ReduceInterpreter.hs revision 7b4b3c800d82cbdef5ce44d26e3037c714b03c07
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, TypeSynonymInstances
, UndecidableInstances, OverlappingInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Reduce instance for the AssignmentStore class
Copyright : (c) Ewaryst Schulz, DFKI Bremen 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable (various glasgow extensions)
Reduce as AssignmentStore
module CSL.ReduceInterpreter where
import Common.ProverTools (missingExecutableInPath)
import Common.Utils (getEnvDef, trimLeft)
import Common.IOS
import Common.ResultT
import CSL.Reduce_Interface ( evalString, exportExp, connectCAS, disconnectCAS
, lookupRedShellCmd, Session (..), cslReduceDefaultMapping)
import CSL.Parse_AS_Basic (parseExpression)
import CSL.Transformation
import CSL.Interpreter
-- the process communication interface
import qualified Interfaces.Process as PC
import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadTrans (..), MonadIO (..))
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState (..))
import Data.Maybe
import System.IO (Handle)
import System.Process (ProcessHandle)
import System.Exit (ExitCode)
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Reduce Calculator Instances
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
data ReduceInterpreter = ReduceInterpreter { inh :: Handle
, outh ::Handle
, ph :: ProcessHandle
, varcounter :: Int }
-- | ReduceInterpreter with Translator based on the CommandState
data RITrans = RITrans { getBMap :: BMap
, getRI :: PC.CommandState }
-- Types for two alternative reduce interpreter
-- Reds as (Red)uce (s)tandard interface
type RedsIO = ResultT (IOS ReduceInterpreter)
-- Redc as (Red)uce (c)ommand interface (it is built on CommandState)
type RedcIO = ResultT (IOS RITrans)
instance AssignmentStore RedsIO where
assign = redAssign evalRedsString redsTransS return
lookup = redLookup evalRedsString redsTransS
eval = redEval evalRedsString return
check = redCheck evalRedsString return
names = error "ReduceInterpreter as CS: names are unsupported"
instance VarGen RedsIO where
genVar = do
s <- get
let i = varcounter s
put $ s { varcounter =i + 1 }
return $ "?" ++ show i
instance AssignmentStore RedcIO where
assign = redAssign evalRedcString redcTransS redcTransE
lookup = redLookup evalRedcString redcTransS
eval = redEval evalRedcString redcTransE
check = redCheck evalRedcString redcTransE
names = get >>= return . SMem . getBMap
instance VarGen RedcIO where
genVar = do
s <- get
let i = newkey $ getBMap s
put $ s { getBMap = (getBMap s) { newkey = i + 1 } }
return $ "?" ++ show i
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Reduce syntax functions
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
printAssignment :: String -> EXPRESSION -> String
printAssignment n e = concat [n, ":=", exportExp e, ";"]
printEvaluation :: EXPRESSION -> String
printEvaluation e = exportExp e ++ ";"
printLookup :: String -> String
printLookup n = n ++ ";"
-- As reduce does not support boolean expressions as first class citizens
-- we encode them in an if-stmt and transform the numeric response back.
printBooleanExpr :: EXPRESSION -> String
printBooleanExpr e = concat [ "on rounded;"
, " if "
, exportExp e, " then 1 else 0;"
, " off rounded;"
getBooleanFromExpr :: EXPRESSION -> Bool
getBooleanFromExpr (Int 1 _) = True
getBooleanFromExpr (Int 0 _) = False
getBooleanFromExpr e =
error $ "getBooleanFromExpr: can't translate expression to boolean: "
++ show e
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Generic Communication Interface
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
{- |
The generic interface abstracts over the concrete evaluation function
redAssign :: (AssignmentStore s, MonadResult s) =>
(String -> s [EXPRESSION])
-> (ConstantName -> s String)
-> ConstantName -> AssDefinition -> s ()
redAssign ef trans transE n def =
let e = getDefiniens def
args = getArguments def
in if null args then
e' <- transE e
n' <- trans n
ef $ printAssignment n' e'
return ()
else error $ "redAssign: functional assignments unsupported: " ++ show n
redLookup :: (AssignmentStore s, MonadResult s) =>
(String -> s [EXPRESSION])
-> (ConstantName -> s String)
-> ConstantName -> s (Maybe EXPRESSION)
redLookup ef trans n = do
n' <- trans n
el <- ef $ printLookup n'
return $ listToMaybe el
-- we don't want to return nothing on id-lookup: "x; --> x"
-- if e == mkOp n [] then return Nothing else return $ Just e
redEval :: (AssignmentStore s, MonadResult s) =>
(String -> s [EXPRESSION])
redEval ef trans e = do
e' <- trans e
el <- ef $ printEvaluation e'
if null el
then error $ "redEval: expression " ++ show e' ++ " couldn't be evaluated"
else return $ head el
redCheck :: (AssignmentStore s, MonadResult s) =>
(String -> s [EXPRESSION])
-> EXPRESSION -> s Bool
redCheck ef trans e = do
e' <- trans e
el <- ef $ printBooleanExpr e'
if null el
then error $ "redCheck: expression " ++ show e' ++ " couldn't be evaluated"
else return $ getBooleanFromExpr $ head el
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * The Standard Communication Interface
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
instance Session ReduceInterpreter where
inp = inh
outp = outh
proch = Just . ph
redsTransS :: ConstantName -> RedsIO String
redsTransS = return . show
evalRedsString :: String -> RedsIO [EXPRESSION]
evalRedsString s = do
r <- get
liftIO $ evalString r s
redsInit :: IO ReduceInterpreter
redsInit = do
putStr "Connecting CAS.."
reducecmd <- getEnvDef "HETS_REDUCE" "redcsl"
-- check that prog exists
noProg <- missingExecutableInPath reducecmd
if noProg
then error $ "Could not find reduce under " ++ reducecmd
else do
(inpt, out, _, pid) <- connectCAS reducecmd
$ ReduceInterpreter { inh = inpt, outh = out, ph = pid, varcounter = 1 }
redsExit :: ReduceInterpreter -> IO ()
redsExit = disconnectCAS
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * An alternative Communication Interface
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
wrapCommand :: IOS PC.CommandState a -> IOS RITrans a
wrapCommand ios = do
r <- get
let map' x = r { getRI = x }
stmap map' getRI ios
-- | A direct way to communicate with Reduce
redcDirect :: RITrans -> String -> IO String
redcDirect rit s = do
(res, _) <- runIOS (getRI rit) ( 0.5 s)
return res
redcTransE e = do
r <- get
let bm = getBMap r
(bm', e') = translateExpr bm e
put r { getBMap = bm' }
return e'
redcTransS :: ConstantName -> RedcIO String
redcTransS s = do
r <- get
let bm = getBMap r
(bm', s') = lookupOrInsert bm $ Left s
put r { getBMap = bm' }
return s'
evalRedcString :: String -> RedcIO [EXPRESSION]
evalRedcString s = do
-- 0.09 seconds is a critical value for the accepted response time of Reduce
res <- lift $ wrapCommand $ 0.5 s
r <- get
let bm = getBMap r
trans = revtranslateExpr bm
-- don't need to skip the reducelinenr here, because the Command-Interface
-- cleans the outpipe before sending (hence removes the reduce line nr)
return $ map trans $ maybeToList $ parseExpression operatorInfoMap
$ trimLeft res
-- | init the reduce communication
redcInit :: Int -- ^ Verbosity level
-> IO RITrans
redcInit v = do
rc <- lookupRedShellCmd
case rc of
Left redcmd -> do
cs <- PC.start redcmd v Nothing
(_, cs') <- runIOS cs $ PC.send $ "off nat; load redlog; "
++ "rlset reals; " --on rounded; precision 30;"
return RITrans { getBMap = initWithDefault cslReduceDefaultMapping
, getRI = cs' }
_ -> error "Could not find reduce shell command!"
redcExit :: RITrans -> IO (Maybe ExitCode)
redcExit r = do
(ec, _) <- runIOS (getRI r) $ PC.close $ Just "quit;"
return ec