ReduceTest.hs revision 98890889ffb2e8f6f722b00e265a211f13b5a861
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Test environment for the ReduceInterpreter
Copyright : (c) Ewaryst Schulz, DFKI Bremen 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
This file is for experimenting with the ReduceInterpreters
module CSL.ReduceTest where
import CSL.MapleInterpreter
import CSL.ReduceInterpreter
import CSL.Reduce_Interface
import CSL.Interpreter
import CSL.Logic_CSL
import CSL.Sign
import Common.Utils (getEnvDef)
import Common.IOS
import Common.Result (diags, printDiags, resultToMaybe)
import Common.ResultT
-- the process communication interface
import qualified Interfaces.Process as PC
-- README: in order to work correctly link the Test.hs in the Hets-Root Dir to Main.hs (ln -s Test.hs Main.hs)
import Main (getSigSens)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Time.Clock
import System.Exit (ExitCode)
l1 :: Int -> IO (Sign, [(String, CMD)])
l1 i = do
hlib <- getEnvDef "HETS_LIB" $ error "Missing HETS_LIB environment variable"
getSigSens CSL (hlib ++ "/CSL/Tests.het") $ "Test" ++ show i
sig :: Int -> IO Sign
sig = fmap fst . l1
-- Check if the order is broken or not!
sens :: Int -> IO [(String, CMD)]
sens = fmap snd . l1
cmds :: Int -> IO [CMD]
cmds = fmap (map snd) . sens
destructureAssignment :: CMD -> Maybe (String, EXPRESSION)
destructureAssignment (Cmd ":=" [Op n [] [] _, e]) = Just (n, e)
destructureAssignment _ = Nothing
destructureConstraint :: CMD -> Maybe EXPRESSION
destructureConstraint (Cmd "constraint" [e]) = Just e
destructureConstraint _ = Nothing
-- for testing Booleans or Assignments
boolAssignEval :: CalculationSystem m => CMD -> m (Either String Bool)
boolAssignEval cmd =
case destructureConstraint cmd of
Just be -> check be >>= return . Right
_ -> case destructureAssignment cmd of
Just (n, e) -> assign n e >> return (Left n)
_ -> return $ Left ""
runTest :: ResultT (IOS b) a -> b -> IO a
runTest cmd r = fmap fromJust $ runTestM cmd r
runTestM :: ResultT (IOS b) a -> b -> IO (Maybe a)
runTestM cmd r = fmap (resultToMaybe . fst) $ runIOS r $ runResultT cmd
-- time measurement, pendant of the time shell command
time :: IO a -> IO a
time p = do
t <- getCurrentTime
res <- p
t' <- getCurrentTime
putStrLn $ show $ diffUTCTime t' t
return res
evalL :: CalculationSystem (ResultT (IOS b)) => b
-> Int -- ^ Test-spec
-> IO b
evalL s i = do
cl <- cmds i
(_, s') <- runIOS s (runResultT $ evaluateList cl)
return s'
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Maple interpreter
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * First reduce interpreter
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- booleans and assignments are returned
redsBA :: Int -- ^ Test-spec
-> IO ([Either String Bool], ReduceInterpreter)
redsBA i = do
r <- redsInit
cl <- cmds i
(res, r') <- runIOS r (runResultT $ mapM boolAssignEval cl)
return (fromJust $ resultToMaybe res, r')
-- first reduce interpreter
reds :: Int -- ^ Test-spec
-> IO ReduceInterpreter
reds i = do
r <- redsInit
sendToReduce r "on rounded; precision 30;"
evalL r i
-- use "redsExit r" to disconnect where "r <- red"
-- many instances (connection/disconnection tests)
l <- mapM (const reds 1) [1..20]
mapM redsExit l
-- BA-test:
(l, r) <- redsBA 2
'l' is a list of response values for each sentence in spec Test2
'r' is the reduce connection
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * second reduce interpreter
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- run the assignments from the spec
redc :: Int -- ^ verbosity level
-> Int -- ^ Test-spec
-> IO RITrans
redc v i = do
r <- redcInit v
evalL r i
redcNames :: RITrans -> IO [String]
redcNames = runTest names
redcValues :: RITrans -> IO [(String, EXPRESSION)]
redcValues = runTest values
-- run the assignments from the spec
redcCont :: Int -- ^ Test-spec
-> RITrans
-> IO RITrans
redcCont i r = do
cl <- cmds i
(res, r') <- runIOS r (runResultT $ evaluateList cl)
printDiags (PC.verbosity $ getRI r') (diags res)
return r'
-- disconnect from reduce
redcX :: RITrans -> IO (Maybe ExitCode)
redcX = runTest redcExit
--- Testing with many instances
-- c-variant
lc <- time $ mapM (const $ redc 1 1) [1..20]
mapM redcX lc
-- to communicate directly with reduce use:
let r = head lc OR r <- redc x y
let ri = getRI r
redcDirect ri "some command;"