Print_AS.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Printer for abstract syntax of CSL
Copyright : (c) Dominik Dietrich, Ewaryst Schulz, DFKI Bremen 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Pretty printing the abstract syntax of CSL.
module CSL.Print_AS
( printExpression
, printCMD
, printAssDefinition
, printConstantName
, ExpressionPrinter (..)
) where
import Common.Id as Id
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Numeric
import CSL.TreePO
-- * Pretty Printing
instance Pretty InfInt where
pretty = printInfInt
instance Pretty GroundConstant where
pretty = printGC
instance (Ord a, Pretty a) => Pretty (SetOrInterval a) where
pretty = printDomain
instance Pretty a => Pretty (ClosedInterval a) where
pretty = printClosedInterval
instance Pretty OpDecl where
pretty = head . printOpDecl
instance Pretty VarDecl where
pretty = printVarDecl
instance Pretty EPVal where
pretty = printEPVal
instance Pretty EPDecl where
pretty = printEPDecl
instance Pretty OP_ITEM where
pretty = printOpItem
instance Pretty VAR_ITEM where
pretty = printVarItem
instance Pretty BASIC_SPEC where
pretty = printBasicSpec
instance Pretty BASIC_ITEM where
pretty = printBasicItems
instance Pretty EXTPARAM where
pretty = printExtparam
instance Pretty EXPRESSION where
pretty = head . printExpression
instance Pretty SYMB_ITEMS where
pretty = printSymbItems
instance Pretty SYMB where
pretty = printSymbol
instance Pretty SYMB_MAP_ITEMS where
pretty = printSymbMapItems
instance Pretty SYMB_OR_MAP where
pretty = printSymbOrMap
instance Pretty CMD where
pretty = head . printCMD
instance Pretty ConstantName where
pretty = printConstantName
instance Pretty AssDefinition where
pretty = head . printAssDefinition
instance Pretty OPID where
pretty = head . printOPID
{- | A monad for printing of constants. This turns the pretty printing facility
more flexible w.r.t. the output of 'ConstantName'. -}
class Monad m => ExpressionPrinter m where
getOINM :: m OpInfoNameMap
getOINM = return operatorInfoNameMap
printConstant :: ConstantName -> m Doc
printConstant = return . printConstantName
printOpname :: OPNAME -> m Doc
printOpname = return . text . showOPNAME
prefixMode :: m Bool
prefixMode = return False
printArgs :: [Doc] -> m Doc
printArgs = return . parens . sepByCommas
printArgPattern :: String -> m Doc
printArgPattern = return . text
printInterval :: Double -> Double -> m Doc
printInterval l r =
return $ brackets $ sepByCommas $ map (text . show) [l, r]
printRational :: APFloat -> m Doc
printRational r = return $ text $ showFloat (fromRat r :: Double) ""
-- | The default ConstantName printer
printConstantName :: ConstantName -> Doc
printConstantName (SimpleConstant s) = text s
printConstantName (ElimConstant s i) =
text $ if i > 0 then s ++ "__" ++ show i else s
printAssDefinition :: ExpressionPrinter m => AssDefinition -> m Doc
printAssDefinition (ConstDef e) = liftM (text "=" <+>) $ printExpression e
printAssDefinition (FunDef l e) = do
ed <- printExpression e
l' <- mapM printArgPattern l
args <- printArgs l'
return $ args <+> text "=" <+> ed
printOPID :: ExpressionPrinter m => OPID -> m Doc
printOPID (OpUser c) = printConstant c
printOPID (OpId oi) = printOpname oi
-- a dummy instance, we take the simplest monad
instance ExpressionPrinter []
-- | An 'OpInfoNameMap' can be interpreted as an 'ExpressionPrinter'
instance ExpressionPrinter (Reader OpInfoNameMap) where
getOINM = ask
printCMD :: ExpressionPrinter m => CMD -> m Doc
printCMD (Ass c def) = do
def' <- printExpression def
c' <- printOpDecl c
return $ c' <+> text ":=" <+> def'
printCMD c@(Cmd s exps) -- TODO: remove the case := later
| s == ":=" = error $ "printCMD: use Ass for assignment representation! "
++ show c
| s == "constraint" = printExpression (head exps)
| otherwise = let f l = text s <> parens (sepByCommas l)
in liftM f $ mapM printExpression exps
printCMD (Repeat e stms) = do
e' <- printExpression e
let f l = text "re" <>
(text "peat" $+$ vcat (map (text "." <+>) l))
$+$ text "until" <+> e'
liftM f $ mapM printCMD stms
printCMD (Sequence stms) =
let f l = text "se" <> (text "quence" $+$ vcat (map (text "." <+>) l))
$+$ text "end"
in liftM f $ mapM printCMD stms
printCMD (Cond l) = let f l' = vcat l' $+$ text "end"
in liftM f $ mapM (uncurry printCase) l
printCase :: ExpressionPrinter m => EXPRESSION -> [CMD] -> m Doc
printCase e l = do
e' <- printExpression e
let f l' = text "ca" <> (text "se" <+> e' <> text ":"
$+$ vcat (map (text "." <+>) l'))
liftM f $ mapM printCMD l
getPrec :: OpInfoNameMap -> EXPRESSION -> Int
getPrec oinm (Op s _ exps _)
| null exps = maxPrecedence + 1
| otherwise =
case lookupOpInfo oinm s $ length exps of
Right oi -> prec oi
Left True -> error $
concat [ "getPrec: registered operator ", show s, " used "
, "with non-registered arity ", show $ length exps ]
_ -> maxPrecedence {- this is probably a user-defined prefix function
, binds strongly -}
getPrec _ _ = maxPrecedence
getOp :: EXPRESSION -> Maybe OPID
getOp (Op s _ _ _) = Just s
getOp _ = Nothing
printExtparam :: EXTPARAM -> Doc
printExtparam (EP p op i) =
pretty p <> text op <> (if op == "-|" then empty else text $ show i)
printExtparams :: [EXTPARAM] -> Doc
printExtparams [] = empty
printExtparams l = brackets $ sepByCommas $ map printExtparam l
printInfix :: ExpressionPrinter m => EXPRESSION -> m Doc
printInfix e@(Op s _ exps@[e1, e2] _) = do
{- we mustn't omit the space between the operator and its arguments for text-
operators such as "and", "or", but it would be good to omit it for "+-*/" -}
oi <- printOPID s
oinm <- getOINM
let outerprec = getPrec oinm e
f cmp e' ed = if cmp outerprec $ getPrec oinm e' then ed else parens ed
g [ed1, ed2] = let cmp = case getOp e1 of
Just op1 | op1 == s -> (<=)
| otherwise -> (<)
_ -> (<)
in sep [f cmp e1 ed1, oi <+> f (<) e2 ed2]
g _ = error "printInfix: Inner impossible case"
liftM g $ mapM printExpression exps
printInfix _ = error "printInfix: Impossible case"
printExpression :: ExpressionPrinter m => EXPRESSION -> m Doc
printExpression (Var token) = return $ text $ tokStr token
printExpression e@(Op s epl exps _)
| null exps = liftM (<> printExtparams epl) $ printOPID s
| otherwise = do
let asPrfx pexps = do
oid <- printOPID s
args <- printArgs pexps
return $ oid <> printExtparams epl <> args
asPrfx' = mapM printExpression exps >>= asPrfx
oinm <- getOINM
pfxMode <- prefixMode
if pfxMode then asPrfx' else
case lookupOpInfo oinm s $ length exps of
Right oi
| infx oi -> printInfix e
| otherwise -> asPrfx'
_ -> asPrfx'
printExpression (List exps _) = liftM sepByCommas (mapM printExpression exps)
printExpression (Int i _) = return $ text (show i)
printExpression (Rat r _) = printRational r
printExpression (Interval l r _) = printInterval l r
printOpItem :: OP_ITEM -> Doc
printOpItem (Op_item tokens _) =
text "operator" <+> sepByCommas (map pretty tokens)
printVarItem :: VAR_ITEM -> Doc
printVarItem (Var_item vars dom _) =
hsep [sepByCommas $ map pretty vars, text "in", pretty dom]
instance Pretty Ordering where
pretty LT = text "<"
pretty GT = text ">"
pretty EQ = text "="
printVarDecl :: VarDecl -> Doc
printVarDecl (VarDecl n (Just dom)) = pretty n <+> text "in" <+> printDomain dom
printVarDecl (VarDecl n Nothing) = pretty n
printOpDecl :: ExpressionPrinter m => OpDecl -> m Doc
printOpDecl (OpDecl n epl vdl _)
| null vdl = liftM (<> printExtparams epl) $ printConstant n
| otherwise = do
oid <- printConstant n
args <- printArgs $ map printVarDecl vdl
return $ oid <> printExtparams epl <> args
printEPVal :: EPVal -> Doc
printEPVal (EPVal i) = pretty i
printEPVal (EPConstRef r) = pretty r
printEPDecl :: EPDecl -> Doc
printEPDecl (EPDecl tk dom mDef) =
let tkD = pretty tk
domD = printInfixWith True "in" (tk, dom)
in case mDef of
Just def -> vcat [domD, hsep [ text "set", text "default"
, hcat [tkD, text "=", pretty def]]]
_ -> domD
printClosedInterval :: Pretty a => ClosedInterval a -> Doc
printClosedInterval (ClosedInterval l r) =
hcat [ lbrack, sepByCommas $ map pretty [l, r], rbrack ]
printDomain :: (Ord a, Pretty a) => SetOrInterval a -> Doc
printDomain (Set s) = pretty s
printDomain (IntVal (c1, b1) (c2, b2)) =
hcat [ getIBorder True b1, sepByCommas $ map pretty [c1, c2]
, getIBorder False b2]
getIBorder :: Bool -> Bool -> Doc
getIBorder False False = lbrack
getIBorder True True = lbrack
getIBorder _ _ = rbrack
printGC :: GroundConstant -> Doc
printGC (GCI i) = text (show i)
printGC (GCR d) = text (show d)
printInfInt :: InfInt -> Doc
printInfInt NegInf = text "-oo"
printInfInt PosInf = text "oo"
printInfInt (FinInt x) = text $ show x
printBasicSpec :: BASIC_SPEC -> Doc
printBasicSpec (Basic_spec xs) = vcat $ map pretty xs
printBasicItems :: BASIC_ITEM -> Doc
printBasicItems (Axiom_item x) = pretty x
printBasicItems (Op_decl x) = pretty x
printBasicItems (Var_decls x) = text "vars" <+> sepBySemis (map pretty x)
printBasicItems (EP_decl x) = text "eps" <+> sepBySemis
(map (printInfixWith True "in") x)
printBasicItems (EP_domdecl x) =
text "set" <+> sepBySemis (map (printInfixWith False "=") x)
printBasicItems (EP_defval x) = text "set" <+> text "default" <+>
sepBySemis (map (printInfixWith False "=") x)
printInfixWith :: (Pretty a, Pretty b) => Bool -> String -> (a, b) -> Doc
printInfixWith b s (x, y) = sep' [pretty x, text s, pretty y]
where sep' = if b then hsep else hcat
printSymbol :: SYMB -> Doc
printSymbol (Symb_id sym) = pretty sym
printSymbItems :: SYMB_ITEMS -> Doc
printSymbItems (Symb_items xs _) = fsep $ map pretty xs
printSymbOrMap :: SYMB_OR_MAP -> Doc
printSymbOrMap (Symb sym) = pretty sym
printSymbOrMap (Symb_map source dest _) =
pretty source <+> mapsto <+> pretty dest
printSymbMapItems :: SYMB_MAP_ITEMS -> Doc
printSymbMapItems (Symb_map_items xs _) = fsep $ map pretty xs
-- Instances for GetRange
instance GetRange OP_ITEM where
getRange = Range . rangeSpan
rangeSpan x = case x of
Op_item a b -> joinRanges [rangeSpan a, rangeSpan b]
instance GetRange VAR_ITEM where
getRange = Range . rangeSpan
rangeSpan x = case x of
Var_item a _ b -> joinRanges [rangeSpan a, rangeSpan b]
instance GetRange BASIC_SPEC where
getRange = Range . rangeSpan
rangeSpan x = case x of
Basic_spec a -> joinRanges [rangeSpan a]
instance GetRange BASIC_ITEM where
getRange = Range . rangeSpan
rangeSpan x = case x of
Op_decl a -> joinRanges [rangeSpan a]
Var_decls a -> joinRanges [rangeSpan a]
Axiom_item a -> joinRanges [rangeSpan a]
EP_decl a -> joinRanges [rangeSpan $ map fst a]
EP_domdecl a -> joinRanges [rangeSpan $ map fst a]
EP_defval a -> joinRanges [rangeSpan $ map fst a]
instance GetRange CMD where
getRange = Range . rangeSpan
rangeSpan (Ass _ def) = rangeSpan def
rangeSpan (Cmd _ exps) = joinRanges (map rangeSpan exps)
-- parsing guruantees l <> null
rangeSpan (Repeat c l) = joinRanges [rangeSpan c, rangeSpan $ head l]
-- parsing guruantees l <> null
rangeSpan (Sequence l) = rangeSpan $ head l
rangeSpan (Cond l) = rangeSpan $ head l
instance GetRange SYMB_ITEMS where
getRange = Range . rangeSpan
rangeSpan (Symb_items a b) = joinRanges [rangeSpan a, rangeSpan b]
instance GetRange SYMB where
getRange = Range . rangeSpan
rangeSpan (Symb_id a) = joinRanges [rangeSpan a]
instance GetRange SYMB_MAP_ITEMS where
getRange = Range . rangeSpan
rangeSpan (Symb_map_items a b) = joinRanges [rangeSpan a, rangeSpan b]
instance GetRange SYMB_OR_MAP where
getRange = Range . rangeSpan
rangeSpan x = case x of
Symb a -> joinRanges [rangeSpan a]
Symb_map a b c -> joinRanges [rangeSpan a, rangeSpan b, rangeSpan c]
instance GetRange EXPRESSION where
getRange = Range . rangeSpan
rangeSpan x = case x of
Var token -> joinRanges [rangeSpan token]
Op _ _ exps a -> joinRanges $ rangeSpan a : map rangeSpan exps
List exps a -> joinRanges $ rangeSpan a : map rangeSpan exps
Int _ a -> joinRanges [rangeSpan a]
Rat _ a -> joinRanges [rangeSpan a]
Interval _ _ a -> joinRanges [rangeSpan a]
instance Pretty InstantiatedConstant where
pretty (InstantiatedConstant { constName = cn, instantiation = el }) =
if null el then pretty cn
else pretty cn <> parens (sepByCommas $ map pretty el)