MathematicaInterpreter.hs revision f6a120017bc91a7644e258bc4fdc21f5f16b2601
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Mathematica instance for the AssignmentStore class
Copyright : (c) Ewaryst Schulz, DFKI Bremen 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable (via imports)
Mathematica as AssignmentStore based on the Mathlink interface
module CSL.MathematicaInterpreter where
import Common.Id
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.MathLink
import CSL.Print_AS
import CSL.Interpreter
import CSL.Verification
import CSL.DependencyGraph
import CSL.GenericInterpreter
import Control.Monad
--import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadTrans (..), MonadIO (..))
import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.List hiding (lookup)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Maybe
import System.IO
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Mathematica Types and Instances
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | MathematicaInterpreter with Translator based on the MathLink interface
type MathState = ASState (MLState, Maybe FilePath)
-- Mathematica interface, built on MathLink
type MathematicaIO = ErrorT ASError (StateT MathState ML)
getMLState :: MathState -> MLState
getMLState = fst . getConnectInfo
getMLLogFile :: MathState -> Maybe FilePath
getMLLogFile = snd . getConnectInfo
liftML :: ML a -> MathematicaIO a
liftML = lift . lift
instance AssignmentStore MathematicaIO where
assign = genAssign mathematicaAssign
assigns l = genAssigns mathematicaAssigns l >> return ()
lookup = genLookup mathematicaLookup
eval = genEval mathematicaEval
check = mathematicaCheck
names = get >>= return . SMem . getBMap
evalRaw s = get >>= liftIO . mathematicaDirect s
getUndefinedConstants e = do
adg <- gets depGraph
let g = isNothing . depGraphLookup adg
return $ Set.filter g $ SimpleConstant $ setOfUserDefined e
genNewKey = do
mit <- get
let (bm, i) = genKey $ getBMap mit
put mit { getBMap = bm }
return i
getDepGraph = gets depGraph
updateConstant n def =
let f gr = updateGraph gr n
$ DepGraphAnno { annoDef = def
, annoVal = () }
mf mit = mit { depGraph = f $ depGraph mit }
in modify mf
instance VCGenerator MathematicaIO where
addVC ea e = do
vcHdl <- liftM (fromMaybe stdout) $ gets vericondOut
liftIO $ hPutStrLn vcHdl $ show $ printVCForIsabelle ea "lemma1" e
instance StepDebugger MathematicaIO where
setDebugMode b = modify mf where mf mit = mit { debugMode = b }
getDebugMode = gets debugMode
instance SymbolicEvaluator MathematicaIO where
setSymbolicMode b = modify mf where mf mit = mit { symbolicMode = b }
getSymbolicMode = gets symbolicMode
instance MessagePrinter MathematicaIO where
printMessage = liftIO . putStrLn
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Mathematica syntax and special terms
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
mmShowOPNAME :: OPNAME -> String
mmShowOPNAME x =
case x of
OP_plus -> "Plus"
OP_mult -> "Times"
OP_pow -> "Power"
OP_div -> "Divide"
OP_neq -> "Unequal"
OP_lt -> "Less"
OP_leq -> "LessEqual"
OP_eq -> "Equal"
OP_gt -> "Greater"
OP_geq -> "GreaterEqual"
OP_sqrt -> "Sqrt"
OP_abs -> "Abs"
OP_sign -> "Sign"
OP_max -> "Max"
OP_min -> "Min"
OP_sin -> "Sin"
OP_cos -> "Cos"
OP_tan -> "Tan"
OP_cot -> "Cot"
OP_Pi -> "Pi"
OP_and -> "And"
OP_not -> "Not"
OP_or -> "Or"
OP_impl -> "Implies"
OP_false -> "False"
OP_true -> "True"
OP_approx -> "N"
-- these functions have to be defined in a package
OP_minus -> "minus"
OP_neg -> "negate"
OP_fthrt -> "fthrt"
OP_maxloc -> "maxloc"
OP_minloc -> "minloc"
OP_reldist -> "reldist"
OP_reldistLe -> "reldistLe"
OP_undef -> "undef"
OP_failure -> "fail"
_ -> showOPNAME x
mmShowOPID :: OPID -> String
mmShowOPID (OpId x) = mmShowOPNAME x
mmShowOPID (OpUser (SimpleConstant s)) = s
mmShowOPID _ = error "mmShowOpId: unsupported constant"
mmFlexFoldOpList :: [OPNAME]
mmFlexFoldOpList = [ OP_plus, OP_mult, OP_and, OP_or ]
mathematicaOperatorInfo :: [OpInfo]
mathematicaOperatorInfo = toFlexFold mmFlexFoldOpList operatorInfo
-- | opInfoMap for mathematica's prdefined symbols
mathematicaOpInfoMap :: OpInfoMap
mathematicaOpInfoMap =
getOpInfoMap (mmShowOPNAME . opname) mathematicaOperatorInfo
-- | opInfoNameMap for mathematica's prdefined symbols
mathematicaOpInfoNameMap :: OpInfoNameMap
mathematicaOpInfoNameMap =
getOpInfoNameMap mathematicaOperatorInfo
toFlexFold :: [OPNAME] -> [OpInfo] -> [OpInfo]
toFlexFold nl oil = map f oil where
ns = Set.fromList nl
f oi | Set.member (opname oi) ns = oi { arity = -1, foldNAry = True }
| otherwise = oi
-- | mathematica term "Set"
mtDef :: String -> AssDefinition -> EXPRESSION
mtDef s (ConstDef e) = mkOp "Set" [mkOp s [], e]
mtDef s (FunDef args e) = mkOp "Set" [mkOp s $ map mtVarDecl args, e]
mtVarDecl :: String -> EXPRESSION
mtVarDecl s = mkOp "Pattern" [mkOp s [], mkOp "Blank" []]
mtList = mkOp "List"
mtCompound = mkOp "CompoundExpression"
mtIsBlank :: OPID -> Bool
mtIsBlank oi = mmShowOPID oi == "Blank"
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Mathematica pretty printing
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
data OfMathematica a = OfMathematica { mmValue :: a }
type MathPrinter = Reader (OfMathematica OpInfoNameMap)
instance ExpressionPrinter MathPrinter where
getOINM = asks mmValue
printOpname = return . text . mmShowOPNAME
printArgs = return . brackets . sepByCommas
prefixMode = return True
printVarDecl s = return $ text s <> text "_"
printMathPretty :: (MathPrinter Doc) -> Doc
printMathPretty = flip runReader $ OfMathematica mathematicaOpInfoNameMap
class MathPretty a where
mmPretty :: a -> Doc
instance MathPretty EXPRESSION where
mmPretty e = printMathPretty $ printExpression e
instance MathPretty AssDefinition where
mmPretty def = printMathPretty $ printAssDefinition def
instance MathPretty String where
mmPretty = text
instance (MathPretty a, MathPretty b) => MathPretty [(a, b)] where
mmPretty l = ppPairlist mmPretty mmPretty braces sepBySemis (<>) l
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Mathematica over ML Interface
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sendExpressionString :: String -> ML ()
sendExpressionString s = do
mlPutFunction' "ToExpression" 1
mlPutString s
return ()
sendExpression :: Bool -- ^ symbolic mode
sendExpression sm e =
case e of
Var token -> mlPutSymbol (tokStr token) >> return ()
Op oi _ [] _
-- blanks get extra empty brackets
| mtIsBlank oi -> mlPutFunction' "Blank" 0 >> return ()
| otherwise -> mlPutSymbol (mmShowOPID oi) >> return ()
Op oi _ exps _ -> do
mlPutFunction' (mmShowOPID oi) (length exps)
mapM_ (sendExpression sm) exps
Int i _ -> mlPutInteger'' i >> return ()
Rat r _
| sm -> putRational r
| otherwise -> mlPutFunction' "N" 1 >> putRational r
where putRational r' = do
let (n1, dn2) = toFraction r'
mlPutFunction' "Rational" 2
mlPutInteger'' n1
mlPutInteger'' dn2
return ()
List _ _ -> error "sendExpression: List not supported"
Interval _ _ _ -> error "sendExpression: Interval not supported"
receiveExpression :: ML EXPRESSION
receiveExpression = do
et <- mlGetNext
let mkMLOp s args = mkAndAnalyzeOp mathematicaOpInfoMap s [] args nullRange
pr | et == dfMLTKSYM = liftM (flip mkMLOp []) mlGetSymbol
| et == dfMLTKINT = liftM (flip Int nullRange) mlGetInteger''
| et == dfMLTKREAL = liftM (flip Rat nullRange . toRational) mlGetReal'
| et == dfMLTKFUNC =
ac <- mlGetArgCount
if ac == 0 then mlProcError
else do
-- the head is expected to be a symbol
et' <- mlGetNext
s <- if et' == dfMLTKSYM then mlGetSymbol else
error $ "receiveExpression: Expecting symbol at "
++ "function head, but got " ++ show et'
if s == "Rational" then
nn <- mlGetInteger''
dn <- mlGetInteger''
return $ Rat (fromFraction nn dn) nullRange
liftM (mkMLOp s) $ forM [] $ const receiveExpression
| et == dfMLTKERROR = mlProcError
| otherwise = mlProcError
receiveString :: ML String
receiveString = do
et <- mlGetNext
if et == dfMLTKSTR then mlGetString
else error $ "receiveString: Got " ++ showTK et
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Methods for Mathematica 'AssignmentStore' Interface
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
mathematicaSend :: EXPRESSION -> MathematicaIO ()
mathematicaSend e = do
prettyInfo3 $ text "Sending expression" <+> braces (mmPretty e)
sm <- getSymbolicMode
liftML $ sendEvalPacket (sendExpression sm e) >> skipAnswer >> return ()
mathematicaEval :: EXPRESSION -> MathematicaIO EXPRESSION
mathematicaEval e = do
prettyInfo3 $ text "Sending expression for evaluation"
<+> braces (mmPretty e)
sm <- getSymbolicMode
res <- liftML $ sendEvalPacket (sendExpression sm e) >> waitForAnswer
>> receiveExpression
prettyInfo3 $ text "Received expression"
<+> braces (mmPretty res)
return res
mathematicaAssign :: String -> AssDefinition -> MathematicaIO EXPRESSION
mathematicaAssign s def = do
prettyInfo $ text "Assigning" <+> mmPretty s <+> mmPretty def
mathematicaEval $ mtDef s def
mathematicaAssigns :: [(String, AssDefinition)] -> MathematicaIO ()
mathematicaAssigns l = do
prettyInfo $ text "Assigning list" <+> mmPretty l
let l' = map (uncurry mtDef) l
mathematicaSend $ mtCompound l'
mathematicaLookup :: String -> MathematicaIO EXPRESSION
mathematicaLookup s = mathematicaEval $ mkOp s []
mathematicaCheck :: EXPRESSION -> MathematicaIO Bool
mathematicaCheck e = do
prettyInfo $ text "Checking expression" <+> mmPretty e
eB <- genCheck mathematicaEval e
case eB of
Right b -> return b
Left s ->
throwError $ ASError CASError $
concat [ "mathematicaCheck:", show e, "\n", s ]
mathematicaDirect :: String -> MathState -> IO String
mathematicaDirect s st =
liftM snd $ withMathematica st $ liftML
$ sendTextResultPacket s >> waitForAnswer >> receiveString
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * The Mathematica system via MathLink
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
loadMathematicaModule :: FilePath -> MathematicaIO ()
loadMathematicaModule fp =
liftML $ sendTextPacket ("<<" ++ show fp) >> skipAnswer >> return ()
withMathematica :: MathState -> MathematicaIO a -> IO (MathState, a)
withMathematica st mprog = do
let stE = runErrorT mprog -- (:: StateT MathState ML (Either ASError a))
mlE = runStateT stE st -- (:: ML (Either ASError a, MathState))
(eRes, st') <- withLink (getMLState st) (getMLLogFile st) mlE
case eRes of
Left err -> throwASError err
Right res -> return (st', res)
-- | Init the Mathematica communication
mathematicaInit :: AssignmentDepGraph ()
-> Int -- ^ Verbosity level
-> Maybe FilePath -- ^ Log MathLink messages into this file
-> Maybe String -- ^ Connection name
-- (launches a new kernel if not specified)
-> IO MathState
mathematicaInit adg v mFp mN = do
eMLSt <- openLink v mN
case eMLSt of
Left i ->
error $ "mathematicaInit: MathLink connection failure " ++ show i
Right mlSt ->
return $ initASState (mlSt, mFp) mathematicaOpInfoMap adg v
mathematicaExit :: MathState -> IO ()
mathematicaExit = closeLink . getMLState
runWithMathematica :: AssignmentDepGraph () -> Int -- ^ Verbosity level
-> Maybe FilePath -- ^ Log MathLink messages into this file
-> Maybe String -- ^ Connection name
-- (launches a new kernel if not specified)
-> [String] -- ^ mathematica modules to load
-> MathematicaIO a -- ^ the mathematica program to run
-> IO (MathState, a)
runWithMathematica adg i mFp mN mods p = do
mst <- mathematicaInit adg i mFp mN
withMathematica mst $ mapM_ loadMathematicaModule mods >> p