MathematicaInterpreter.hs revision f474203c4cef7d85cb078f15ce5c2cea71e9a030
26f3a893a0221238d498d03cc19c11c0373f61d6rbb{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
26f3a893a0221238d498d03cc19c11c0373f61d6rbb{- |
db479b48bd4d75423ed4a45e15b75089d1a8ad72fieldingModule : $Header$
db479b48bd4d75423ed4a45e15b75089d1a8ad72fieldingDescription : Mathematica instance for the AssignmentStore class
db479b48bd4d75423ed4a45e15b75089d1a8ad72fieldingCopyright : (c) Ewaryst Schulz, DFKI Bremen 2010
db479b48bd4d75423ed4a45e15b75089d1a8ad72fieldingLicense : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
db479b48bd4d75423ed4a45e15b75089d1a8ad72fieldingMaintainer :
ce9621257ef9e54c1bbe5ad8a5f445a1f211c2dcndStability : experimental
ce9621257ef9e54c1bbe5ad8a5f445a1f211c2dcndPortability : non-portable (via imports)
ce9621257ef9e54c1bbe5ad8a5f445a1f211c2dcndMathematica as AssignmentStore based on the Mathlink interface
ce9621257ef9e54c1bbe5ad8a5f445a1f211c2dcndmodule CSL.MathematicaInterpreter where
ce9621257ef9e54c1bbe5ad8a5f445a1f211c2dcndimport Common.ProverTools (missingExecutableInPath)
26f3a893a0221238d498d03cc19c11c0373f61d6rbbimport Common.Utils (getEnvDef, trimLeft)
26f3a893a0221238d498d03cc19c11c0373f61d6rbbimport Common.Doc
26f3a893a0221238d498d03cc19c11c0373f61d6rbbimport Common.DocUtils
26f3a893a0221238d498d03cc19c11c0373f61d6rbbimport Common.IOS
d8d240df2f2b23455be6b01343daedebaa6c4f96trawickimport CSL.AS_BASIC_CSL
d8d240df2f2b23455be6b01343daedebaa6c4f96trawickimport CSL.Parse_AS_Basic (parseExpression)
26f3a893a0221238d498d03cc19c11c0373f61d6rbbimport CSL.Interpreter
26f3a893a0221238d498d03cc19c11c0373f61d6rbbimport CSL.Transformation
26f3a893a0221238d498d03cc19c11c0373f61d6rbbimport CSL.Verification
26f3a893a0221238d498d03cc19c11c0373f61d6rbbimport CSL.Analysis
26f3a893a0221238d498d03cc19c11c0373f61d6rbb-- the process communication interface
26f3a893a0221238d498d03cc19c11c0373f61d6rbbimport qualified Interfaces.Process as PC
26f3a893a0221238d498d03cc19c11c0373f61d6rbbimport Control.Monad
26f3a893a0221238d498d03cc19c11c0373f61d6rbb--import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadTrans (..), MonadIO (..))
26f3a893a0221238d498d03cc19c11c0373f61d6rbbimport Control.Monad.Error (ErrorT(..), MonadError (..))
26f3a893a0221238d498d03cc19c11c0373f61d6rbbimport Control.Monad.State.Class
26f3a893a0221238d498d03cc19c11c0373f61d6rbbimport Control.Monad.Reader
d472f67198d6b15dd1270136f180cca9c9263243trawickimport Data.List hiding (lookup)
26f3a893a0221238d498d03cc19c11c0373f61d6rbbimport qualified Data.Set as Set
26f3a893a0221238d498d03cc19c11c0373f61d6rbbimport Data.Maybe
26f3a893a0221238d498d03cc19c11c0373f61d6rbbimport System.Exit (ExitCode)
26f3a893a0221238d498d03cc19c11c0373f61d6rbbimport System.IO
87f0329e30de94828e08d53a99ea23cda86a9fccjerenkrantzimport Prelude hiding (lookup)
0967fa2b2d694e2ac6d9c4001eb4aa71a1046b15trawick-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0967fa2b2d694e2ac6d9c4001eb4aa71a1046b15trawick-- * Tests
d472f67198d6b15dd1270136f180cca9c9263243trawick-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
26f3a893a0221238d498d03cc19c11c0373f61d6rbb-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
26f3a893a0221238d498d03cc19c11c0373f61d6rbb-- * Mathematica Types and Instances
26f3a893a0221238d498d03cc19c11c0373f61d6rbb-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
26f3a893a0221238d498d03cc19c11c0373f61d6rbbtype ConnectInfo = (PC.CommandState, PC.DTime)
67d00e5bf4687af8e8ce82addb5befe94d2e9f6faaron-- | MathematicaInterpreter with Translator based on the Mathlink interface
67d00e5bf4687af8e8ce82addb5befe94d2e9f6faarontype MathState = ASState ConnectInfo
75293e34b98e5497b69f1a3c9f057b88d2d5eaabbrianpupdateCS :: PC.CommandState -> ConnectInfo -> ConnectInfo
26f3a893a0221238d498d03cc19c11c0373f61d6rbbupdateCS cs (_, dt) = (cs, dt)
26f3a893a0221238d498d03cc19c11c0373f61d6rbbupdateDT :: PC.DTime -> ConnectInfo -> ConnectInfo
67d00e5bf4687af8e8ce82addb5befe94d2e9f6faaronupdateDT dt (cs, _) = (cs, dt)
ba2bab42e97405dc41c0f8fe3416f7f9a79ed7a9brianpgetChannelTimeout :: MathState -> PC.DTime
ba2bab42e97405dc41c0f8fe3416f7f9a79ed7a9brianpgetChannelTimeout = snd . getConnectInfo
26f3a893a0221238d498d03cc19c11c0373f61d6rbbsetChannelTimeout :: PC.DTime -> MathState -> MathState
26f3a893a0221238d498d03cc19c11c0373f61d6rbbsetChannelTimeout dt = fmap (updateDT dt)
26f3a893a0221238d498d03cc19c11c0373f61d6rbbgetMI :: MathState -> PC.CommandState
26f3a893a0221238d498d03cc19c11c0373f61d6rbbgetMI = fst . getConnectInfo
8afc9ec2b5229abf02ddb7abf0b6923109b46119rbowensetMI :: PC.CommandState -> MathState -> MathState
d8d240df2f2b23455be6b01343daedebaa6c4f96trawicksetMI cs = fmap (updateCS cs)
26f3a893a0221238d498d03cc19c11c0373f61d6rbb-- Mathematica interface, built on CommandState
d8d240df2f2b23455be6b01343daedebaa6c4f96trawicktype MathematicaIO = ErrorT ASError (IOS MathState)
945a9b081610f2b57759231e4cfad7aed62c9326sliveinstance AssignmentStore MathematicaIO where
945a9b081610f2b57759231e4cfad7aed62c9326slive assign = mathematicaAssign (evalMathematicaString True) mathematicaTransS mathematicaTransVarE
945a9b081610f2b57759231e4cfad7aed62c9326slive assigns =
d8d240df2f2b23455be6b01343daedebaa6c4f96trawick mathematicaAssigns (evalMathematicaString False []) mathematicaTransS mathematicaTransVarE
d8d240df2f2b23455be6b01343daedebaa6c4f96trawick lookup = mathematicaLookup (evalMathematicaString True []) mathematicaTransS
d8d240df2f2b23455be6b01343daedebaa6c4f96trawick eval = mathematicaEval (evalMathematicaString True []) mathematicaTransE
d8d240df2f2b23455be6b01343daedebaa6c4f96trawick check = mathematicaCheck (evalMathematicaString True []) mathematicaTransE
d8d240df2f2b23455be6b01343daedebaa6c4f96trawick names = get >>= return . SMem . getBMap
d8d240df2f2b23455be6b01343daedebaa6c4f96trawick evalRaw s = get >>= liftIO . flip (mathematicaDirect True) s
d8d240df2f2b23455be6b01343daedebaa6c4f96trawick getUndefinedConstants e = do
d8d240df2f2b23455be6b01343daedebaa6c4f96trawick adg <- gets depGraph
d8d240df2f2b23455be6b01343daedebaa6c4f96trawick let g = isNothing . depGraphLookup adg
d8d240df2f2b23455be6b01343daedebaa6c4f96trawick return $ Set.filter g $ SimpleConstant $ setOfUserDefined e
292cb7b720095e7bb434d79ae53b02d332aeb99acovener genNewKey = do
d8d240df2f2b23455be6b01343daedebaa6c4f96trawick mit <- get
d8d240df2f2b23455be6b01343daedebaa6c4f96trawick let (bm, i) = genKey $ getBMap mit
26f3a893a0221238d498d03cc19c11c0373f61d6rbb put mit { getBMap = bm }
26f3a893a0221238d498d03cc19c11c0373f61d6rbb return i
getDepGraph = gets depGraph
updateConstant n def =
let f gr = updateGraph gr n
$ DepGraphAnno { annoDef = def
, annoVal = () }
mf mit = mit { depGraph = f $ depGraph mit }
in modify mf
instance VCGenerator MathematicaIO where
addVC ea e = do
s = show
$ (text "Verification condition for" <+> pretty ea <> text ":")
$++$ printExpForVC e
--s = show $ printExpForVC e <> text ";"
-- s = (++ "\n\n;\n\n") $ showRaw $ text "VC for" <+> pretty ea <> text ":" $++$ pretty e
-- vcHdl = stdout
vcHdl <- liftM (fromMaybe stdout) $ gets vericondOut
liftIO $ hPutStrLn vcHdl s where
instance StepDebugger MathematicaIO where
setDebugMode b = modify mf where mf mit = mit { debugMode = b }
getDebugMode = gets debugMode
instance SymbolicEvaluator MathematicaIO where
setSymbolicMode b = modify mf where mf mit = mit { symbolicMode = b }
getSymbolicMode = gets symbolicMode
instance MessagePrinter MathematicaIO where
printMessage = liftIO . putStrLn
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Mathematica Transformation Instances
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- TODO: Review the vargen facility and the cache-stuff in Transformation
-- | Variable generator instance for internal variables on the Hets-side,
-- in contrast to the newvar generation in lookupOrInsert of the BMap, which
-- generates variables for the Mathematica-side. We use nevertheless the same counter.
instance VarGen MathematicaIO where
genVar = do
s <- get
let i = newkey $ getBMap s
put $ s { getBMap = (getBMap s) { newkey = i + 1 } }
return $ "?" ++ show i
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Mathematica syntax functions
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
printExp :: EXPRESSION -> String
printExp e = show $ runReader (printExpression e) mathematicaOpInfoNameMap
--printExp = exportExp
--printExp = show . pretty
-- :: ExpressionPrinter m => EXPRESSION -> m Doc
mathematicaOpInfoMap :: OpInfoMap
mathematicaOpInfoMap = operatorInfoMap
mathematicaOpInfoNameMap :: OpInfoNameMap
mathematicaOpInfoNameMap = operatorInfoNameMap
printAssignment :: String -> [String] -> EXPRESSION -> String
printAssignment n [] e = concat [n, ":= ", printExp e, ":", n, ";"]
printAssignment n l e = concat [ n, ":= proc", args, printExp e
, " end proc:", n, args, ";"]
where args = concat [ "(", intercalate ", " l, ") " ]
printAssignmentWithEval :: String -> [String] -> EXPRESSION -> String
printAssignmentWithEval n [] e =
-- concat [n, ":= evalf(", printExp e, "):", n, " &+ 0", ";"]
-- concat [n, ":= evalf(", printExp e, "):", n, ";"]
concat [n, ":= evalf(", printExp e, "):g(", n, ")", ";"]
printAssignmentWithEval n l e = concat [ n, ":= proc", args, printExp e
, " end proc:", n, args, ";"]
where args = concat [ "(", intercalate ", " l, ") " ]
printEvaluation :: EXPRESSION -> String
printEvaluation e = printExp e ++ ";"
printEvaluationWithEval :: EXPRESSION -> String
printEvaluationWithEval e = "evalf(" ++ printExp e ++ ");"
printLookup :: String -> String
printLookup n = n ++ ";"
The evalf makes the decision much faster. As we verify the result formally
this should not be problematic in a formal context!
In the following context "is" gives up if we do not use "evalf":
x2 := cos(10+cos(10)/sin(10)+cos(10+cos(10)/sin(10))/sin(10+cos(10)/sin(10))
+ cos(10+cos(10)/sin(10)+cos(10+cos(10)/sin(10))/sin(10+cos(10)/sin(10)))
/ sin(10+cos(10)/sin(10)+cos(10+cos(10)/sin(10))/sin(10+cos(10)/sin(10))));
printBooleanExpr :: EXPRESSION -> String
printBooleanExpr e = concat [ "is(evalf(", printExp e, "));" ]
getBooleanFromExpr :: EXPRESSION -> Either String Bool
getBooleanFromExpr (Op (OpId OP_true) _ _ _) = Right True
getBooleanFromExpr (Op (OpId OP_false) _ _ _) = Right False
getBooleanFromExpr (Op (OpId OP_failure) _ _ _) = Left "Mathematica FAILURE"
getBooleanFromExpr e = Left $ "Cannot translate expression to boolean: "
++ show e
-- The evalf is mandatory if we use the if-statement for encoding
-- | As mathematica does not evaluate boolean expressions we encode them in an
-- if-stmt and transform the numeric response back.
printBooleanExpr :: EXPRESSION -> String
printBooleanExpr e = concat [ "if evalf("
, printExp e, ") then 1 else 0 fi;"
getBooleanFromExpr :: EXPRESSION -> Bool
getBooleanFromExpr (Int 1 _) = True
getBooleanFromExpr (Int 0 _) = False
getBooleanFromExpr e =
error $ "getBooleanFromExpr: can't translate expression to boolean: "
++ show e
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Generic Communication Interface
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
{- |
The generic interface abstracts over the concrete evaluation function
mathematicaAssign :: (MonadError ASError s, MonadIO s, SymbolicEvaluator s) =>
([String] -> String -> s [EXPRESSION])
-> (ConstantName -> s String)
-> ([String] -> EXPRESSION -> s (EXPRESSION, [String]))
-> ConstantName -> AssDefinition -> s EXPRESSION
mathematicaAssign ef trans transE n def = do
let e = getDefiniens def
args = getArguments def
(e', args') <- transE args e
n' <- trans n
-- liftIO $ putStrLn $ show e'
b <- getSymbolicMode
let f = if b then printAssignment else printAssignmentWithEval
el <- ef args $ f n' args' e'
-- el <- ef args $ printAssignment n' args' e'
case el of
[rhs] -> return rhs
l -> throwError $ ASError InterfaceError $
"mathematicaAssign: unparseable result for assignment of "
++ (show $ pretty n) ++ "\n" ++ (show $ pretty l)
mathematicaAssigns :: (AssignmentStore s) => (String -> s [EXPRESSION])
-> (ConstantName -> s String)
-> ([String] -> EXPRESSION -> s (EXPRESSION, [String]))
-> [(ConstantName, AssDefinition)] -> s ()
mathematicaAssigns ef trans transE l =
let f (n, def) = do
let e = getDefiniens def
args = getArguments def
(e', args') <- transE args e
n' <- trans n
return $ printAssignment n' args' e'
in mapM f l >>= ef . unlines >> return ()
mathematicaLookup :: (AssignmentStore s) => (String -> s [EXPRESSION])
-> (ConstantName -> s String)
-> ConstantName -> s (Maybe EXPRESSION)
mathematicaLookup ef trans n = do
n' <- trans n
el <- ef $ printLookup n'
return $ listToMaybe el
-- we don't want to return nothing on id-lookup: "x; --> x"
-- if e == mkOp n [] then return Nothing else return $ Just e
mathematicaEval :: (MonadError ASError s, SymbolicEvaluator s) =>
(String -> s [EXPRESSION])
mathematicaEval ef trans e = do
e' <- trans e
b <- getSymbolicMode
let f = if b then printEvaluation else printEvaluationWithEval
el <- ef $ f e'
if null el
then throwError $ ASError InterfaceError $
"mathematicaEval: expression " ++ show e' ++ " couldn't be evaluated"
else return $ head el
mathematicaCheck :: (MonadError ASError s, AssignmentStore s) =>
(String -> s [EXPRESSION])
-> EXPRESSION -> s Bool
mathematicaCheck ef trans e = do
e' <- trans e
el <- ef $ printBooleanExpr e'
if null el
then throwError $ ASError CASError
$ "mathematicaCheck: expression " ++ show e' ++ " could not be evaluated"
else case getBooleanFromExpr $ head el of
Right b -> return b
Left s ->
$ ASError CASError $
concat [ "mathematicaCheck: CAS error for expression "
, show e', "\n", s ]
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * The Communication Interface
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
wrapCommand :: IOS PC.CommandState a -> IOS MathState a
wrapCommand ios = do
r <- get
let map' x = setMI x r
stmap map' getMI ios
-- | A direct way to communicate with Mathematica
mathematicaDirect :: Bool -> MathState -> String -> IO String
mathematicaDirect b mit s = do
(res, _) <- runIOS (getMI mit) $ (getChannelTimeout mit) s
return $ if b then removeOutputComments res else res
mathematicaTransE :: EXPRESSION -> MathematicaIO EXPRESSION
mathematicaTransE e = do
r <- get
let bm = getBMap r
(bm', e') = translateExpr bm e
put r { getBMap = bm' }
return e'
mathematicaTransVarE :: [String] -> EXPRESSION -> MathematicaIO (EXPRESSION, [String])
mathematicaTransVarE vl e = do
r <- get
let bm = getBMap r
args = translateArgVars bm vl
(bm', e') = translateExprWithVars vl bm e
put r { getBMap = bm' }
return (e', args)
mathematicaTransS :: ConstantName -> MathematicaIO String
mathematicaTransS s = do
r <- get
let bm = getBMap r
(bm', s') = lookupOrInsert bm s
-- outs = [ "lookingUp " ++ show s ++ " in "
-- , show $ pretty bm, "{", show bm, "}" ]
-- liftIO $ putStrLn $ unlines outs
put r { getBMap = bm' }
return s'
-- | Evaluate the given String as mathematica expression and
-- parse the result to an expression list.
evalMathematicaString :: Bool -- ^ Use parser
-> [String] -- ^ Use this argument list for variable trafo
-> String -> MathematicaIO [EXPRESSION]
evalMathematicaString b args s = do
-- 0.09 seconds is a critical value for the accepted response time of Mathematica
mit <- get
res <- lift $ wrapCommand $ (getChannelTimeout mit) s
let bm = getBMap mit
trans = if null args then revtranslateExpr bm
else revtranslateExprWithVars args bm
-- when b $ liftIO $ putStrLn $ "evalMathematicaString:"
-- when b $ liftIO $ putStrLn $ show $ maybeToList $ parseExpression mathematicaOpInfoMap $ trimLeft
-- $ removeOutputComments res
-- when b $ liftIO $ putStrLn $ show $ map trans $ maybeToList $ parseExpression mathematicaOpInfoMap $ trimLeft
-- $ removeOutputComments res
return $ if b
then map trans $ maybeToList $ parseExpression mathematicaOpInfoMap
$ trimLeft $ removeOutputComments res
else []
-- | init the mathematica communication
mathematicaInit :: AssignmentDepGraph ()
-> Int -- ^ Verbosity level
-> PC.DTime -- ^ timeout for response
-> IO MathState
mathematicaInit adg v to = do
rc <- lookupMathematicaShellCmd
libpath <- getEnvDef "HETS_MATHEMATICALIB"
$ error "mathematicaInit: Environment variable HETS_MATHEMATICALIB not set."
case rc of
Left mathematicacmd -> do
cs <- PC.start (mathematicacmd ++ " -q") v
$ Just PC.defaultConfig { PC.startTimeout = 3 }
(_, cs') <- runIOS cs $ 0.5
$ concat [ "interface(prettyprint=0); Digits := 10;"
, "libname := \"", libpath, "\", libname;" ]
return ASState { getBMap = initWithOpMap mathematicaOpInfoMap
, getConnectInfo = (cs', to)
, depGraph = adg
, debugMode = False
, symbolicMode = False
, vericondOut = Nothing
_ -> error "Could not find mathematica shell command!"
-- | Loads a mathematica module such as intpakX or intCompare
mathematicaLoadModule :: MathState -> String -> IO String
mathematicaLoadModule rit s =
fmap fst $ runIOS (getMI rit) ( 0.5 $ "with(" ++ s ++ ");")
mathematicaExit :: MathState -> IO (Maybe ExitCode)
mathematicaExit mit = do
(ec, _) <- runIOS (getMI mit) $ PC.close $ Just "quit;"
return ec
execWithMathematica :: MathState -> MathematicaIO a -> IO (MathState, a)
execWithMathematica mit m = do
let err s = error $ "execWithMathematica: " ++ s
(res, mit') <- runIOS mit $ runErrorT m
case res of
Left s' -> err $ asErrorMsg s'
Right x -> return (mit', x)
runWithMathematica :: AssignmentDepGraph () -> Int -- ^ Verbosity level
-> PC.DTime -- ^ timeout for response
-> [String] -> MathematicaIO a
-> IO (MathState, a)
runWithMathematica adg i to l m = do
mit <- mathematicaInit adg i to
mapM_ (mathematicaLoadModule mit) l
-- wraps an interval around the number
let debugFun = "g := proc(v) z:=abs(Float(v,1-Digits)):[v-z, v+z] end;"
runIOS (getMI mit) $ 0.3 debugFun
execWithMathematica mit m
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * The Mathematica system
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Left String is success, Right String is failure
lookupMathematicaShellCmd :: IO (Either String String)
lookupMathematicaShellCmd = do
cmd <- getEnvDef "HETS_MATHEMATICA" "mathematica"
-- check that prog exists
noProg <- missingExecutableInPath cmd
let f = if noProg then Right else Left
return $ f cmd
-- | Removes lines starting with ">"
removeOutputComments :: String -> String
removeOutputComments =
filter (/= '\\') . concat . filter (not . isPrefixOf ">") . lines