MathematicaInterpreter.hs revision f31eef72d6536eeb5a51e86d1f367cbb1a1b8e06
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Mathematica instance for the AssignmentStore class
Copyright : (c) Ewaryst Schulz, DFKI Bremen 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable (via imports)
Mathematica as AssignmentStore based on the Mathlink interface
module CSL.MathematicaInterpreter where
import Common.Id
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.MathLink
import CSL.Interpreter
import CSL.Verification
import CSL.Analysis
import CSL.GenericInterpreter
import Control.Monad
--import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadTrans (..), MonadIO (..))
import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.List hiding (lookup)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Maybe
import System.IO
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Mathematica Types and Instances
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | MathematicaInterpreter with Translator based on the MathLink interface
type MathState = ASState (MLState, Maybe FilePath)
-- Mathematica interface, built on MathLink
type MathematicaIO = ErrorT ASError (StateT MathState ML)
getMLState :: MathState -> MLState
getMLState = fst . getConnectInfo
getMLLogFile :: MathState -> Maybe FilePath
getMLLogFile = snd . getConnectInfo
liftML :: ML a -> MathematicaIO a
liftML = lift . lift
instance AssignmentStore MathematicaIO where
assign = genAssign mathematicaAssign
assigns l = genAssigns mathematicaAssigns l >> return ()
lookup = genLookup mathematicaLookup
eval = genEval mathematicaEval
check = mathematicaCheck
names = get >>= return . SMem . getBMap
evalRaw s = get >>= liftIO . mathematicaDirect s
getUndefinedConstants e = do
adg <- gets depGraph
let g = isNothing . depGraphLookup adg
return $ Set.filter g $ SimpleConstant $ setOfUserDefined e
genNewKey = do
mit <- get
let (bm, i) = genKey $ getBMap mit
put mit { getBMap = bm }
return i
getDepGraph = gets depGraph
updateConstant n def =
let f gr = updateGraph gr n
$ DepGraphAnno { annoDef = def
, annoVal = () }
mf mit = mit { depGraph = f $ depGraph mit }
in modify mf
instance VCGenerator MathematicaIO where
addVC ea e = do
s = show
$ (text "Verification condition for" <+> pretty ea <> text ":")
$++$ printExpForVC e
vcHdl <- liftM (fromMaybe stdout) $ gets vericondOut
liftIO $ hPutStrLn vcHdl s where
instance StepDebugger MathematicaIO where
setDebugMode b = modify mf where mf mit = mit { debugMode = b }
getDebugMode = gets debugMode
instance SymbolicEvaluator MathematicaIO where
setSymbolicMode b = modify mf where mf mit = mit { symbolicMode = b }
getSymbolicMode = gets symbolicMode
instance MessagePrinter MathematicaIO where
printMessage = liftIO . putStrLn
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Mathematica syntax and special terms
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
mmShowOPNAME :: OPNAME -> String
mmShowOPNAME x =
case x of
OP_plus -> "Plus"
OP_mult -> "Times"
OP_pow -> "Power"
OP_div -> "Divide"
OP_neq -> "Unequal"
OP_lt -> "Less"
OP_leq -> "LessEqual"
OP_eq -> "Equal"
OP_gt -> "Greater"
OP_geq -> "GreaterEqual"
OP_sqrt -> "Sqrt"
OP_abs -> "Abs"
OP_sign -> "Sign"
OP_max -> "Max"
OP_min -> "Min"
OP_cos -> "Cos"
OP_sin -> "Sin"
OP_tan -> "Tan"
OP_Pi -> "Pi"
OP_and -> "And"
OP_not -> "Not"
OP_or -> "Or"
OP_impl -> "Implies"
OP_false -> "False"
OP_true -> "True"
-- these functions have to be defined in a package
OP_minus -> "minus"
OP_neg -> "negate"
OP_fthrt -> "fthrt"
OP_maxloc -> "maxloc"
OP_minloc -> "minloc"
OP_reldist -> "reldist"
OP_reldistLe -> "reldistLe"
OP_undef -> "undef"
OP_failure -> "fail"
_ -> showOPNAME x
mmShowOPID :: OPID -> String
mmShowOPID (OpId x) = mmShowOPNAME x
mmShowOPID (OpUser (SimpleConstant s)) = s
mmShowOPID _ = error "mmShowOpId: unsupported constant"
mmFlexFoldOpList :: [OPNAME]
mmFlexFoldOpList = [ OP_plus, OP_mult, OP_and, OP_or ]
mathematicaOperatorInfo :: [OpInfo]
mathematicaOperatorInfo = toFlexFold mmFlexFoldOpList operatorInfo
-- | opInfoMap for mathematica's prdefined symbols
mathematicaOpInfoMap :: OpInfoMap
mathematicaOpInfoMap =
getOpInfoMap (mmShowOPNAME . opname) mathematicaOperatorInfo
-- | opInfoNameMap for mathematica's prdefined symbols
mathematicaOpInfoNameMap :: OpInfoNameMap
mathematicaOpInfoNameMap =
getOpInfoNameMap mathematicaOperatorInfo
toFlexFold :: [OPNAME] -> [OpInfo] -> [OpInfo]
toFlexFold nl oil = map f oil where
ns = Set.fromList nl
f oi | Set.member (opname oi) ns = oi { arity = -1, foldNAry = True }
| otherwise = oi
-- | mathematica term "Set"
mtDef :: String -> AssDefinition -> EXPRESSION
mtDef s (ConstDef e) = mkOp "Set" [mkOp s [], e]
mtDef s (FunDef args e) = mkOp "Set" [mkOp s $ map mtVarDecl args, e]
mtVarDecl :: String -> EXPRESSION
mtVarDecl s = mkOp "Pattern" [mkOp s [], mkOp "Blank" []]
mtList = mkOp "List"
mtCompound = mkOp "CompoundExpression"
mtIsBlank :: OPID -> Bool
mtIsBlank oi = mmShowOPID oi == "Blank"
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Mathematica pretty printing
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
data OfMathematica a = OfMathematica { mmValue :: a }
type MathPrinter = Reader (OfMathematica OpInfoNameMap)
instance ExpressionPrinter MathPrinter where
getOINM = asks mmValue
printOpname = return . text . mmShowOPNAME
printArgs = return . brackets . sepByCommas
prefixMode = return True
printVarDecl s = return $ text s <> text "_"
printMathPretty :: (MathPrinter Doc) -> Doc
printMathPretty = flip runReader $ OfMathematica mathematicaOpInfoNameMap
class MathPretty a where
mmPretty :: a -> Doc
instance MathPretty EXPRESSION where
mmPretty e = printMathPretty $ printExpression e
instance MathPretty AssDefinition where
mmPretty def = printMathPretty $ printAssDefinition def
instance MathPretty String where
mmPretty = text
instance (MathPretty a, MathPretty b) => MathPretty [(a, b)] where
mmPretty l = ppPairlist mmPretty mmPretty braces sepBySemis (<>) l
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Mathematica over ML Interface
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sendExpressionString :: String -> ML ()
sendExpressionString s = do
mlPutFunction' "ToExpression" 1
mlPutString s
return ()
sendExpression :: Bool -- ^ symbolic mode
sendExpression sm e =
case e of
Var token -> mlPutSymbol (tokStr token) >> return ()
Op oi _ [] _
-- blanks get extra empty brackets
| mtIsBlank oi -> mlPutFunction' "Blank" 0 >> return ()
| otherwise -> mlPutSymbol (mmShowOPID oi) >> return ()
Op oi _ exps _ -> do
mlPutFunction' (mmShowOPID oi) (length exps)
mapM_ (sendExpression sm) exps
Int i _ -> mlPutInteger'' i >> return ()
Double r _
| sm ->
let (n1, en2) = decodeFloat r
mlPutFunction' "decodedFloat" 2
mlPutInteger'' n1
mlPutInteger' en2
return ()
| otherwise -> mlPutReal' r >> return ()
List _ _ -> error "sendExpression: List not supported"
Interval _ _ _ -> error "sendExpression: Interval not supported"
receiveExpression :: ML EXPRESSION
receiveExpression = do
et <- mlGetNext
let mkMLOp s args = mkAndAnalyzeOp mathematicaOpInfoMap s [] args nullRange
pr | et == dfMLTKSYM = liftM (flip mkMLOp []) mlGetSymbol
| et == dfMLTKINT = liftM (flip Int nullRange) mlGetInteger''
| et == dfMLTKREAL = liftM (flip Double nullRange) mlGetReal'
| et == dfMLTKFUNC =
len <- mlGetArgCount
if len == 0 then mlProcError
else do
-- the head is expected to be a symbol
et' <- mlGetNext
s <- if et' == dfMLTKSYM then mlGetSymbol else
error $ "receiveExpression: Expecting symbol at "
++ "function head, but got " ++ show et'
let s' = if s == "Rational" then "Divide" else s
liftM (mkMLOp s') $ forM [1..len] $ const receiveExpression
| et == dfMLTKERROR = mlProcError
| otherwise = mlProcError
receiveString :: ML String
receiveString = do
et <- mlGetNext
if et == dfMLTKSTR then mlGetString
else error $ "receiveString: Got " ++ showTK et
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Methods for Mathematica 'AssignmentStore' Interface
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
mathematicaSend :: EXPRESSION -> MathematicaIO ()
mathematicaSend e = do
prettyInfo3 $ text "Sending expression" <+> braces (mmPretty e)
sm <- getSymbolicMode
liftML $ sendEvalPacket (sendExpression sm e) >> skipAnswer >> return ()
mathematicaEval :: EXPRESSION -> MathematicaIO EXPRESSION
mathematicaEval e = do
prettyInfo3 $ text "Sending expression for evaluation"
<+> braces (mmPretty e)
sm <- getSymbolicMode
res <- liftML $ sendEvalPacket (sendExpression sm e) >> waitForAnswer
>> receiveExpression
prettyInfo3 $ text "Received expression"
<+> braces (mmPretty res)
return res
mathematicaAssign :: String -> AssDefinition -> MathematicaIO EXPRESSION
mathematicaAssign s def = do
prettyInfo $ text "Assigning" <+> mmPretty s <+> mmPretty def
mathematicaEval $ mtDef s def
mathematicaAssigns :: [(String, AssDefinition)] -> MathematicaIO ()
mathematicaAssigns l = do
prettyInfo $ text "Assigning list" <+> mmPretty l
let l' = map (uncurry mtDef) l
mathematicaSend $ mtCompound l'
mathematicaLookup :: String -> MathematicaIO EXPRESSION
mathematicaLookup s = mathematicaEval $ mkOp s []
mathematicaCheck :: EXPRESSION -> MathematicaIO Bool
mathematicaCheck e = do
prettyInfo $ text "Checking expression" <+> mmPretty e
eB <- genCheck mathematicaEval e
case eB of
Right b -> return b
Left s ->
throwError $ ASError CASError $
concat [ "mathematicaCheck:", show e, "\n", s ]
mathematicaDirect :: String -> MathState -> IO String
mathematicaDirect s st =
liftM snd $ withMathematica st $ liftML
$ sendTextResultPacket s >> waitForAnswer >> receiveString
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * The Mathematica system via MathLink
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
loadMathematicaModule :: FilePath -> MathematicaIO ()
loadMathematicaModule fp =
liftML $ sendTextPacket ("<<" ++ show fp) >> skipAnswer >> return ()
withMathematica :: MathState -> MathematicaIO a -> IO (MathState, a)
withMathematica st mprog = do
let stE = runErrorT mprog -- (:: StateT MathState ML (Either ASError a))
mlE = runStateT stE st -- (:: ML (Either ASError a, MathState))
(eRes, st') <- withLink (getMLState st) (getMLLogFile st) mlE
case eRes of
Left err -> throwASError err
Right res -> return (st', res)
-- | Init the Mathematica communication
mathematicaInit :: AssignmentDepGraph ()
-> Int -- ^ Verbosity level
-> Maybe FilePath -- ^ Log MathLink messages into this file
-> Maybe String -- ^ Connection name
-- (launches a new kernel if not specified)
-> IO MathState
mathematicaInit adg v mFp mN = do
eMLSt <- openLink v mN
case eMLSt of
Left i ->
error $ "mathematicaInit: MathLink connection failure " ++ show i
Right mlSt ->
return $ initASState (mlSt, mFp) mathematicaOpInfoMap adg v
mathematicaExit :: MathState -> IO ()
mathematicaExit = closeLink . getMLState
runWithMathematica :: AssignmentDepGraph () -> Int -- ^ Verbosity level
-> Maybe FilePath -- ^ Log MathLink messages into this file
-> Maybe String -- ^ Connection name
-- (launches a new kernel if not specified)
-> [String] -- ^ mathematica modules to load
-> MathematicaIO a -- ^ the mathematica program to run
-> IO (MathState, a)
runWithMathematica adg i mFp mN mods p = do
mst <- mathematicaInit adg i mFp mN
withMathematica mst $ mapM_ loadMathematicaModule mods >> p
-- | Open connection to MathLink or return error code on failure
openLink :: Maybe String -- ^ Connection name
-- (launches a new kernel if not specified)
-> IO (Either Int MLState)
-- | Run ML-program on an opened connection to MathLink
withLink :: MLState -- ^ MathLink connection
-> Maybe FilePath -- ^ Log low level messages into this file (or STDOUT)
-> ML a -- ^ The program to run
-> IO a
type MathState = ASState MLState
type MathematicaIO = ErrorT ASError (StateT MathState ML)
runStateT ms $ runErrorT m
runErrorT :: ErrorT e m a -> m (Either e a)
runStateT :: StateT s m a -> s -> m (a, s)