =
let idmapping = map (\ x -> (x, show x))
in (OP_pow, "**") :
idmapping (Map.keys $ Map.delete OP_pow operatorInfoNameMap)
{- | reads characters from the specified output until the next result is
complete, indicated by $ when using the maxima mode off nat; -}
getNextResultOutput :: Handle -> IO String
getNextResultOutput out = do
b <- hIsEOF out
if b then return "" else do
c <- hGetChar out
if c == '$' then return [] else do
r <- getNextResultOutput out
return (c : r)
procCmd :: Session a => a -> Named CMD
-> IO (ProofStatus [EXPRESSION], [(Named CMD, ProofStatus [EXPRESSION])])
procCmd sess cmd = case cmdstring of
"simplify" -> cassimplify sess cmd
"ask" -> casask sess cmd
"divide" -> casremainder sess cmd
"rlqe" -> casqelim sess cmd
"factorize" -> casfactorExp sess cmd
"int" -> casint sess cmd
"solve" -> cassolve sess cmd
_ -> error "Command not supported"
where Cmd cmdstring _ = sentence cmd
-- | sends the given string to the CAS, reads the result and tries to parse it.
evalString :: Session a => a -> String -> IO [EXPRESSION]
evalString sess s = do
putStrLn $ "Send CAS cmd " ++ s
hPutStrLn (inp sess) s
res <- getNextResultOutput (outp sess)
putStrLn $ "Result is " ++ res
putStrLn $ "Parsing of --" ++ skipReduceLineNr res ++ "-- yields "
++ show (redOutputToExpression res)
return $ maybeToList $ redOutputToExpression res
-- | wrap evalString into a ProofStatus
procString :: Session a => a -> String -> String -> IO (ProofStatus [EXPRESSION])
procString h axname s = do
res <- evalString h s
let f = if null res then openReduceProofStatus else closedReduceProofStatus
return $ f axname res
-- | factors a given expression over the reals
casfactorExp :: Session a => a -> Named CMD -> IO (ProofStatus [EXPRESSION],
[(Named CMD, ProofStatus [EXPRESSION])])
casfactorExp sess cmd =
proofstatus <- procString sess (senAttr cmd) $ exportReduce cmd ++ ";"
return (proofstatus, [exportLemmaFactor cmd proofstatus])
-- | solves a single equation over the reals
cassolve :: Session a => a -> Named CMD -> IO (ProofStatus [EXPRESSION],
[(Named CMD, ProofStatus [EXPRESSION])])
cassolve sess cmd =
proofstatus <- procString sess (senAttr cmd) $ exportReduce cmd ++ ";"
return (proofstatus, [])
-- | simplifies a given expression over the reals
cassimplify :: Session a => a -> Named CMD -> IO (ProofStatus [EXPRESSION],
[(Named CMD, ProofStatus [EXPRESSION])])
cassimplify sess cmd = do
proofstatus <- procString sess (senAttr cmd) $ exportReduce cmd ++ ";"
return (proofstatus, [exportLemmaSimplify cmd proofstatus])
-- | asks value of a given expression
casask :: Session a => a -> Named CMD -> IO (ProofStatus [EXPRESSION],
[(Named CMD, ProofStatus [EXPRESSION])])
casask sess cmd = do
proofstatus <- procString sess (senAttr cmd) $ exportReduce cmd ++ ";"
return (proofstatus, [exportLemmaAsk cmd proofstatus])
-- | computes the remainder of a division
casremainder :: Session a => a -> Named CMD -> IO (ProofStatus [EXPRESSION],
[(Named CMD, ProofStatus [EXPRESSION])])
casremainder sess cmd =
proofstatus <- procString sess (senAttr cmd) $ exportReduce
(makeNamed (senAttr cmd) (Cmd "divide" args)) ++ ";"
return (proofstatus, [exportLemmaRemainder cmd proofstatus])
where Cmd _ args = sentence cmd
-- | integrates the given expression
casint :: Session a => a -> Named CMD -> IO (ProofStatus [EXPRESSION],
[(Named CMD, ProofStatus [EXPRESSION])])
casint sess cmd =
proofstatus <- procString sess (senAttr cmd) $ exportReduce cmd ++ ";"
return (proofstatus, [exportLemmaInt cmd proofstatus])
-- | performs quantifier elimination of a given expression
casqelim :: Session a => a -> Named CMD -> IO (ProofStatus [EXPRESSION],
[(Named CMD, ProofStatus [EXPRESSION])])
casqelim sess cmd =
proofstatus <- procString sess (senAttr cmd) $ exportReduce cmd ++ ";"
return (proofstatus, [exportLemmaQelim cmd proofstatus])
-- | declares an operator, such that it can used infix/prefix in CAS
casDeclareOperators :: Session a => a -> [EXPRESSION] -> IO ()
casDeclareOperators sess varlist = do
hPutStrLn (inp sess) $ "operator " ++ exportExps varlist ++ ";"
hGetLine (outp sess)
return ()
-- | declares an equation x := exp
casDeclareEquation :: Session a => a -> CMD -> IO ()
casDeclareEquation sess (Ass c def) =
let e1 = exportExp $ opDeclToOp c
e2 = exportExp def
putStrLn $ e1 ++ ":=" ++ e2
hPutStrLn (inp sess) $ e1 ++ ":=" ++ e2 ++ ";"
res <- getNextResultOutput (outp sess)
putStrLn $ "Declaration Result: " ++ res
return ()
casDeclareEquation _ _ =
error "casDeclareEquation: not implemented for this case" -- TODO: implement
{- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Reduce Lemma Export
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
exportLemmaGeneric :: Named CMD -> ProofStatus [EXPRESSION] ->
(Named CMD, ProofStatus [EXPRESSION])
exportLemmaGeneric namedcmd ps =
(makeNamed lemmaname lemma, closedReduceProofStatus lemmaname [mkOp "Proof" []])
where Cmd _ exps = sentence namedcmd
lemma = Cmd "=" [head exps, head (proofTree ps)]
lemmaname = ganame namedcmd
exportLemmaQelim :: Named CMD -> ProofStatus [EXPRESSION] ->
(Named CMD, ProofStatus [EXPRESSION])
exportLemmaQelim = exportLemmaGeneric
-- | generates the lemma for cmd with result ProofStatus
exportLemmaFactor :: Named CMD -> ProofStatus [EXPRESSION] ->
(Named CMD, ProofStatus [EXPRESSION])
exportLemmaFactor = exportLemmaGeneric
exportLemmaSolve :: Named CMD -> ProofStatus [EXPRESSION] ->
(Named CMD, ProofStatus [EXPRESSION])
exportLemmaSolve = exportLemmaGeneric
exportLemmaSimplify :: Named CMD -> ProofStatus [EXPRESSION] ->
(Named CMD, ProofStatus [EXPRESSION])
exportLemmaSimplify = exportLemmaGeneric
exportLemmaAsk :: Named CMD -> ProofStatus [EXPRESSION] ->
(Named CMD, ProofStatus [EXPRESSION])
exportLemmaAsk = exportLemmaGeneric
exportLemmaRemainder :: Named CMD -> ProofStatus [EXPRESSION] ->
(Named CMD, ProofStatus [EXPRESSION])
exportLemmaRemainder = exportLemmaGeneric
exportLemmaInt :: Named CMD -> ProofStatus [EXPRESSION] ->
(Named CMD, ProofStatus [EXPRESSION])
exportLemmaInt = exportLemmaGeneric