ReduceProve.hs revision b87efd3db0d2dc41615ea28669faf80fc1b48d56
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : interface to Reduce CAS
Copyright : (c) Dominik Dietrich, DFKI Bremen, 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Interface for Reduce CAS system.
module CSL.ReduceProve where
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.ProverTools (missingExecutableInPath)
import Common.Utils (getEnvDef)
import Data.List
import Logic.Prover
import CSL.Morphism
import CSL.Reduce_Interface
import CSL.Sign
import System.IO
-- as mkProverTemplate, but with additionally functionality to export lemmas
mkProverTemplateWithLemmaExport :: String -> sublogics
-> (String -> theory -> [FreeDefMorphism sentence morphism]
-> IO ([ProofStatus proof_tree],[(Named sentence, ProofStatus proof_tree)]))
-> ProverTemplate theory sentence morphism sublogics proof_tree
mkProverTemplateWithLemmaExport str sl fct = Prover
{ proverName = str
, proverSublogic = sl
, proveGUI = Just $ \ s t fs -> do
ps <- fct s t fs
return ps
, proveCMDLautomaticBatch = Nothing }
-- | the prover
reduceProver :: Prover Sign CMD Morphism () [EXPRESSION]
reduceProver = mkProverTemplateWithLemmaExport reduceS () reduceProve
-- | splits a list of named sentences into axioms and sentences to be proven
getAxioms :: [Named CMD] -> ([Named CMD], [Named CMD])
getAxioms = partition isReduceAxiom
-- | checks whether a named sentence is a reduce axiom
isReduceAxiom :: Named CMD -> Bool
isReduceAxiom s = case sentence s of
Cmd {} -> isAxiom s
_ -> False -- TODO: implement
{- | takes a theory name and a theory as input, starts the prover
and returns a list of ProofStatus. -}
reduceProve :: String -> Theory Sign CMD [EXPRESSION] -> a
-> IO ([ProofStatus [EXPRESSION]],[(Named CMD, ProofStatus [EXPRESSION])])
reduceProve _ (Theory _ senMap) _freedefs =
namedCmds = toNamedList senMap
(_, namedGoals) = getAxioms namedCmds
proofinfos <- processCmds namedGoals
return proofinfos
-- | connect to CAS, stepwise process the cmds
processCmds :: [Named CMD] -> IO ([ProofStatus [EXPRESSION]],[(Named CMD, ProofStatus [EXPRESSION])])
processCmds cmds = do
putStr "Connecting CAS.."
reducecmd <- getEnvDef "HETS_REDUCE" "redcsl"
-- check that prog exists
noProg <- missingExecutableInPath reducecmd
if noProg then do
putStrLn "failed"
putStrLn $ "Could not find reduce under " ++ reducecmd
return ([],[])
else do
(inp, out, _, _) <- connectCAS reducecmd
proofinfos <- processCmdsIntern (inp, out) cmds
disconnectCAS (inp, out)
return proofinfos
-- | internal function to process commands over an existing connection
processCmdsIntern :: (Handle, Handle) -> [Named CMD]
-> IO ([ProofStatus [EXPRESSION]],[(Named CMD, ProofStatus [EXPRESSION])])
processCmdsIntern _ [] = return ([],[])
processCmdsIntern (inp, out) (x : xs) = do
(prooftree,newlemmas) <- procCmd (inp, out) x
(prooftrees,newlemmas2) <- processCmdsIntern (inp, out) xs
return (prooftree:prooftrees,newlemmas++newlemmas2)