Parse_Test.hs revision 624e6701e0deb7ac6c03c0cba0190fbc5033cf93
import CSL.Sign
import CSL.Analysis
import CSL.Morphism
import CSL.Tools
-- import CSL.CSL_Interface
import CSL.Keywords
import CSL.Parse_AS_Basic
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Common.AnnoState
import CSL.Symbol
-- expression parser
--------------------------------- Parsing -----------------------------------
res1 = runParser expression 2 "" "x+y+y"
res2 = runParser expression 2 "" "x+y*y"
res3 = runParser expression 2 "" "x*y**y"
res4 = runParser expression 2 "" "x**y*y"
-- parser for commands without annotations
res6 = runParser command 2 "" "solve(x^2=1,x)"
res7 = runParser command 2 "" "solve(a*log(sin(x+3))^5 - b, sin(x+3))"
res8 = runParser command 2 "" "solve({x+3y=7,y-x=1},{x,y})"
res9 = runParser command 2 "" "simplify((x+y)*(x+y+z))"
res10 = runParser command 2 "" "remainder(2*x+y,2)"
res11 = runParser command 2 "" "remainder((x+y)*(x+2*y),x+3*y)"
res12 = runParser command 2 "" "gcd(f(x)+g(x)-l1-l2,f(x)-l1)"
res13 = runParser command 2 "" "int(log(x),x)"
res14 = runParser command 2 "" "qelim(all(x, ex(y, x2+xy+b>0 and x+ay2+b<=0)))"
res15 = runParser aFormula 2 "" "true"
res16 = runParser aFormula 2 "" "false"
res17 = runParser aFormula 2 "" "2<=3"
res18 = runParser aFormula 2 "" "2<3"
res19 = runParser aFormula 2 "" "2<3 and 2<=3"
res20 = runParser aFormula 2 "" "2<3 or true and false"
-- the basic parser
res21 = runParser parseBasicItems (emptyAnnos ()) "" "operator f,h"
res22 = runParser parseBasicItems (emptyAnnos ()) "" ". solve(x^2=1,x)"
res23 = runParser parseOpDecl (emptyAnnos ()) "" "operator f,h"
res24 = runParser parseAxItems (emptyAnnos ()) "" ". solve(x^2=1,x)"
res25 = runParser basicSpec (emptyAnnos ()) "" "operator f,h . solve(x^2=1,x)"
------------------------- test of static analysis... ------------------------
testspec =
case runParser basicSpec (emptyAnnos ()) "" "operator f,h . solve(x^2=1,x) . solve(x*x=1,x)" of
Right a -> a
res26 = splitSpec testspec emptySig
res27 = basicCSLAnalysis (testspec, emptySig, [])
--------------------------------- Morphisms ---------------------------------
--------------------------------- Signature ---------------------------------
------------------------------ CSL Interface -----------------------------